What Is Eloquent Serialization? | Laravel For Beginners | Learn Laravel

What Is Eloquent Serialization? | Laravel For Beginners | Learn Laravel

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Oleg Pristashkin
Oleg Pristashkin - 16.05.2021 17:46

But we have API resources, why we need serialization in this case? We just can use API resources and configure json structure of eloquent using toArray method

Guido Lippolis
Guido Lippolis - 15.04.2021 18:10

Is it possible to see table names as well by using Serialization?

Muhammad Ans
Muhammad Ans - 16.01.2021 22:22

very very informative 👍

Raj Abhishek
Raj Abhishek - 04.01.2021 16:53

Nice video..
