What Happened To Galio? - Why NO ONE Plays Him Anymore | League of Legends

What Happened To Galio? - Why NO ONE Plays Him Anymore | League of Legends


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@philtess3126 - 28.08.2022 09:42

I don't know if I missed it in the video, but I think no one mentioned galio as a support. I think everyone plays him Ap because of how bad it feels to cs as tanky galio. That's the neat thing about galio tank supp though, you don't cs.

@soldier22881 - 06.09.2022 09:26

i like the old galio look he looked so much cooler. they could have simply made antoher galio keep old one and have new looking one. both had kinda different abilities

@Joe.D.780 - 07.09.2022 02:55

not gonna lie I really miss the prework galio

@strongsuccessfulweeb1400 - 08.09.2022 19:19

Vars can you do Vladimir next? I'm kinda unsure where my boi would fit

@orbitalcannon3534 - 20.10.2022 01:07

personally, i think he needs some way to reduce the cd on his passive mid fight. Something like "every cc'd enemy reduces a second on his passive" idk though balance nightmare

@trevorpaden175 - 20.10.2022 17:30

I'm a galio one trick 😳

@StoicKobra - 22.10.2022 08:50

i play galio a ton and i genuinely cant get enough of him, hes so fun to me but his problem comes from his severe lack of range

@nolan7527 - 14.11.2022 07:17


@rodrigobaptista04 - 22.11.2022 01:06

i just wish they didnt take his w flash mechanics, it was so good to be played supp in season 9

@anthonybothe3501 - 24.11.2022 20:44

He comes across as a tank, I mean look at him. They should definitely change his scaling based on tank stats, like how taric, rammus, voli have tank stats in ther damage scaling which reinforces a tank build, galio scales with everything in a medium degree which I think is why he’s weak all around. If he scaled better off tank stats and less off DPS stats then he’d be amazing and easily balanced.

@melvinallennavales8547 - 08.12.2022 11:14

I like him if he's PURE Tank, with tank scaling abilities.

@gouthambolt - 10.12.2022 20:07

I play wildrift and he is op. Galio is surprisingly good for aggressive plays. Galio is also an amazing counter to sion on baron lane

@jeffersongabriel1117 - 21.12.2022 17:02

Very nice analysis of Galio situation. I think that the main problem with Galio is that he has all abilities with big CDs, as you mentioned.

@jeffersongabriel1117 - 21.12.2022 17:02

Very nice analysis of Galio situation. I think that the main problem with Galio is that he has all abilities with big CDs, as you mentioned. The Q must be weakened, but more spammable and his passive should do less damage, but with another effect. Having a champion with all abilities with more or less 10sec CD without AH is disgusting. I play Galio since 2013 and before his full rework I really loved how I could trade against enemy champions using Q and W, even with a very weak passive.

@iwillnoteatzebugs - 27.12.2022 16:25

Nerf to predator killed him.. maybe thry can buff him by letting you E-flash combo

@Orthuzz - 30.12.2022 16:01

I d let him be as he is but shorten cd of e or w by 1s, it may be shorten from idk 12 level not from start. But his cds are really huge, i attack make combo but usually it doesnt kill and then i run. When u dont kill with other mage u re far (if no, u screwed already), with galio u tank everything.

@sadge1759 - 06.01.2023 08:09

i used to play galio a lot but since his Q became 10 sec cooldown at max rank was 6 sec pre nerf. i just dont enjoy him anymore you literally do your whole combo and after that y
our a sitting duck.

@FrancisIsNot - 16.01.2023 22:32

I love galio he is my favourite champ to play, but galio is a jack of all trades but a master of none. He can tank, but others can do it better, he can be a mage but others can do it better, he can support but others can do it better

@mildchaos6037 - 25.01.2023 08:00

He’s very team dependent, I hate playing with scared teammates because I can never get a good ult off even if I ping I have it. Lack of range is also an issue, sure we have Q but the cooldown is king and mana cost is long and it’s easy to dodge. Cooldowns are crazy long & farming with Galio can suck since his non empowered autos do negative damage

@mariushjrnevik454 - 27.01.2023 20:42

best support champ imo

@nandomercy1 - 31.01.2023 04:28

Old galio was a totally different champ, this new one sucks. his ulti is by far the worst piece of S% ever. long cooldown, virtually no damage, can be canceled with cc, the magic shield is non existent.

@MrShartly - 22.02.2023 00:09

Galio is a better top laner than mid laner

@rex9412 - 28.03.2023 10:12

He should just be a tank like give him some hp scaling's on e and his passive so building health is better so he can do more from not just mr but hp. They would also need to nerf the ap scaling's on w and e I think because then hp bruiser would also be stronger and not just tank. I play him as tank and boy is it rough when you use all your cooldowns and do 10% of their hp because the only damage you have is your passive. On the passive they could make it's cooldown scale with hp so not more damage but more often making tank galio more consistent in damage and wave clear. Making him more persistent by lowing his numbers by lowering the cooldowns would also help. They can nerf other parts of his kit like maybe even the mr scaling on passive but some extra support for tank stats would be great for him. Same with gragus. Both are ap bruisers because they are tanks that suck at being tanks. For gragus I would give him hp scaling on w damage and e damage not much like 4% bonus hp but some. I think the main issue for galio and gragus is a lack of persistent anything and support for building tank stats. They do really need to up his scaling's for tank that he has as well cause you are basically just kench but more niche. Both are wardens but kench is way tankier, can protect allies better and has a longer ranged and maybe better engage, plus he has consistent damage even late game where as galio doesn't. if they can make his damage from tank be as consistent as kenches is throughout a match by lowering base stats and uping hp and mr scaling's then he would be a lot less polarising to play. I don't want him doing kench damage cause he gets other thing. For a stone colossus that can fall kilometres out of the sky and be fine he isn't very tanky. (Also give him malphite's secret passive but for mr so you can be massive from building mr. That doesn't help him in anyway, maybe makes him worse but it would make him feel more fun to play as a tank player.)

@Tartersauce101 - 12.04.2023 09:11

I don't know how GOOD he is but I find him more fun to play in support than mid. Idk maxing q first and last hitting with him just feels so boring.

@claudiocosta6348 - 17.04.2023 10:49

Why no one plays galio - not enough dashes and not flashy enough. Also no one likes a stone pig

@Plotamor - 26.04.2023 14:44

His damage isn't enough to call him an AP champ and he is not tanky enough to be tank. Honestly, I think his kit is just too balanced in a game that is not.

Decent cc
Decent damage
Decent tankiness
Long cooldowns

@Paopao621 - 26.04.2023 18:31

he was my main 6 years ago

@bobjohniwanttodie5804 - 14.05.2023 15:13

Full ap and stone plate is what I did 2 or 3 seasons or so ago and it worked well you get bonus heal from your ap items so in the end you get 60 armor and mr and a shirld

@Jvstm - 02.06.2023 19:52

Damn. It's almost like it's another failed rework.

@TheRevivist - 13.06.2023 12:41

I can never have a good game with Galio, he feels too weak. His identity is supposedly anti AP right? Why should any ranged mage win against him then? But take Malphite for example. He builds 1 armor item and bramble into an AD champ like Riven or Pantheon, he instantly wins. Just doesn't make sense. His ult is complete ass because most of the time by time you ult, that person is long dead or everyone has dashed out the range cuz riot loves to make every champion come with a dash now.

@fujin0x587 - 14.06.2023 06:25

galio is so bad atm, so slow and high cooldowns

@elreydabik - 31.07.2023 18:25

I Main galio but I only play with in high Elo since you need an actual team to really use him

@latvian_fallen_angel - 06.08.2023 10:06

I play him support vs yummi, best yummi counter, magic shield for yummis q and if yummi ever jumps off she is dead 99% of the time

@elijahproto - 24.08.2023 01:01

As a non-Galio main, it seems like it's because he's basically a glorified tank support, he just doesn't do enough damage to feel impactful to late game as a midlaner, even when you build him AP, you feel strong at the start, but later on that Q power just diminishes and diminishes, and then when you build tank and you don't have teammates around you, you're basically useless. He's like Shen but without that auto-attack power that makes it so you can 1v1

@mistersergei - 16.09.2023 10:03

I play

@corporatecanine6030 - 08.10.2023 19:46

Galio Support is fun as hell

@giogonzalez499 - 31.10.2023 17:26

I think that they should go more in depht in his antimage identity, and give him more pasive MR, more scaling MR and put in all of his abilities MR scaling DMG. And make that you have to build MR and AP. Making him more a nish pick or a counter pick for mages, like a Kassadin.

@aetherhae - 06.12.2023 02:38

I think the best way to balance him is to make him an AP Bruiser, move power into his auto attack that he has, and out of his Q's flat damage, lower the AP scalings on everything except the max health damage, and then adjust his stats as needed. He should be a little tankier than Diana, is what I think.

@kroneexe - 08.12.2023 19:35

I would play him if he was an actual tank.

@wafflesoldier7957 - 22.12.2023 05:51

would the galio rework video still happen?

@oabilemlamuli9445 - 29.12.2023 00:45

Can you please make a video for no one plays Kassadin?

@lollekompolle - 05.01.2024 08:27

I think what Galio needs is the ability to be a pain in the ass when ignored and he'll be fine. Like more pushing power. If the idea of him is that his identity should revolve around being a protector his strong suit should be protection of his allies, which it is. With coordinated play like proplay he can really shine in that regard as there will be reliable communication. You sort of can be sure that there will be good opportunity to use your ultimate which in soloq you just can not rely on. So for soloq he needs more lane pressure would be my assumption. Like you pointed out in the video. People tend to ignore him because he's just a walking statue that's not a real threat to your base in any way in of itself.

I think his Q has a lot of potential to solve two issues at the same time. First of all the shape of it is just weird. Kinda like Dianas Q only that it has two arcs compared to one. But for Diana it's not only a source of damage as it is for Galio, it sets up her other abilities due to her passive mark. Galios Q could be changed to something that has a more clear identity and is a reliable push tool. Maybe it could work a bit like Aatrox's Q where it could be recast 3 times and each time it has a different shape or effect on enemies hit or something alike. It should be a tool that's mainly good versus minions though.

@tyago1949 - 16.01.2024 04:24

I just started playing him. January 2024. I like him a lot. I compare him to Lissandra a lot. You don't really play Liss for the damage but much more for the utility/cc. I put Galio in the same boat. I have to admit that i only started playing League 3 years ago so i don't know his entire story and rework but i think he's well rounded.

@Technominak5566 - 25.04.2024 06:32

Anti carry?

22/2/10 MVP: am i a joke to you?

@thesawjautja1392 - 26.04.2024 01:06

As a galio main i use it as a support using a tank build, it does work very well tbh, if you want to use it midlane, is a little bit more hard, but is fun to use

@Kodiah- - 07.05.2024 09:46

Just make him a battle mage

@PhantomMarth - 21.05.2024 08:48

Galio was my first love and I enjoyed how silly he was and how ugly and VERY GARGOYLE like! To me, that was good design.

The new look is ugly as hell, to me

@whitebearXDD - 15.07.2024 01:03

i swear to god the background song is from How its made 😆😆😆😆

@VarsVerum - 31.05.2022 19:41

I can't math... How the heck did I think 6 x 5 was 40... ._.
