Adobe Premiere Pro VS Avid Media Composer - What should you Edit with? | Department Spotlight

Adobe Premiere Pro VS Avid Media Composer - What should you Edit with? | Department Spotlight

Looped Pictures

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@josephb1884 - 30.12.2023 01:11

The right tool for the right job. Avid is great in certain situations, but it absolutely flails in others. As a one-man-band (audio, graphics, etc) I would rather use Premiere.

@noticiasinmundicias - 22.08.2023 00:37

It's wild to read that disclaimer today

@wallywah222 - 07.05.2022 23:48

I'm an Adobe power user, I enjoyed every bit of this.

@fairy3201 - 06.05.2022 03:21

why are all the comments so negative omg

@comunissa - 07.04.2022 05:54

My favorite editor is Premiere. I have also tried Davinci, Vegas Pro and Final cut.
I must admit that I really like Vegas Pro. This program needs polishing in some aspects and without a doubt it could be competitive.

@barryfarrell123 - 10.03.2022 04:04

Sorry but 4/5 years editing no where near qualifies you as an expert in anything.
Try 20/30 years and then you have an educated opinion….

@phillipe2002 - 29.01.2022 05:58

Loved this, very informative :)

@roquefabian.2099 - 16.12.2021 10:05

I am 15 years old, I have been using premiere pro since I was 12 years old, Linked with adobe after effects, Well in my opinion errors are something to get used to, I have also worked with DaVinci resolve for color grading

But it is really unnecessary for me to use software like Avid if you make videos other than television or cinema, I know large film companies that use premiere pro as well as: TELEVISA (Mexico) and Discovery Chanel

and in fact I was curious to try the free version of Avid media composer and I did not like it at all, it took like 1 hour to know how to cut and apply a transition, so I say my respects to movie editors, I hope one day I can be there.

conclusion: if you edit from home or crazy use Avid, it is unnecessary and you will break your head..
you will cry like a baby

@gamerdeluxe7409 - 20.07.2021 12:43

Enjoyed your video! (20+ years on Media Composer ;-) )

@kausoul - 20.02.2021 05:17

Why dont you make tutorial on avid media?

@juanlagos2125 - 30.01.2021 09:04

Can you make marks for chapters in Avid?

@DreamGaming12 - 21.12.2020 10:05

This video makes me click off it

@Barowiec - 13.12.2020 20:21

I think, they could communicate without words

@annoyken - 06.12.2020 06:23

One thing that Avid does great is Elastic Keyframing - just try it - you’ll never want to go back. And the 3D warp effect that basically adds a ton of simple effects at once without having to drag crop

@305kubrick - 30.11.2020 19:21

The title of this video should be “Watch paint dry”.

@d1fuze422 - 14.10.2020 21:55

And 1 more thing, if you are a keyboard guy and you hate to use mouse for editing, avid is the best choice.

@d1fuze422 - 14.10.2020 21:52

Hello mate, there is an another reason why filmmakers use avid. You can open/import your project file from any avid versions above 18. So that would be great of u wanna edit a movie after a year.

@LonwaboMfundisi - 01.10.2020 10:08

I started on Premiere 6.5 way before they released Adobe Premiere Pro 1.0. They used to have a feature called AB editing some weird timeline collapse of some sort. They then adobted Final Cut thinking with Pro 1. I then moved to Avid 3.5 and Avid Pro I got frustrated at first and then I got used it and I respected it. I then moved to FCP 7 I saw similarities with PPRO. I never looked back in using AVID due to the nature of the shows I worked on. I realise that avid is superior with media management and good for Drama and movies too but with Reality TV I think I'll break my monitor because in need to get going and start working lol am now digging Davinci Resolve as it tries to combine Adobe, FCP, Avid a bit. Resolve is also good and it's cheap and reliable and it has frequent updates.

@PerspectivePhilosophy - 23.09.2020 19:51

Came for the question, stayed for the dry humour.

@dekamotionpictures2132 - 12.08.2020 19:24


@junioraray5269 - 05.08.2020 10:06

I learned so much y’all changed my life 🙏🏼

@TerenceKearns - 30.06.2020 14:14

Most people don't appreciate how good Davinci Resolve Studio is because most users just use the free one. The studio version is fully optimised for multiple users to work on the same project at once over the network. It uses a relational database server (not files) to store projects/edits. It's excellent for large teams has the ability to show comparisons between timeline edits. There's built in chats and note exchanging - check-in/check-out. It has great options for really granular organisation. It is a top level tool but hardly anyone uses it to it's full potential.

@davidpasion2509 - 09.06.2020 01:30

It's weird how they're so light toned and humorous but the background music is soft and dramatic 🤣🤣

@alvinburrell - 03.05.2020 21:11

I'm an AVID user - coming from Premier Pro, and it frustrates me when people compare AVID when they clearly do not use it. Yes it is difficult to learn if you are not a serious about editing but there is a reason why almost every major film and TV is designed for Editors, not really people who dabble. The fact is if you want to make a living as an editor in the industry you need to know AVID.

Media Composer is pretty much the same price as Premier and there is a free version.

Why do I prefer AVID?
1. It is stable as hell (Premier used to crash on me every single day with anything over 30 minutes)
2. It keeps you so organised
3. The multicam is just the best
4. ScriptSync (the ability to import a script and edit based on the actual words in the script) is amazing

I know Premiere is very good and I still use it if I need to collaborate with other users but given the choice I'd rather stick with AVID any day of the week.

@gilbertlawrence7161 - 20.04.2020 17:32

Great content. Very informative. However it will be nice if you guys can use cut-aways or b-roll of the GUI's of the NLE's you're referring to it will be nice.
