Deaf Ecosystem Spotlight - Raza de Sordx at California School for the Deaf - Convo

Deaf Ecosystem Spotlight - Raza de Sordx at California School for the Deaf - Convo

Convo Communications

6 лет назад

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How important is it really to be involved with student organizations?

Students of Raza de Sordx at California School for the Deaf, Fremont share their experience as one of the pioneering student organizations for Latinx students.

To learn more about Raza de Sordx, check out California School for the Deaf, Fremont in our Directory.

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Transcript with Image Descriptions-

A student with black short-sleeved shirt outside against a blue background. He signs “I’m curious, why is it important to join organizations while doing school, homework, races and so much more? Isn’t that enough? ”.

A different student against a painted background of the ABCs in ASL. She signs “Yes, it’s very important. There are 5 top reasons.” Graphics of “5 BENEFITS OF STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS” show up on the screen.

A short clip of Raza De Sordx students cheering at the camera with the graphics of “THESE ARE STUDENTS OF RAZA DE SORDX”. Then next is a picture of 4 students smiling at the camera with the graphics of “A LATINX STUDENT ORGANIZATION”. Next picture is of two students with an adult smiling at the camera selling elotes and horchata with graphics of “AT CALIFORNIA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF, FREMONT”.

Last image shows California School for the Deaf logo of grey and orange hands to create an eagle image with black CSD font against a white background.

Image description - A picture of two students dressed nicely and presenting next to a visual poster. The graphics of “1. DEVELOP LEADERSHIP SKILLS” show up.

Student: “You’ll gain leadership skills.”

Image description - A short video clip of a student presenting.

Image Description - A picture of students with two older people at an event. The graphics of “2. BENEFITS YOUR FUTURE”.

Student: “With different groups of people, you learn to meet with them. That will look good on your future resume, for college and jobs.”

Image Description - A picture of students making tamales. Graphics of “3. KNOW YOUR COMMUNITY” shows up on the screen.

Student: “It’s important to give back to the Latinx community and cherish it.”

Image Description - Video of an event serving Latinx food. Speed then pause in between parts with one part of a student server pointing to salsa and asking person in line, “Salsa?”.

Image Description - A picture of students playing a game. Graphics of “4. ESTABLISH IDENTITY & VALUES” shows up on the screen. Then a series of pictures of students with their description of how they feel about their identities in English and Spanish.

Student: “It really helps us incorporate our values and grow together..”

Image Description - A picture of students being silly. Graphics of “5. THE BEST PART...” shows up on the screen. Then a short video clip of a student signing “Having fun!” with the graphics of “HAVING FUN!” on the screen. Then a short video clip showing students dancing.

Student: “We are proud to be a part of La Raza de Sordx team together and cherish it. Yes!”

Image Description: A series of short video clips showing students signing “YES!”

Image/Video Description: California School for the Deaf logo pops up and video scrolls down to show Convo’s Deaf Ecosystem Directory on a phone. Then a finger presses the Ecosystem Maps to show the map of the US with different pins dropped. Then the finger presses the home button on the phone to show the Convo app icon. Phone slides out from the bottom of the screen and switches to a white background with the black text of “DEAF ECOSYSTEM IN YOUR POCKET”. Next image pops up is a green background with Convo logo in the middle with a smaller set of text: “Partnership with The Daily Moth logo” popping up in the bottom.


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