Twitch Mods Have Created a Platform of Fear and Toxicity

Twitch Mods Have Created a Platform of Fear and Toxicity


4 года назад

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Gabriel - 03.10.2023 11:35

but nahhhh don’t mention it cause bam… <message deleted> or “you’ve been timed out for the next 700 seconds” or banned ☠️

Antonio Tinoco
Antonio Tinoco - 27.09.2023 19:41


Daniel Heidish
Daniel Heidish - 29.06.2023 07:20

Talks about my problems tells me streamers aren’t therapists and bans me

Nicholas Stewart
Nicholas Stewart - 24.05.2023 00:05

The shit at the first few seconds of the video was so fucking funny. Especially because he described it perfectly.

Jesse williams
Jesse williams - 22.05.2023 09:05

Sick rant.

Charlie Grissett
Charlie Grissett - 16.03.2023 05:58

Well, maybe if people started streaming in Morse code this wouldn’t have happened.

Cupcake LuvzTwinkies
Cupcake LuvzTwinkies - 13.03.2023 23:16

It’s funny cause nothings changed

Pastellera 2 video
Pastellera 2 video - 26.02.2023 20:58

Maybe in the future

Kirbygamer06 - 15.02.2023 01:47

Twitch mods really have the ears of an AI.
You say, "Hello!" and they think you said, "Let's blow up a whole country."

Neme - 13.02.2023 18:48

I love how women getting beneficial treatment makes them victims somehow. N-word and badmouthing women are worse than n4zi now

The Transporter
The Transporter - 27.01.2023 10:39

They know that they are SO bad that if anyone knew who they were, they day they ban the wrong streamer, either they or one of their rabid fans will Serena Aghdam their asses.

Ildjarn Magnus
Ildjarn Magnus - 06.01.2023 22:29

So you are saying Twitch is creating racism

Ildjarn Magnus
Ildjarn Magnus - 06.01.2023 22:27

Twitch mods are ball cancer. Litterally if you say ,soy or cancer you'll get banned.

Arcade Alchemist
Arcade Alchemist - 02.01.2023 12:56

ANY media company with pedoass employees will be like this cos they FEAR being found so they would rathater the platform have a counter toxic value and blame lad culture while they stroke themselves with their my little pony fleshlite

JeffSkyward - 19.12.2022 18:48

To this day twitch has done nothing but be shit

Reaper Shadow
Reaper Shadow - 28.11.2022 19:32

it feels weird to watch this now lol

First Last
First Last - 28.11.2022 05:02


AutismoGamer - 28.10.2022 06:08

2 years later and this still applies. Twitch channel mods ruin everything when they have the power to timeout people but they'd rather just ban regulars.

Open Your bank
Open Your bank - 01.10.2022 22:38

Damn Charlie looking sexy here even after a saggy shower hairdo

AshDaddyActual - 01.10.2022 02:28

Hey past Charlie, some chick got a 3 day ban for having full blown sex on stream.

MROIY - 04.09.2022 08:57

Yes, absolutely. They literally need to be taken to the supreme court. Class action unite. They have the list of mods inside the chat, at that time, at the top if you click/tap on it or you can say " !mod ".
 Yes, the mods are creating rejection which increases sui cid e in "young teens", thus toxicity grows and is left unchecked. This is why ment al hea lth is in decline, along with the recovery from forced isolation from 2020.
 They're accepting any explanation there for the words don't even have to be justified. Why is the ban dispute not officially reviewed beyond the streamer and mod team so that it's not overridden? Also, why is the bar so low for moderators and what consequences do streamers have for misappropriating their power to ban. That should be contested upwards like in court. Regardless, they are denying freedom of speech and service via discrimination. If USA courts and Twitch are allowing self-proclaimed Marxists promote genuine mental illness, you should be able to contest the mods and the streamer for discriminating against you for saying your culture & race's words. If women (streamers) wanted a place on twitch then why are they, and mostly their mods, banning everyone from their chat (unjustly)? 
Twitch should never limited full access to a viewer's account, only the streamers access to the viewer. The viewers are the number one harvesting content creator not the streamer. a streamer is nothing without the viewers and thus needs every viewer and should not be able to ban them. The offense is a private matter and the public shaming of the ban that Twitch has taken is ruining/rotting the "community". Bring back JustinTV.

penguinz0 I agree. Something should be done quickly and heavy handedly.

GreyAffliction - 02.09.2022 00:00

Next time someone decides to hack twitch maybe they should focus on moderator team id rather than streamer salary.

SargonOfPG3D - 01.09.2022 15:12

“That’s it. Cya.”
Best outro ever. No extremely vibrant strobe light bullshit with some 2018 nightcore song on it, just a brief farewell.

Somebody that you used to know
Somebody that you used to know - 31.08.2022 05:46

2 years and still his mods are the exact types he talks about lol

nesamdoom - 22.08.2022 23:00

so z1ronic caught 30 days for someone doxxing themself... I really don't fuck with twitch much and i think it's a lot that the promoted shit sucks. there's some people that I'll listen to them chat and chill while i'm doing things or some that i'll watch some the stuff they are playing(mostly like pro level kuz it's nice to see how they'd approach a peek or it's someone that's just fucking off in something weird). it's rough for ppl to effectively lose their job over nothing when the shit can just get replayed and someone can make a decision. and also hate towards people that dont get caught up when they aren't doing anything wrong is shit.

xqt - 17.08.2022 09:20

Dave Grohl spittin fax

Pumpkin3108 - 14.08.2022 19:25

I don't see how you get the N word out of "Fucking idiot", no matter how fast you say it.

LazyBread - 11.08.2022 04:09

Twitch even managed to make Jesus angry

Alejandro - 09.08.2022 20:17

twitch mods are the final evolution of discord mods

a - 09.08.2022 16:07

pokimane says the n word in most of her streams, the mods are simps she hasnt been banned a single time for that

Dbd is not survivor sided
Dbd is not survivor sided - 28.07.2022 05:21

According to KrazyRabb1t some twitch girl streamers actually do get in contact with the mod team and they get put on a immunity list which I believe because that makes sense because for example poki said the n word and she didn't get banned but all these male streamers in the vid didn't even say it yet they got banned so I do think poki is on that list

Striker - 26.07.2022 06:46

“Fucking idiot”
yeah on no planet can that be mistaken for the n word

Alexander Leonardi
Alexander Leonardi - 26.07.2022 06:29

if twitch mods wont give their names. i'll get their addresses. if they wont give their lives, i'll get their families. and the families of the mourners. to do any less, is to join them

Mystical Knight
Mystical Knight - 25.07.2022 18:19

R6 players must be having a rough time right now.

Yume Rei - ENvtuber
Yume Rei - ENvtuber - 25.07.2022 06:41

i've seen vtubers get banned for doing the same thing female streamers do that don't get the streamer banned

Bobby Thompson
Bobby Thompson - 22.07.2022 19:20

Woman privilege recruit life difficulty smh

Shon w
Shon w - 22.07.2022 02:20

Male streamer: "oh! A quick time event where we pull the trigger!"

Mods: so you have chosen death.

Female streamer: "these f * * * * * * ni * * * * s need to go back to f * * * * * * Africa where they belong!"

Mods: I see no problems

Lukandrate - 21.07.2022 21:42

POV: You were explaining on twitch how to cook a salad and said vinegar

Noah - 21.07.2022 09:57

He looks like the lead singer of the foo fighters

Nib-Na5ty - 20.07.2022 18:43

My favorite anime mom

LeafyIsMyFuckingDaddy HailTheReptilianKing
LeafyIsMyFuckingDaddy HailTheReptilianKing - 20.07.2022 08:45

Idk man I’ve been trying so hard to hear yikers in that pink dude’s clip but I physically cannot hear it. Long I and short I are pronounced in two different ways so it’s not making sense to me why it so clearly sounds like nigga with a hard r and i could just barely manage to hear idiots in the guy with the accent but I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt because one has a thick accent and the other one I could genuinely just be mishearing. It’s like yanny and laurel, people hear differently.

Mike Hoover
Mike Hoover - 19.07.2022 19:13

I’d leave twitch if it got to this point like why would a “reliable” company allow their mod team to be anonymous like

Rocio Lopez
Rocio Lopez - 16.07.2022 05:13


Chris - 14.07.2022 12:24

I get your point and why its necessary to speak on it but that's kind of how life works. you find another job or platform. in all fairness, i've been delivering for uber eats now for maybe a year and there's absolutely no support. at all. the few agents available hate their job and dont speak any english so will not help at all. they'll try to compensate for app crashes and mess ups on their end with $2 added to your account and end conversation, and this is while making far less than a top streamer.

Rob Courtney
Rob Courtney - 14.07.2022 00:02

Gotta watch out for those Penis Pixels®

Van Snyder
Van Snyder - 12.07.2022 09:06

This occurrence is fucked but ifk if it's teaching kids racism that argument was a stretch. But the first one I've heard on this channel.

Pickled Blowfish
Pickled Blowfish - 12.07.2022 05:03

"No female has ever traded sexual content for favors from twitch"

Oh my sweet summer child..
