Minecraft's atmosphere is changing

Minecraft's atmosphere is changing


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@pentacopter9909 - 09.01.2024 11:02

Bro thinks minecraft should be horror game🤣

@Emberheart_ - 09.01.2024 07:01

This could be easily fixed by having an option in the world creation menu. Structure Rarity: None/Rare/Average/Plenty.

@Dhalin - 09.01.2024 03:14

To each their own, but having a huge empty world is boring when there's nothing to actually DO in said world. Structures are some of the only fun in MC but when you traverse spans of nothingness in an empty world, it gets old fast. Ooo, look at that, some more trees on a hillside. Beyond that, is a short flat area with more trees, and beyond that we see... another hill with trees. And there's another river, and beyond that river is some more flat land with trees, oh look, a ravine that goes way down to deepslate, but other than a few bits of coal and iron you could find, it's filled with skeletons, spiders and creepers and... nothing else. I would argue the opposite, we need MORE structures. I shouldn't have to walk for a solid 5-10 minutes before I find anything other than natural land, and woodland mansions are just too ridiculously rare for how important they are (the only decent source of bookshelves without spending hours grinding cows for enough leather to get an enchanting setup going).

@krupn1k - 09.01.2024 02:16

I think we just got.older and lost imagination

@nabongobong9155 - 08.01.2024 16:39

I swear the trail ruins are the most BORING addition to Minecraft ever. All I did was walk around the forest, find one, and then dig and dig and brush and dig and brush again 😅 like srsly how can one did so and find it so exciting. I feel excited after I find an armor trim, but after doing some more digging, all I can find is either a candle or any other useless item.
My suggestion, instead of just digging and brushing, why can't they instead just make it like an underground empty halls that resembles an abandoned village/building, of course we need to dig down first, and then combine the digging and brushing part with walking and avoiding traps, Indiana Jones style. Instead of making the sus gravel burried just like that, they shouldve make it hidden in hindsight along with some structure in the underground hall, making the players consentrate and focus in seeing patterns, that should be more interesting

@peterhoulihan9766 - 08.01.2024 08:09

I lost interest around when they introduced potions. It just started to get too cluttered and lost the calm sense of wonder it had. The original was magical though.

@nofrbls3640 - 08.01.2024 03:56

i actually enjoy starting my own village and creating a nation that pillages and trades with neighboring villages and finding other structures to loot and take over to make a village. they shouldnt get rid of the structures just because some people dont like them, theres a reason you can turn off generated structures.

@AwfulWeather5684 - 07.01.2024 23:02

I reckon part of the issue is that Mojang love spoiling there own updates. If they just released the deep dark cities and wardens without telling anyone. Imagine coming across it for the first time without even knowing it ever existed? They need to stop giving away all the features of their updates. Because the whole point in a survival adventure game, is to explore and find new stuff, it’s no fun when everyone already knows everything about the update before it releases…

@scaseTCT - 07.01.2024 16:25


@Scoztrix - 07.01.2024 09:21

great video! spot on!
really recommend watching this @mojang

@Hdhdjdudh-fv5jk - 07.01.2024 08:33

Jesus loves you all

@FluffyAngelUwU - 07.01.2024 04:31

"Too much things on the water" Isn't about finding it, is about looting it

It is much harder to loot because of drowneds and lack of air

@neriah7269 - 07.01.2024 04:01

why did i think this video was about climate change in minecraft

@tincan357 - 07.01.2024 03:51

why the half life 1 music at the start?

@venrakdrake - 07.01.2024 01:57

Beta 1.7.3 was full of wonder. Exploring the world was a joy, and you were forced to be creative to get enjoyment out of the game, and it wasn't difficult. Now I find it incredibly difficult to be creative in modern versions, and exploring feels like a road block or obstacle because it's all the same.

@discipleofdagon8195 - 06.01.2024 18:04

Bro the Freeman's mind music tho

@nade5557 - 06.01.2024 15:44

Spot on. Rare biome specific structures are so good for the overall feel of the game. I think biome specific villages are a good idea, it's just that villages in general need to be more rare.

@ssnake3461 - 06.01.2024 13:08

Its just the sheer amount of villages, every time i find one i can see another in the distance

@Geggo1611 - 06.01.2024 12:35

I think the massive caves and alltogether larger generation of terrain of 1.18 are a chore to traverse and explore seeming only enjoyable when you already have an elytra - which mechanic doesn't feel like minecraft itself.

@xenocross6597 - 06.01.2024 05:04

Breath of the Wild. Ruins and being in large places alone makes it feel more lonely. More dangerous, sometimes. “This is not a place of honor” and such.

@Ish2103 - 05.01.2024 21:18

they got climate change in minecraft now

@SmellyHam - 05.01.2024 19:56

It's not bloated, just lacks a clear vision of what it wants to be. Been thar way since Notch left.

@edgark6150 - 05.01.2024 19:36

I actually prefer the newer Minecraft with much more things to explore in the world

@moogobIin - 05.01.2024 18:16

This video should be pretty tepid trite but it's actually awful. Your obnoxious clickbait thumbnail doesn't even agree with your own sentiment, and yet for it you've attracted a horde of people leaving the worst comments I have ever read in my life. I hope it was worth it. This video was a mistake.

@raylenn4444 - 05.01.2024 16:23

I don't agree quite.

The fact that structires are added makes sense.

It's inevitable really.

It adds some life to the game.

You're still alone, and rhe world is still so big that it can feel empty between 2 structures.

I still explore the caves and find most of my loot through mining due to how rare villages are on my world for isntance.

So i don't mind the changes, i welcome them in fact.

What i find issue with more is how they cater the game to kids instead of young adults like they used to, and all the EULA and MUG problems that derives from it.

@eSportWarrior - 05.01.2024 15:40

I bought this for €5. Ive seen it all.

The game grew with me, and i grew with the game.

Nowadays i play modded. But damn old minecraft that feeling of your first shaft. Glorious.

@Gio98art - 05.01.2024 15:13

Mods: Add lots pf village stuff. Updated villages. More village types. Lots of structures

Minecraft: Does the same

@WorthlessWinner - 05.01.2024 09:07

Reminds me of how tomb raider's tone shifted

@OneBoredCatbug - 05.01.2024 03:00

I think the civilisation stuff should have just been kept to other dimensions like the Nether or the End, maybe even make a new dimension for it, I hate the guardians because they're too easy to find and kill you pretty easily when you're just starting out, phantoms should never have worked the way they do because depending on your luck you might not always be able to sleep, meaning you're going to be attacked endlessly and die no matter what you do, and pillagers are alright in concept but they do ruin the isolation, could have done something like that with zombies instead and it wouldn't take anything away from the game.

I used to play Minecraft all the time when I was younger, and something kept me coming back, I think this video explains it to me, every time I play this game solo all I do is walk around because it's more rewarding than spelunking is, villages are extremely easy to find now and commonly contain diamonds, gold, pretty much everything you could ever need, you don't have to go far to find them at all, not anymore.

Minecraft was easier, more atmospheric, seemingly had a stronger community around it, and as you said was lonelier.

Something else you didn't touch on was the new music though, a lot of the new stuff really takes me out of the game, it's really easy to tell that C418 didn't work on those tracks, they're all fairly obnoxious to listen to due to how lively they are, in any other game it wouldn't bother me but Minecraft is at it's best with the rare chance that some music plays, most of the old stuff used to be solemn more than anything so it was nice to listen to.

Nowadays if I ever play Minecraft with other people or something, I'm always playing it on mute.

@BotYoutubevertification - 05.01.2024 02:08

Generate Structures = FALSE

@greendragon2453 - 05.01.2024 01:09

Why do you want to play a game that feels lonely??

Such a dumb take.

@Doct0rSeethes - 05.01.2024 00:27

LOL at the "END UPDATE - PLEASE GOD I BEG" 🤣Oh lawd I've been begging that for years too.
However, if they were to attempt to add new features to The End now, I fear it's more likely that they'd accidentally strip The End of the liminality it still has left.

The End's barren, desolate state is what makes it so alien and downright magical to visit. It's the last place in Minecraft where I feel truly alone, even with all of the Endermen spamming "hey" and "what's up" nearby.

There's good reasons to keep faith in the Minecraft development team's vision, since the Ancient Cities and the Warden are outstandingly competent in their design and implementation. Similarly, the vast new additions to The Nether are awe-inspiring, but those updates too, subtracted from that enchanting liminality.

A recent, different Minecraft video made a great point that ties into your analysis here, and to paraphrase, "Microsoft would never introduce the Creeper today, if it weren't already in the game". I think Microsoft is too risk-averse to introduce radical new features to the game right now. If they were to attempt revamping that dimension, I feel the risk is too great of losing that lonely magic The End still has.

To bolster my point, the new Armadillo, the upcoming Anthills and other small features are definitely interesting, but are they sincerely needed? Won't they just add to an already bloated list of such minor features? Doesn't the Sniffer deserve more attention and actual practical uses? How have they not realized this severe over-saturation of artificial structures in EVERY seed?!? Why does it take analyses like yours to make them realize this?

I've been playing Minecraft for more than a third of my whole life now. It's been a part of my mortal experience here for that long, and it's clear I'm not the only one it's affected so profoundly! Our criticism comes from a place of admiration, and a hope for not necessarily something "better", but something more optimal, more true to Minecraft's inherent spirit. It's terribly difficult to define academically, but it's the kind of thing that "you know it when you see it."

Excellent video, and inspirational editing quality!

@ensrick8519 - 04.01.2024 22:28

I think like you mentioned with the underwater temple, just allow the player to have a setting that tunes the density of structures. Having a detailed option in a configuration file for world generation parameters would be nice so players can experiment. If you want that eerie feeling of solitude back, that seems like a simple solution and then you have to work that much harder to get to the good stuff.

I play with mods a lot, and I play with a lot a few mods that add a lot of new structures, biomes, and the like. The problem is that they often overshadow the original game and clutter the environment, however, with a lot of heavy tweaking, they can be made to appear way way less commonly so that instead, when you find them, it is a rare and exciting event. I usually handpick about 30 mods for the Fabric mod loader and then end up having to tweak everything so it's not overwhelming and it takes a very long time, especially when you are hosting a server for friends.

@ChaonicMew - 04.01.2024 20:52

For reasons like these I've moved to Vintage Story. :)

@cleverman383 - 04.01.2024 20:14

This is why I still play beta 1.7.3

@delly2088 - 04.01.2024 17:28

You grew up
It aint that deep

@aquarius5264 - 04.01.2024 15:12

feeling like you're completely alone can be a fucking amazing feeling. current minecraft definitely doesn't give that feeling too often. modding and tweaking the game's settings can fix that ofc, try terrafirmacraft.

@n8ram413 - 04.01.2024 13:16

I agree with your thoughts on the atmosphere and overcrowding. Another thing I would add is that you weren’t just alone, you were the only living person in a world filled with monsters who want to either tear you to shreds, shoot you or willing to sacrifice themselves in an explosion so long as it might kill you. at some point, the stray zombie or skeleton is not anything to fear and can be easily dispatched but I think in the early days of learning Minecraft, these enemies seemed more intimidating and I sort of think that there should be like a hardcore mode wherein there is more capable and impressive enemies who can break through your structures and alter the blocks and game world like you can. Less villages and more ruins.

@tf2engineer - 04.01.2024 06:50

Did not expect to find tf2 music in a wistful minecraft video. Makes sense tbh

@Dictatious - 04.01.2024 05:26


@zealouszombie - 04.01.2024 05:25

That Intro

@ProjectMoff - 04.01.2024 04:01

Back when minecraft came out I always dreamed of them having a system where other peoples builds could appear in your world. With the verified creators on the store they could do this, make it a very uncommon spawn for a random structure from a creator to spawn, it could be anything from asthetic to something useful, maybe some command block stuff for unique items and entities.

@colegmr - 04.01.2024 02:19

Was that the Freeman's mind music?

@ianorr1388 - 03.01.2024 18:48

Some mod or map should just be an empty minecraft world. All villages are abandoned (or mostly), Pillager outposts are crumbling, mansions dusty and forgotten...

@KungsZigfrids - 03.01.2024 16:01

It is true, as a kid who didnt know what updates where or what content the game had I could wonder the world and find new things Id never seen before. These days I find minecraft fun only when its properly modded with either a bunch of fun mods, or a few self contained great ones like twilight forrest.

@BADMANHEEDS7245 - 03.01.2024 15:19

I remember in 1.7.10 forge edition i would look for two villages for hours just to connect them by train and then improve and defend the villages

@futsk01 - 03.01.2024 08:25

The most maidenless video I've watched in a very long time.

@talapantedtoad6461 - 03.01.2024 05:05

Man If only there was a way to go back and play the Minecraft version you enjoy oh wait you can😂

@Runnerman1 - 03.01.2024 05:01

Half-Life and TF2 music in a Minecraft video?! Unheard of!

@bubbles8871 - 03.01.2024 02:38

They added villages before villagers, and I still remember the very first time I found one. It was kind of eerie walking through the empty houses as they looked maintained enough to be habitable (unlike a ruin), except there were no inhabitants.
