1st Paladins Patch of 2024 - Full Breakdown and reaction/review

1st Paladins Patch of 2024 - Full Breakdown and reaction/review


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@IamPotion - 19.01.2024 18:11

I think that the item shop is getting worse. Instead of making new items all together they decide to bring back an old item, make a single new item, and split an item into two. I wish we could have gotten a “increase fire rate by 5% when you get an elimination” item but ight

@ghosteeniesmith6219 - 18.01.2024 02:26

I just got into paladins this month after 7 years overwatch. It a few levels to learn loadouts and items, but I do like this better than swap heroes.
When does this patch happen?

@leonardo_alvaredo - 14.01.2024 04:25

I'm really looking forward to playing this update.

@johnithanswartout346 - 13.01.2024 11:06

Are you going to do a new video of the what items to take and when?

@darkstalkerknight63 - 13.01.2024 07:56

the power of Yagorath has return!!!!! I need to fix My computer

@micah4539 - 12.01.2024 23:29

I hate these changes.

@GbrielB - 12.01.2024 22:33

hope we have the same change as smite

@acethesinful3328 - 12.01.2024 19:43

Dang it do we gotta wait next season for a new support 🥺🥺

@GabeWatchesAnime - 12.01.2024 19:39

Too many items now, spliting Haven and Resil seems overkill. Bringing old Veteran back is actually pretty cool! But other wise, i actually like how the game is now. Too many items makes shit difficult. Also nice to know Trials are back, i hate it when i can only play for a while, i cant complete the daily quests like the "play 10 games" or "play a certain role 6 times" "do 300k damage/healing/shielding"

@marcocivalerian9099 - 12.01.2024 17:57

old veteran is back lmao

@facupov - 12.01.2024 17:52

The items change are so unnecesary imo, item shop was FINE, its a total waste of time and resources

@aQuestionator - 12.01.2024 17:36

kreepers, dunno whats going on with you but you seem extremely angry throughout this entire video, of which was extremely evident with certain champ changes
something wrong dude?

Also noone said paladins would die because of nerfing VII, it was quite the opposite. Majority liked VII changes, but VII mains like me complained that the changes completely killed off the character's viability in ranked. Not that paladins was going to die. Its clear that you've got a drudge vs VII for some obscure reason.

@sebastianaltamirano4991 - 12.01.2024 17:21


@kotasake - 12.01.2024 17:09

Imma play it but this update looks ass

@kotasake - 12.01.2024 17:07


@uretmain - 12.01.2024 17:05

indirect strix buff

@dogkakgaming - 12.01.2024 16:32

Illuminate removed because never bought great 6 stealth champions that are HARDER to fight welldone evil mojo, if you would have fixed illuminate and had it at max 50 units and not 35 more people might have bought it and all the bronze would stop crying about skye

@dogkakgaming - 12.01.2024 16:25

haha still doing 2 champ skins + 2 recolours... still lazy af make 4 skins instead of recolours 90% of recolour are worse than the original skin

@dogkakgaming - 12.01.2024 16:22

lol now shit i wonder how much of it will be broken and not playable

@t0xictrooper21_7 - 12.01.2024 16:21

Kreepers: I'd be ok if it was 500 Crystals...
Kreepers: They should increase the price of buying levels for gold.

Shhhhh! Dont give them ideas!

@lordhirluinthefair1307 - 12.01.2024 15:01

I'm not feeling too good about the items change to be honest.

@7oka153 - 12.01.2024 14:35

come on let us have 5 items. (and nerf that red item to 8% max) or (make it 3s and on kill not elimination)

@TapiKoks - 12.01.2024 14:14

Agression is back

@anatithe5358 - 12.01.2024 14:04

New players don't buy resil, doesn't matter and it's a moot point to make. It's not that confusing if someone has a basic reading comprehension.

@shaia5802 - 12.01.2024 13:55

As usual they're just breaking what doesn't need to be fixed, these item changes are just dreadful to me, can't wait to see Kinessa one shotting any non-tank character in the game without her ult once more through triggering Trigger Scent, because that's very fun and balanced...

They're finally nerfing Skye's weapon damage which should have been what they should've nerfed for a long time but they're not buffing back her poison, great... Don't really care, I'll still burst people down as Skye and she'll still be very fun but holy hell they just want to kill her.

Don't have the motivation to keep going but very little to be happy for next patch, apart Caspian not being absurdly OP anymore and appreciated changes be it buffes or nerfs like Terminus's or Tyra's. The rest of the balance is terrible... :(

@paulieodrumgod - 12.01.2024 13:33

I'm curious if new kill to heal stacks? If every teamate gets it and everyone gets an elimination, does it add everyone's bonus?

@unexpected8250 - 12.01.2024 13:27

You got the vora changes wrong its 100 over time and 200/300/600 flat

@MasterStacona - 12.01.2024 12:28

Credits item is a double edged sword, you get your items faster, but you only have 3 item slots.

@MasterStacona - 12.01.2024 12:23

The new red item should be changed to :
"Extend anti-heal duration you apply by an additional 0.5/1/1.5 seconds. Increase the time it takes for the target to enter the next out of combat state by 1/2/3 seconds."

Then it is a good offensive item, but does not feel mandatory ever.

@epicrabid1857 - 12.01.2024 12:15

Maybe it's just me but it feels like this is the ramifications for going onto swith so early. But it could just be me bc I haven't played seriously since vora patch 🙃. I still it's my favourite game bc of the friends and memories I have with the game. 😢. No character and 2 less skins... this is sadge. 🫂

@BbMaj13Sharp11 - 12.01.2024 11:55

the body and soul nerfs for kasumi feel so unnecessary. unfinished business is the only thing that makes her feel like a flank to me, because she can actually stay alive. Otherwise, body and soul is barely a movement ability and is really only useful to get into an engagement and not escape a 2 or 3v1. Characters like Zhin have what is essentially just a better version this movement, so I'm not sure why it was a problem. now to get the same 1 extra second of body and soul you have to use at least 4 of your card upgrade slots. Very confusing, I'm not sure who was complaining about her lol.

@yabbadabbindude - 12.01.2024 11:26

I do not like many of these changes or even the new items. They are overcomplicating things that they had corrected in prior patches like defense being simplified into 1 item, kill to heal actually being worth while, and CC reduction being straight forward. The only harsh change i agree with is reworking stealth and getting rid of illuminate

@Crulgao - 12.01.2024 11:24

150 health shield isnt much when betty does 700 with kne auto

@PherPhur - 12.01.2024 10:47

Also I'd like to see the resil changes kept the how they are, just move the knockbacks over to the other one. One seems underpowered and the other quite overpowered. Either adjust the credits massively to compensate or do that swap.

@PherPhur - 12.01.2024 10:45

Yea if they split haven it needs to just be simplified as it is currently worded and it doesn't matter what the player does, if it's a weapon and it's in their hands, and it's doing damage, bombs, lian rifle with all attacks, whatever, its being reduced. Abilities include everything else.

@fischi9129 - 12.01.2024 10:41

people sleep on bloodpath, but how exactly does it work if the person that assists me has bloodpath on 3 and I have it when I kill somebody? do I get 1200 helas from that? or just my own? Also, must have item on support I guess

@elmercy4968 - 12.01.2024 08:58

Wait. What? I thought Kreepers is a cat. What happened!? O_O

@noobifyedplayer9445 - 12.01.2024 08:49

to the people saying it will be a bad update we never know untill it makes to to the pts so just wait a few days untill it makes it to the pts then we can see how the update effects stuff i am personally exited about this update because it looks fun with the new items there are now more playstyles (some more broken than others like trigger scent + bloodbath or guardian torvald, and being able to get nimble 3 from the get go) but that is what the pts is for to test this stuff before it goes to live servers so they can nerf it accordingly

@IlSanchezz - 12.01.2024 07:29

Edit: I just watched till the end and saw that the shield does, indeed scale by 150 each tier, which imo is stupid

Hey kreepers, i want to clarify something bc i guess you didnt notice.

The item that grants a shield on eliminations + 25% cc time reduction has the shield on parenthesis like this (150) while the percentage of the cc reduction is separated like this 25% | 25% which means that every tier of this items grants an extra 25% of cc reduction, while the shield hp stays the same.

If the shield hp was portrayed like this 150 | 150 this would mean that it scales by 150 each tier, but that's not the case.

@IlSanchezz - 12.01.2024 07:17

Ying's ult is now an expensive Suzu now lmao

@MRxJIN - 12.01.2024 06:41

I hate it

@lyuiskhanter7771 - 12.01.2024 06:36

Most negative comment section ive ever seen

@cristhianmontoya6648 - 12.01.2024 06:28

Where is the cat 😢

@EriUwUL - 12.01.2024 06:14

i left this game because it felt unbalanced, and each time it seems even more unbalanced, i quit paladins and went to overwatch 2, but that game sucks with balance too so i quit it too, i dont know what happened to hero shotters but they seem to forget how to balance things

@MBDyan - 12.01.2024 05:55

Less gooo broo claw koga finally boosted🍁🎉

@lilgunna_yt8401 - 12.01.2024 05:42

Can they pls bring back top plays 😢

@Imsleepeebruh - 12.01.2024 05:24

I'm optimistic for these changes however I feel like they're already struggling with balance as is, and to add 4 brand new items to the store along with removing or reworking items, I feel this will be a struggle for the devs. Lets hope they take this PTS feedback seriously.

@Dantelor - 12.01.2024 05:10

I can already picture like 5 item+champion+team setups that will be disgusting with the new items. Wanna make an immortal point tank? You'll probably be able to now.

@haiderz4510 - 12.01.2024 05:10

So they just gutted caspian and took illuminate out of the game so console players have literally 0 chance against Skye. 🤦‍♂️
Will not be returning to this dead game anytime soon, overwatch 2 and jedi survivor it is then.
