Perl in 100 Seconds

Perl in 100 Seconds


2 года назад

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@markopoutiainen7108 - 01.12.2023 09:34

IMO, the key to writing really terse code in Perl is $_ and the fact that you don't usually need to evern type it. It probably also makes code bewildering to people who don't know Perl.

@LordOtorai - 14.11.2023 03:39

Why did the Perl code break up with its girlfriend?

Because she said she needed more space, but Perl kept adding unnecessary complexity!

@icqednixYo - 11.11.2023 06:39

this aint 100 seconds 💀 100 seconds in 1 minute 40 seconds

i am 🤓 i know

@brissance - 05.11.2023 13:22

larry wall is a legend.

@kyxey - 04.11.2023 03:45

OUR variable 🫱🐰🫱

@0794515357 - 24.10.2023 23:26

Love the idea of "my" for local and "our" for global variable, makes it sound like a team project

@mayhoth - 09.10.2023 19:00

The elements of an array or hash have the dollar sign as their sigils! It is not @nums[1] (that would be an array slice) or %friends{'Larry'} (that is an compile time error), but $nums[1] and $frieds{Larry}!

@edd4851 - 07.10.2023 16:30

Why does it looks so similar to bash...

@UAFMeyer - 30.09.2023 17:15

How about the video "Pascal in 100 Seconds"? 😀

@rickyanthony - 30.09.2023 13:00

They're not kidding about its string parsing abilities.

@JohnnyMayHymn - 21.08.2023 00:36

how it started: things that are different should look different
how it's going: things that are the same look completely different

@hansdegroot652 - 10.08.2023 16:42

Even after all these years still love unless

@laughingvampire7555 - 20.07.2023 00:40

one great feature you didn't mentioned and probably because is an obscure one, is that when you read any data that is not local, like data from the web, Perl throws always an error if you try to use it without parsing it with regex. Perl forces you to parse input with a regex, Perl called this "tainted variable" so to untaint it you use the regex, and this made sites written in Perl a lot more secure than with PHP, and for many people this was one of the reasons to make fun of PHP. The problem is that noobs still wouldn't know what to look for with the regex, but it helped them to find the documentation to avoid sql injections.

@laughingvampire7555 - 20.07.2023 00:29

I love perl, is one of the reasons I chose ruby over python back in 2004 because the ruby man page says "inspired by lisp and perl" and that was a selling point to me.

@nac341 - 02.07.2023 19:18

Once I had to maintain an email server written in Perl. It was a single file, 10,000 lines long. The worst language ever. I still have nightmares.

@NDHFilms - 02.07.2023 11:03

“I remember back in nahn-teen.”

@ozzyogkush - 24.06.2023 08:15

I'm having flashbacks of that time I decided to use Perl to do my assignments in a CS low level graphics course (early 2000s). Definitely the wrong tool for the job, but looking back I think what held it back more was a lack of understanding good structure. Still, Perl/CGI is what got me into programming during high school, so it'll always hold a place in my heart. I just hope never to have to use it ever again.

@WillWillWill - 24.06.2023 06:28

use strict;

@chmod0644 - 20.06.2023 05:21

Perl rules

@Shazam999 - 16.06.2023 22:24

Was the second "internet" programming language I learned. Was disappointed when I found out literally no other languages have reg-ex by default.

@xbmarx - 10.06.2023 06:37

I know everyone dunks on cryptic Perl one-liners, but that's a design decision. It makes it so system admins can copy/paste whole ass programs them into terminals.

@thebobnewhartshow - 03.06.2023 17:06


@tabassumingg - 01.06.2023 00:02

my exam is in 7 hrs and this helps❤thank youuu

@anirbanmukherjee9248 - 09.05.2023 06:14

I have a question, how perl can be an interpreter because it converts the code into byte code and then it is compiled into machine instructions. It has both interpreter and compiler features ? Can anyone clear my doubt ?

@benoitrousseau4137 - 20.04.2023 19:09

Interesting. I'd be curious to see an example of how good perl text processing is. I believe one of the design goals of ruby was simply to be a better perl: same text processing and array manipulation features but with a much more readable syntax. I wonder if it actually matches perl.

@anuraagtummanapally1395 - 02.04.2023 16:18

Nice description in a short time...

@bouncypeople8749 - 27.03.2023 07:23

I don’t know why, but this language connects with me on a deeper level. I love the fact that Perl isn’t like every other programming language. It’s uniqueness is what makes it so beautiful. Graciously powerful.

@atlantaguitar9689 - 25.03.2023 19:46

I wrote a ton of Perl code in the late 90s into the early 2000s. I used it on web sites, in system administration, and in bioinformatics projects.

@er22ick - 22.03.2023 11:28

I'm here because Dustin Moskovitz learned this in 3 days with the book Perl for dummies.

@trashcan3958 - 13.03.2023 09:59

Wow. This language is shit.

@bbom9197 - 10.03.2023 13:07

Our variable
****Communism intensified

@orangeinfotainment620 - 01.03.2023 21:14

java on drugs

@freedom_aint_free - 26.02.2023 02:20

Raku is even better than Perl 6, it's like the production ready version at the end of the line of prototypes. I've found difficult to reach a conclusion about Raku thought, just because it has everything and them some to it, it's a really really feature reach language, and although I don't like it in languages e.g. C++, just because the language is always surprising you no matter how long you've been programming in it, Raku seems to have done many many things right.

@cianmoriarty7345 - 23.02.2023 04:15

As much as I love perl because idk it just seems to be easier to do things in it, autivivication does sound like necromancy.

@jirikrajnak9047 - 18.02.2023 03:10

Thanks. Now I"m a Perl expert.

@pjf7044 - 11.02.2023 03:48

I think Perl is super underrated

@Osbornesupremacy - 23.01.2023 04:51

Perl Advocate: But does you language have...Autovivification!?!?!?!?

Average Developer: Well, considering that I haven't heard of that term until 1 second ago, no it doesn't.

Perl Advocate: Checkmate, bitch.

@WayChuangAng - 16.01.2023 05:02

I hate perl and I had to deal with it in my first job to fix bugs left behind by developers who had left the company. It was awful.

@allenu - 13.01.2023 08:34

Man, this was a blast from the past. I haven't written Perl code in nearly 20 years and completely forgotten how ugly it was. It definitely got the job done, though!

@JamieBainbridge - 30.12.2022 03:38

This is actually a better intro to Perl than most Perl books.

@lessermook7608 - 22.12.2022 22:58

my brain feels like i just finished a Calculus lecture

@jez9999 - 15.12.2022 12:30

Perl gets a lot of hate but it was one of my first languages and imho it's still better than JavaScript. That's not saying a lot but for some reason everyone seems to think JavaScript is a good solution for everything nowadays.

@ViktorSarge - 14.12.2022 22:27

I spent around a decade working with an open source library system called Koha that's written in Perl. I'm still fond of it and the community, but Perl was never one of the pros.

@KiwiTheCockatiel - 06.12.2022 22:00

How many of you think that he removes the code step by step and then just keeps on pressing the Ctrl + Z command throughout the video to undo the changes?

@danielayesnu2537 - 01.12.2022 19:00

can you talk about Delphi next?

@Rogueixpresents - 28.11.2022 19:21

Not enough $&&&$$&&$$&&$$&😂

@erisen960 - 24.11.2022 12:44

When I first met Perl, I got a veeeery painful headache just by reading the code. :-)

@taehokim336 - 22.10.2022 05:05

I remember from a vocational class where I learned Microsoft's Powershell. The instructor ranted about Perl for 10-15 straight minutes. The abridged version of this is

"Now Powershell has some influences, one of them happens to be a programming language called Perl. Perl was created by a linguist, as in not-a -programmer background kind of computer scientist wannabe, who has some mild obsession with Unix shell commands and a deep obsession with another programming language called AWK. He pretty much merged his interests with C and some other popular languages. So you can see a very tiny influence of Perl in Powershell. The bigger point is that Perl is so unusable for anybody today to the point that its steep learning curve indirectly inspired other programmers to develop more approachable programming languages for the market today. So, thank you, Perl?"
