WHAT did The Pilots MISS?! Explaining Southwest Airlines flight 1248

WHAT did The Pilots MISS?! Explaining Southwest Airlines flight 1248

Mentour Pilot

2 года назад

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@v1n1c1u55anto5 - 06.02.2024 19:25

I thought i was crazy when i felt like when the brakes isnt working and you press the brake pedal it seems that the vehicle is going faster, as you expected a deceleration. Anti skid sistems sucks, it made me crash in a car rear with my motorcycle

@pishyp - 05.02.2024 21:23

I'd like to ask, pitching down the horizonal elevator would it have helped in any way to decelerate the plane as an added measure of slowing down the plane on the runaway? I feel like it would have added some more drag while pitching the nose down more

@DJZ3M - 01.02.2024 02:24

Why don't pilots do slight turns to left and right when they feel they can't stop at proper distance I do it with my junkie car of course I look into my mirrors before I do it, it increases braking distance and adds more drag on the tires (btw I'm not a flying expert )

@ginkat1318 - 29.01.2024 19:37

Midway tends to get lake effect snow, so it is much harder to keep good conditions.

@omidMPG - 23.01.2024 00:32

Wow im amazed how great and informative this video was

@mistsmogguru8378 - 22.01.2024 15:02

Never flown so never crashed.

@kornonacob - 22.01.2024 06:41

I was a manager with the Malaysian Airlines pilot training academy....
Most of pilots there prefer Boeing aircraft computers .... and they have a simulator

@piyush00001 - 20.01.2024 08:05

The take away from these videos is, in case we loose pilots, we can also fly the plane if needed.

@cjjim4496 - 15.01.2024 02:34

Another point to learn is as a driver. Don't get tunnel vision on the road in front of you. Always look up and around. That's a large jet. Not being snarky.

@chrismusix5669 - 08.01.2024 05:49

A child had to die for us all to be safer. THIS IS THE WAY!!

@tobak952 - 06.01.2024 00:51

maybe a silly question but why isnt there just a simple rule across the entire industry that you always use the most conservative values for everything in all circumstances?

@IPMI_pascal_fanti - 31.12.2023 19:09

Just a small question: given the explosion of the number of flight, I would see it as normal to have also more airplane not able to stop within the full length of the runway. Thus, is the increase in percents or in absolute figures?

@MicroAggressor - 28.12.2023 02:43

Cars would not have anti-skid systems if it weren't for aviation. That's where the tech came from.

@DriveandThrive - 28.12.2023 00:22

I already know the plane crashed but every time I watch these videos I’m still hoping that somehow they make it lol

@josephweiss1559 - 23.12.2023 14:11

Your in Video Commercials are Distracting. Get rid of these promos

@user-ln9bk7mo3l - 21.12.2023 03:46


@pfrstreetgang7511 - 18.12.2023 02:32

I love going through Midway cuz you get to feel some g and having some awesome visuals depending on the weather, but the average passenger is scared to the bejeebers landing in the middle of that neighborhood.
Throw in that tailwind level and I think anyone not in the military would pass.

@mayberry5043 - 16.12.2023 01:30

I hate Southwest.

@spencerlanman4011 - 10.12.2023 10:42

Pilot error but couldve been prevented by one of two simple engineering improvements.

@georged3736 - 09.12.2023 23:28


@michaelmccarthy9411 - 08.12.2023 18:40

Why do airports still use cross runways at the same time? Surely this is inherently dangerous!

@geoffcarlton4047 - 07.12.2023 23:31

Come one though, how do you crash into an airliner on a road, are you that oblivious to your surroundings?

@JohnRobinsonRC - 07.12.2023 09:05

When are @netflix going to offer you a huge contract to make videos for them? Prefer your content over crash scene investigations/mayday mayday. 😁😁👌🎉🎉🎉

@EliteAmmunition - 07.12.2023 09:00

I can't believe they still have that airport open.

@Ranchdressing890 - 07.12.2023 06:01

I live in Chicago. And I remember it was snowing real bad that day. And I did test by about a block away from seeing the plane laying out of its nose, fifty fifth and central avenue.

@SkylineFTW97 - 06.12.2023 20:11

Just flew into Chicago twice this month on Southwest flights. No snow this time though. Guess I got lucky.

@jasonjonas6636 - 06.12.2023 20:10

Does pilots go to prison after this accidents?

@Stufftowatch21 - 06.12.2023 19:39

I just flew into MDW , short runways .

@WendyDarling1974 - 06.12.2023 16:09

That plane should’ve never taken off to Chicago in the first place.

@irineldusu7320 - 02.12.2023 17:40

Are you doing the gameplay yourself?

@johnwoodall3791 - 28.11.2023 01:57

On the conditions, Was snow clearing complete and a Question Mark on possible Black Ice on Runway and what was the weight of Aircraft and Configuration for landing and Runway Length.

@wandiletembe - 21.11.2023 23:37


@DasHemdchen - 21.11.2023 23:30

So why don‘t they build and enforce runways 50% longer? Airport overtime vs. train or car is already 6 hours for safety checks, luggage, boarding etc. it doesn’t matter where the airport is built as long as it is at a motorway. That would immediately get rid of V1 (the speed of no return before taking off) and all the accidents revolving around too short runways.

@catherineclusker7441 - 20.11.2023 04:12

Thanks peter for your videos,appreciate all the work that you do so we i can enjoy these videos thanks

@user-iz8ib8lw1d - 17.11.2023 05:39

Im a Software QA Engineer, which means I create automated scripts to test any sever/database updates to make sure the code is functioning as intended. I also interpret Developer code to make sure they are using best practices.

I literally and physically winced when you said the computer defaulted the input "8 knots" to "5 knots" (its maximum input). That seems like a major oversight and bug for a guidance system that pilots rely on. It should have prompted a warning or not allowed them to input anything above 5 knots. Seems like such a small development mistake, but it had serious consequences

@svullo2783 - 16.11.2023 08:36

Punkt markera slashasarna/trippel idioterna "fuska sig igenom systemet" piloterna... som inte kan flyga plan ,fattar noll men ändå ska vara högavlönade...kan inget & skäms inte. Petter örfila dom ner 1000 Tack !!

@Roytulin - 14.11.2023 03:43

I should note that EMAS stands for Engineered Material Arresting System, not Emergency.

@mogadimetsosanele2285 - 12.11.2023 01:25

Can you apply reverse thrust a few feet before touching down?

@derekturnswood - 11.11.2023 03:26

I’m confused by runway numbers. Aren’t they supposed to be their bearing/10, so shouldn’t the numbers at either end add up to 36?

@kukuc96 - 09.11.2023 00:33

There is actually one factor that wasn't mentioned in the summary that really stood out to me: The OPC software changing the tailwind figure input from 8 to 5 knots. As a software developer, I would consider this a dark pattern, changing user input shouldn't happen. If I were making design decisions on what's essentially a form, I would have it display an error if a value that's out of expected range is entered by the user. In that case (especially if the error message is good, and says that this is invalid because of the poor braking action being selected) the pilots probably would have noticed the conflict between the two.

@Lolo7674 - 30.10.2023 13:10

Hi Petter, I always appreciate the clarity of your explanations. very informative. I have 2 questions, though 1- (Trivial) Where does the Mentour name come from ? 2- ( The real one) Why don't they (the ACT AND the pilots) land the plane facing wind, especially in those conditions ? This question is bugging me every time there is a tail wind involved. Thanks a lot. Nice work.

@J-Burgerz - 28.10.2023 08:03

When you’re schedule dictates that you spend time in Baltimore and Chicago in the same day, you know it’s going to be rough..

@GorVala - 26.10.2023 17:24

Crazy how single lever can be the factor between stopping plane in the bounds of airport or on live highway causing loss of childs life

@jlucas9342 - 26.10.2023 02:32

The FAA 15% conservative calculation recommendations are moot. The pilots belived these calculations were conservative so they decided they could pull it off. The calculations need to be a no B.S assessment of what their best performance could actually pull.off. When a pilot sees it and says dam.. in our best performance in this condition we only have a 40ft margin of error or we will never be able to make this even with a A+ landing. It would leave no room for the "This is Conservative and I think we can do better."

@joshuajwars4271 - 12.10.2023 16:47

Petter or Peter if I anglicized your name can you reply if I call you like that?

@MrZevv - 08.10.2023 19:43

lol.. seeing tihs made me think... do most pilots just fly those planes like its a car or something... ????? Holy crap lol. If i would fly this things you can be sure that i prbably could build em at my own after a few years. They do not know this and to handle that. This is somthing i read so often. And it makes me think... if pilots do not know theire engines... then they should not fly

@faithwithsheldon - 08.10.2023 12:54

If a plane is on the ground can't they do a failed landing and apply full thrust to take off again?
