Beware of the Prime Gaming "Free Trial"

Beware of the Prime Gaming "Free Trial"


3 года назад

13,162 Просмотров

tl:dr I waste $7 AUD (since refunded) and half an hour so that you don't have to. I was left dumbfounded when they said that I could still enjoy prime, then immediately proceeded to wrap it up by asking if there was anything else I needed help with. Yeah, maybe you could refund me lmao.

Here's part of the conversation with CS:

So, what's my course of action from here? Am I able to cancel the prime without being charged? It's in pending right now.

Customer service:
Upon checking here you already been charged for Prime.


Customer service:
may I ask what free loot you are trying to access?

Nothing in particular. I haven't exactly looked, because I just saw the free part and thought why not.

Customer service:
I see, I am sorry for the inconvenience,

Me: It's ok. It also grants me 1 sub, which was also why I jumped on the opportunity.

Customer service:
I see, that awesome.
You can still enjoy the prime :)
Would there be anything else I can assist?
Any other concern you wanted to address?

But I'm out of pocket though. I can enjoy it, but it was a service that wasn't intended to be paid for...
So, where are we going from here? Can I cancel and get a refund, or am I out of luck?

Customer service:
I see, we can process your request.
I can cancel the prime and refund your money back.

Me: thank you, that's what I would like
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