Made In Prehistory: Environment | World History Full Documentary

Made In Prehistory: Environment | World History Full Documentary

Made In History

1 год назад

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@MadeInHistory - 07.02.2023 00:10

What are your theories involving Prehistory?

@chrishedlund3196 - 19.01.2024 03:34

Ai spoke? I can’t
Listen to it. I think we should boycott these channels. U can tell they the same words exactly the same like “years ago”. Exactly the same, F minus bye bye :)

@peterkerruish8136 - 02.12.2023 12:57

Stick your constant adverts up your ars.e !.

@craigbhill - 25.11.2023 04:27

This video offers nothing newer than the 1990s. A poor nothingburger. And badly written by a robot even dumber than his programmer.

@motogrey3707 - 25.10.2023 00:40

Sorry but the over intruding ads spaced roughly five minutes apart prevent the retention or productive cognitive use of your ever so valuable material. Not sorry to have to draw a line somewhere. Time you over indulgent capitalists grew a brain. EVOLVE!!! Please?

@nibiruresearch - 20.10.2023 12:18

As long as we deny that mankind lives in a cycle of seven world eras that are separated by a natural disaster, best known as a flood, we are walking in the dark and can't explain our history. This cycle is mentioned in several ancient books and it is also depicted in many ways. The cause of this cycle is the ninth planet in our solar system that turns around our sun in an eccentric orbit. Only when it is closest to the sun, the planet is visible and its crossing through the ecliptic plane at a very high speed causes disasters on our planet, best known as the great flood, the end of times or the creation. Because after each disaster, that eliminates the present civilization, a new civilization will emerge. At a moment in time, an advanced civilization knows that and when they will be wiped out. And they know that many thousands of years later a new advanced civilization will discover this cycle. And they want that new civilization to know that they existed many years ago. So they erected huge buildings that could survive many thousands of years as the Great Pyramid. And in many other ways they left signs of there skills. Many exist in Egypt, but also in Mexico, South-America and Sumer. But also the Tisul princess may be such a sign. As long as we deny this cycle of civilizations, we will never understand our history. To learn much more about planet 9, the recurring flood cycle and its timeline, the rebirth of civilizations and ancient high technology, read the e-book: "Planet 9 = Nibiru". This book answers many of your questions about ancient history. It can be read on any computer, tablet or smartphone. Search: planet 9 roest

@jimburch746 - 07.10.2023 08:30

I love history but without a biblical view I can't listen for long I don't trust your information

@jimburch746 - 07.10.2023 08:28

I will never believe any of this Godless bunk

@grahamthomas4804 - 04.10.2023 12:58

what a wonderful story thank you

@Gary.S - 01.10.2023 08:51

Brill good film

@AliTheIrfan - 23.09.2023 15:59

I love the words - how did it... And simply the word how?

@EvanRutledge - 22.09.2023 14:45

Out of Africa is fantasy

@JMDinOKC - 19.09.2023 14:45

It seems to happen all the time: Every time you think you know how prehistorically old something is, something even older is found. I wouldn't be surprised if someone dug up a 10-million-year-old cell phone.

@seanmchugh6263 - 13.09.2023 23:14

This stuff is nonaenae. The dates and descriptions are miles out,

@marcusavanti902 - 09.09.2023 19:03

Horrible AI voice over, unlistenable

@johnp9298 - 09.09.2023 08:54

BCE is non existent. Using the Christian calendar and those dates you can't the rename Before Christ BC. If you want to use BCE then come up with your own calendar that doesn't use Christs birth before and after. Complete BS

@MM-yl9gn - 07.09.2023 04:50

Oh god AI run amuck.

@sno4439 - 07.08.2023 11:39

You called it everything but Palestine.
This is a form of genocide considering Palestine still exists to this day.
Even if it is under and apathite regime controlled by Israel

@jennklein1917 - 05.08.2023 08:35

This makes question "climate change", when earth is always changing her climate! Animals are becoming extinct constantly! It is nature's way

@rheinhardtgrafvonthiesenha8185 - 28.07.2023 19:38

“Animal husbandry”???

@rheinhardtgrafvonthiesenha8185 - 28.07.2023 19:30

Careful now. Don’t get too scientific….

@kimberlypatton205 - 23.06.2023 08:07

I am now addicted to this great channel! So well explained and keeps your interest every second while providing information that is taken in easily! Bravo!

@hydrotilling7043 - 22.06.2023 22:28

The whole entire movie is based on agricultural pretty much, but for some apparent reason you can’t find any footage of people doing agricultural work all I see is dead deserts, dead bones, maybe a few pictures of some barren areas but I don’t see agricultural images at all. is it that you cannot find people join us, and you just want to pretend you know everything where is the proof of the images of the techniques I invented hydrotilling I invented the modern technology for anybody to be able to turn any piece of ground into a garden with water pressurized just adds seeds afterwards I have hunted in the ocean and worked at slaughter houses for many years to acquire millions of pounds of food for everybody. I worked as a very large of Sawmill‘s to acquire the timber for the houses enough to build 100,000 homes easily. Now I grow fruit trees and nut trees and berries. I learn how to process plants from seeds, I just processed close to 400,000 strawberry seeds I am harassed by spam and Google constantly because I know what I’m doing. I’m trying to make it so I can kill the giant that is hunting ass trying to make us weak if we don’t watch it and start growing gardens all around us, and people start planting trees that will actually produce food or grocery seeds of any type of grass form that will produce seeds that are large enough to eat. Keep some of your wild plants around with because there a medicine that we need we are going to fail internally. I don’t care how many people want to play ruler of America and dominate everything one little issue it’s all gone, because we don’t have food growing around us to be able to protect us against any situation, and that causes us not to have this much money it makes it so we cannot buy other goods that we like to do across the world. The reason why we have became so large is because we have been selling off the country slowly but surely from plots of 160 acres they got down to 40 acres 20 acres 10 then five then one Dallas little plots of land starting to become a lot more apartment complexes and still we’re not growing the food around us😢

@recedingbrowboy - 05.06.2023 01:56

Thank You!

@louiscervantez1639 - 10.04.2023 23:22

E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T Thank You

@augustusmd - 06.04.2023 05:15

graham hancock should watch this.

@daniaa.oliva-pena7338 - 01.04.2023 09:20

This video is so thoroughly informative and so useful . I really feel that , I have learned soon much. This is by far the worth watching and sharing . I appreciate your channel and will support it and share it with homeschool teachers and families . Thank you , thank you , thank you ❤

@chrisbarclay6127 - 20.03.2023 05:00


@Ghost2743 - 17.03.2023 06:59

Great video! I just have to say, it would be more accurate to say dog domestication began 30-50kya. Definitely the first, and 100% from Grey Wolves.

@AntzLoks1314 - 14.03.2023 08:12

El-Choctaw-lord-De-CalifasMexicoAztlan Antz-that-walks-in-sky i 🐜

@VaxtorT - 05.03.2023 10:35

LOL........Very Amusing.

@bartbullock9742 - 05.03.2023 10:32

We could have many questions answered if we could get to the basement of the Vatican.

@ronalddunne3413 - 02.03.2023 07:24

Interesting but no cigar and no "thumbs up" due to the commercials. TOO MANY and TOO OFTEN!

@jamesanonymous2343 - 01.03.2023 10:56


@robertwhite1810 - 01.03.2023 07:27

Horrible to listen to with constant background music (noise)

@mattmatty4670 - 28.02.2023 07:56

Cool thanks mate. Cheers

@michaelbatarick9617 - 26.02.2023 06:30

Some of the best, most comprehensible content I've seen on the internet in 20 yeats

@Dreddwinner - 25.02.2023 15:47


@bobshilaki - 23.02.2023 13:28

Good shit! Keep it up!

@igorbrille8222 - 21.02.2023 11:01

History means his story. And stories are changing.

@nosillalaluna7078 - 17.02.2023 20:18

So much known , and unknown , so much more to discover ! My view is , like life , our history is in constant flux . So , I take what makes sense and am always anticipating the next shift in our understanding of the past . We whom exist now are here for a reason , I just hope we find that reason before it's too late and we too go the way of the mammoth!
Thank you for an excellent presentation. Look forward too the next chapter in this ongoing saga of mankind's journey through life .

@stevelauda5435 - 15.02.2023 09:01

So sick and tired about stunned scientists claim we all came from Africa, get lost, your theories hold no water.

@onemorequarter1087 - 14.02.2023 15:28

We all learned the main stream history narrative is a massive lie. The reset evidence of 1902 is overwhelming. World fairs.

@canadiankewldude - 13.02.2023 00:15

What "Prehistory?"
Gen 1:1  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

@dkexpat2755 - 10.02.2023 12:55

Im so happy when i see you upload :)
