Mehdi Hasan - “Win Every Argument” & Humanizing the Israel-Hamas War | The Daily Show

Mehdi Hasan - “Win Every Argument” & Humanizing the Israel-Hamas War | The Daily Show

The Daily Show

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@AnnaSwed - 05.01.2024 17:54

Mehdi was better before. The ones that you don't know where they stand politically are the best. But I'm sorry to say that he has become too biased now.

@mattreynolds612 - 03.01.2024 21:15

Quote of the interview:
"Let us first be biased as human beings before we are biased as Israelis, Palestinians, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Americans," ...ect...
I wish for ☮️on🌍 for All !!!! ✌️

@TRUMPSUCKS45 - 03.01.2024 03:45

If Mehdi Hasan was the host of MTP it would be amazing.

@sangumlinggi8330 - 01.01.2024 09:07

Mehdi Hassan has lost every time he argued and now here he is selling a book on how to win arguments. 😂

@tiberio135 - 30.12.2023 20:13

Can anyone think they like living like they are???

@joem6352 - 30.12.2023 16:37

He's a very knowledgeable dude, plus that British accent makes him sound legit.

@aayushkedia4170 - 30.12.2023 10:17

Its finny how he dosent speak about dictatoship and authorotarianism of countries like qatar and saudi amd uae or iran and iraq. Hmmm i wonder why

@aayushkedia4170 - 30.12.2023 10:13

He is one of the most biased journalists ..its very clear when is is taking or giving an interview...people like him are a cover for hammas which are the bullies and the bigots..i am sad that he think is helping the palestinians.

@faieziabubakar207 - 30.12.2023 05:24

Msnbc cancelling his show because of low ratings shows how little people care about truths and integrity

@eladlaor8 - 29.12.2023 01:22

So disappointing to see a show I appreciated all my life, fall for such a simplistic, willfully ignorant view. "talk with our mouths, not bombs". Why is it so hard to acknowledge that there is no 'talking' with Hamas, who took power on Gaza after murdering 165 Fatah people in 2006? War is tragic. Let's end it. HOW?

@msregal357 - 27.12.2023 02:14

Buying this book for my school library <3 My students would benefit from it

@boulevarda.aladetoyinbo4773 - 26.12.2023 09:20

Only idiots think they can win an argument.

How'd he "argue for a living"? Is he a lawyer?

@JaymeNigri - 25.12.2023 15:31

What a shame! Jewish hostages don’t mean nothing for this unhuman author!!!!

@waywardboi - 23.12.2023 03:54

Follow the money!

@guevaramarwan - 22.12.2023 00:26

I would love to see him inviting a representative of Hummus

@ImmobilienAnkauf - 21.12.2023 15:19

We are with you!

@blairbrown4812 - 21.12.2023 14:49

Medhi Hassan. Future permanent host of "The Daily Show."

@user-lx6fi9uc2g - 21.12.2023 03:03

Well, the biggest gas lighter is calling the kettle black. What a stuck up individual!

@Interstellar2123 - 20.12.2023 16:23

Mehdi hassan is islamist you cant trust him on this topic

@waynela3485 - 20.12.2023 07:48

Mehdi is the best fella on TV right now!

@jachin5069 - 20.12.2023 06:03

Mehdi Hasan to the world. Bombs & guns won't keep us safe and warm; love' warm embrace will. Remember, love conquers all. Try it and see; 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. This also I send to the world, sky wide.

@alexmost166 - 20.12.2023 05:28

Humanizing. What a joke. The guy supported Hamas after the Oct 7 attack and helped spread masses of disinformation. Disgusting terrorism sympathizer.

@minasmile8852 - 19.12.2023 22:13

There is no "DEMOCRACY" in this world, They use democracy for the issues they want. They do not see it as a goal or a way of life, but rather as a means to be used for their personal purposes.
"a democratic countries" is the biggest lie in the history of human being.

@tawfeeqmohammed3335 - 19.12.2023 20:52

Western media can not hide the genocide happening to innocent people kids and women

@rv8766 - 19.12.2023 04:09

This is hilarious,, he gets canceled for being a hamas agent after this LOL! 🤣

@hamed_jwainah2 - 19.12.2023 03:35

مرةً ثانيةً صار يسوعْ
فوق أخشابِ الكراهيّة والتَّضليلِ مصلوبًا
بنفسِ الذّنبِ
نفسِ الأرضِ
والمسمارِ ذاتِهْ

خدعةٌ تافهةٌ
لم نحترسْ منها؛ لهذا تتكرَّرْ

هذه المرةُ جاء الحكمُ بالإعدامِ
مِن لا مَحكمةْ

كلّ روما: اِمبراطورًا وجيشًا وقبائلْ
شهدوا الزّور على أنّ الأجِنّةْ
تطلقُ النارَ على مُرتَزقٍ أصفرَ
من بطنِ الحَواملْ

إنها الرومانُ من تنهى وتأمرْ
ليست ( الوَنْدالُ ) إلا خيلَ (جِسْتِنْيانِ)
و(القوطُ) - إذا ما فَكَّرتْ تَعصيهِ - لا شكَّ بَدائلْ
حيثما إصبَعُهُ الصغرى أشارتْ
سوف تعبُرْ

مرة ثانيةً، ثالثةً، عاهرةً ،
نسقط في وحلِ الأكاذيبِ
وبالمقلوبِ نستعرضُ أسفارَ الفضائلْ

لم نُكَلِّفْ مرةً أنفسَنا
بالبحثِ عن جذرِ المشاكلْ
لم نجرّبْ هاجسَ الخوفِ من التّهجيرِ
أو حربِ الإبادةْ
لم ننمْ في مُدنِ الأنقاضِ حتى ليلةً واحدةً
لم نتخيلْ
كيف لو نبحثُ في كل القواميسِ
ولم نلق بها لفظَ السّعادةْ

لم نجرب دور مسجونٍ بلا ذنبٍ
ولم نَحيَ من الميلادِ حتى الموت في خيمةِ تشريدٍ، يتامى غرباءْ
يتَمشَّى حولنا الموتُ ويحيا بيننا كلُّ وباءْ
لم نضعْ قلبًا لنا في صدرِ ثاكِلْ

هكذا نحنُ ازدواجيونَ مِنْ بضعِ قرونْ
سُذَّجٌ ننظرُ بالمقلوبِ من دون عيونْ
هكذا نحن وما سوفَ نكونْ
هكذا حين يصير العقلُ خيلًا للجنونْ
نحمل الكبريتَ والزيتَ
إلى حَطَّابنا المجنونِ في الشطِّ المقابلْ

"أحرقِ الأعداءَ إنسانًا وأرضًا وبلابلْ
ارتكبْ محرقةً في كل شِبرٍ
وأقِمْ من جُثثِ الأطفالِ ما شِئتَ هَياكِلْ"

ونصلي بضمير دَنِسٍ
أن يحفظ الربُّ الجنونْ
بارَكَ الله (نتنياهو)
فلولاه لتجريبِ القنابلْ
ما وجدنا مثلَهُ أيَّ زبونْ
هكذا نحن وما سوف نكونْ

@zezaaa123 - 18.12.2023 16:25

He convinced me I have to buy it

@zezaaa123 - 18.12.2023 16:17

Mehdi Hasan should run the show

@nadeemmustafa6450 - 16.12.2023 16:44


@ikramh312 - 16.12.2023 08:25

Mehdi is the smartest journalist of our time, what a loss for MSNBC, it’s truly a shame!

@likkeaaaabawss - 15.12.2023 12:00

She did NOT just spit out some lsraeli propaganda bigoted lie about h@mas living at the 4 seasons in Qatar to Mehdi right after he have the longest introduction about media manipulations and lies. she is hopeless.

@BlindfoldedSight - 15.12.2023 10:14

how is hostage taking a war crime? if they give up just let them go to fight you again like its a game? or are you saying its better to execute people rather than take them and use them as a stratigic advantage

@charleslotara - 15.12.2023 10:00

Mehdi is one of those journalists people look for when they need objectivity in unprecedented times.

@FitratAbdulla - 15.12.2023 02:49

Simping for Hamas didn’t work out for the Mehdi who believed prophet Muhammad split the moon 🌚 😂

@Anjiuschka - 15.12.2023 02:19

I need this book! What's the title?

@ayeshaali864 - 14.12.2023 20:30

Shameful to let go of a talented guy. American foreign policy is of terrorism bullying around the world support of military dictatorship, and civil war gun sales to the terrorist apartheid government to oppress civilians. The mainstream media is dehumanizing and in the name of freedom of speech Islamophobia are bigots and racist. American media is not free press they speak language of AIPAC hand picked propaganda.

@ZeeAlarbi - 14.12.2023 19:07

The Daily Show should hire Mehdi Hasan

@emmanuelughanze6460 - 14.12.2023 17:04

I really don't get people... everyone praising a man who is clearly for his own agenda.
No one is saying the truth, especially not him. He is always trying to win the argument at the detriment of truth and this is fact.

@anshii8129 - 14.12.2023 14:47

This woman doesn't know how to talk

@AmmisMenu - 14.12.2023 03:42

Mehdi’s show gets canceled. The mainstream media is at it again folks. Silencing our voices. Don’t stop talking. Don’t stop sharing. Don’t stop boycotting. ✊🏼✌🏼

@aof13 - 13.12.2023 13:43

Mehdi, thank you so much for promoting Mike Davis & the Article lll Project for all the great work they have done and will do once Trump is back in the White House.

@Ihateracists9125 - 13.12.2023 10:11

Crazy how he loses his show talking about his show. He is my favorite political host so much talent for speaking about both sides and the hard truths.

@karankochar3673 - 13.12.2023 05:59

Nutcase host

@lsaleh11 - 12.12.2023 18:02

Well done ❤

@akpl4210 - 12.12.2023 17:00

The Mehdi Hasan Show is no more, he is too human for them!!!

@rajeevmv2658 - 12.12.2023 15:39

He is small bin laden hamas media manager

@partnershipwithafrica5464 - 12.12.2023 07:49

Mehdi Hasan should be the host of The Daily Show.
