Organising Your Music Files Using Metadata with MP3Tag

Organising Your Music Files Using Metadata with MP3Tag


3 года назад

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@Cupcake-ce3zh - 19.01.2024 09:39


I'm using a Sony Walkman A55 and I used Mp3tag to change the metadata for my WAV files. I have a few problems:
1) the album artist shows up as the artist of the song (which isn't always the same person)
2) composer is not shown
3) when I change all this information, it is shown on mp3tag as well as on my computer file but when I transfer it to my Walkman, that information becomes UNKNOWN.

How can I fix this problem? I really want to keep using WAV files as they sound much much better. (I don't like FLAC).
How can I make the Walkman show the composer and album artist information?

Thank you!!

@filtercharger - 25.11.2023 10:54

Thank you for making MP3Tag make more sense to me!

@wilk2020visualradio - 30.10.2023 04:24

Great video, I'm an upcoming artist and I want to know how to use this method for my own songs, my own original recordings, pictures, etc.??? anyone???

@Feynman.R - 13.10.2023 23:04

Is there a way to add several genres at once to the existing ones in a file?

@TorrentFiend10 - 13.09.2023 11:31

Big Nicole Kidman fan are you?

@TorrentFiend10 - 13.09.2023 11:27

For starters stop using Windows Media player...... But yes MP3 tag app is phenomenal and it's as easy as dropping the album folder into the app..... Clicking select all..... Use in the database feature to check musicbrainz......... So I did the correct album release that you have....... And just clicking okay to save it. It's literally that easy. It does all the work for you if you can just click next next next ok. To really make it shine though you should do two seconds of effort with a Google image search for large images and add some high-quality album art using the extended tag feature to simply adore remove an image from the files. If it already has a low quality image and you find a better one or vice versa it's as easy as clicking the x to remove anything that might already be there or adding something that isn't.

Bisquick 30-second process is what I do with every single album I have. All the basic metadata is correct very quickly from a reliable source that matches..... And I select my own high-quality album worked so I know it looks good because I already vetted it and added it myself. Do it once right and the results will be great for a lifetime.

@nero-one - 09.09.2023 21:41

I'm new to Mac too I did do all this on my windows lab, but needed that Mac link and some helpful tips u gave will come in handy, thanks you keep up the good work with music so anything around it would help, coming from you ,......

@Ukepa - 01.09.2023 04:53

good video, I need this for my disastrous music collection, thanks

@polandk2 - 27.08.2023 19:56

I'm late to the party but after finding my old hard drive from college (pre streaming days) this is exactly what I needed to clean up the 500gbs of music that has its metadata all messed up.

Thank you very much. I appreciate how clear and concise you are in your videos

@josebrivera1716 - 27.08.2023 04:29

Is the name of the artist Backing Track? If not your video is confusing. For use music listeners, ed don’t se files like you do.

@lonesomeharmonic - 01.08.2023 19:49

I'm not able to remove the thumbnail now after I've changed it. Has anyone else come across this? Any help would be awesome.

@falconauii - 04.06.2023 06:51

worked great, how do you return the songs once edited to their folder.

@samanthapadley118 - 24.05.2023 08:49

Hi how do remove all album covers thankyou

@Miko_of_the_North - 24.02.2023 00:02

Can this thing fix all this automatically? I am looking for something with minimal user input

@thealarman - 23.02.2023 19:32

This video is really useful, i had been using mp3 tag for a while but only to a very basic level. Now i have a better idea of how to get the best out of the software. Thanks Ed!

@wss33 - 05.01.2023 15:32

What i lf have a bunch of individual songs all from different artists? I still have to manually change all the info for over a thousand songs…

@BOR_T_7841 - 20.11.2022 13:39

Informative video nice job !

@claudiawolter3334 - 25.10.2022 16:24

Using bluOS and have had the problem that the "artist" was not shown in wav files. This nice tutorial helped me in that regard. No I am left with the problem that the artwork is not showing. Is there also a solution to that in mp3Tag or is there another workaround. Thanx

@deejayworlhed738 - 14.10.2022 22:15

i just want to know how add column to mp3tag call (remix)

@miomiomiomiii - 26.09.2022 04:25

Very informative video! It's great that I've stumbled upon this since I gave up on organizing due to the amount of music I own. I didn't think I need to do this until now.

@sharifo7299 - 07.09.2022 15:53

Thank you for that powerfull tool, I've been looking for an automatic file-editing tool for a while

@NeilTheBoss12 - 21.08.2022 09:50

Can't you do all this natively under properties? Also I've notice inconsistent and missing fields when comparing mp3 files to flac or other audio files such as media created date, tags, producers, and parental ratings. I don't know why this exists and how to be consistent with varying file types. It's impossible to add a creation date (date song was published) to an mp3 file.

@williamcheap8807 - 15.08.2022 09:35

My god you might as well teach people how to turn on their computer or what the internet is at the introduction because it starts so dreadfully slow I wanted to scream

@Nezello - 05.07.2022 18:48

I wanted to do a search for something that keeps reappearing and then delete that as a group, no search talk sucks

@FlyingMonkies325 - 27.06.2022 08:49

Great! i didn't know you could add a hyphen to a string to add something to the title i'm just learning, if you just add a space it replaces the information with what's under another category from another category which is useful too of course if you need to do that.

@frankieangelo413 - 22.06.2022 05:10

Can you please make a tutorial how to do it on an android phone? I'm satisfied with the metadata I have on my mp3 songs including the Artist, Album cover (Artwork), Album name, Genre and Year although without the rest of the details. but my concern is the filename itself, because I want my mp3 songs' filenames to look neat and formal as their tags and I couldn't change it without making the file unusable. My song filenames is currently named as e.g., "Stuck with U (1080p)" and I want it to look neat and formal as "Justin Bieber & Ariana Grande - Stuck with U"

@patrickkerns2022 - 24.03.2022 01:48

can you use your own photos for artwork?sometimes you cant find artwork for rare psychedelic music?what format ?jpeg? and will it resize it?

@m.a6141 - 01.03.2022 21:50

Great video

@nigelogilvie9450 - 08.02.2022 12:48

Over five minutes into this before we start using Mp3tag.

@steves7896 - 21.01.2022 11:34

Extremely useful. I'm surprised Windows (7) doesn't have something this basic already written in to their OS. I'm loading CDs into iTunes and I'm not able to go online, so no autofill. I've been doing all the metadata manually if you can believe that. Ran out of patience, here I am. This is awesome, thank you!

@KingFishy4921 - 02.12.2021 03:43

After i rename anything it isn't able to play in groove music?

@pineapple21723 - 25.11.2021 11:12

I encountered a problem where after adding some tags, I can no longer play the music. something to do with the codec. I tried again, and it's still the same. I dunno why

@jesterman1302 - 16.11.2021 11:47

Are you allergic to z's?

@mischiefminded - 11.11.2021 00:31

Amazing. Thank you so much. Been aggrevated with MusicBrainzPicard trying to figure out why my filenames are still being named with track number in the title. This will do extremely well until I figure it out. AND, it does it sooo quickly. Sweet! I understand that this tutorial is for MP3tag but this is my file naming convention for MBP - %albumartist% - %album% $if(%date%,$left(%date%,4))/%artist% - %title% $if(%date%,$left(%date%,4)) . This returns a folder for albumartist - album year then the actual file - artist - title year . MBP will not consistently remove the track number from the song title and I believe the mistake happens based on the method used to look up tag data.
Thanks again for this vid and if anyone has a way to help with my issue above....thanks ahead.

@kupokinzyt - 24.09.2021 10:16

Thank you! I used a converter to download like 5000 songs from my spotify playlist because I was tired of paying for premium and this was awesome<3 All my music is beautiful now and I no longer have OCD aneurysms when I look thru my songs :)

@hikaroto2791 - 30.07.2021 19:04

this was a blast! thanks

@carloscardoza7563 - 18.07.2021 21:47

Hi, great video! Do you know how to enable in the column that the app could show the bit depth?

@nicolasbuitrago1220 - 12.07.2021 06:52

Thank you so much! This is exactly the information I needed :)

@adrianhallchannel - 06.07.2021 00:21

Please help me! I've used mp3tag in the past and I was able to save all my Actions and easily apply them to all my music easily using the Actions tab, but I can't for the life of me work out how to do it now. Basically, I had everything as 'Blank' down the left hand side and saved that as an Action for all my music albums.
