Jordan Peterson - 7 Harsh Realities That Nobody Talks About

Jordan Peterson - 7 Harsh Realities That Nobody Talks About

Chris Williamson

2 года назад

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Miranda Nanda Maria van Dijk
Miranda Nanda Maria van Dijk - 12.10.2023 09:17

Set your soundtreshold different. That's much better to listen to. Interesting talk.

Matthew Ferri
Matthew Ferri - 11.10.2023 22:57

Too many damn commercials!

Tech G
Tech G - 11.10.2023 22:32

Excellent listen.

håvard windingstad
håvard windingstad - 11.10.2023 19:48

My respect for Peterson sank as much as his respect for Musk...

Nicholas Allcock
Nicholas Allcock - 11.10.2023 19:39

'it's more dangerous here, if you stay with me'

Gurgle Jug
Gurgle Jug - 10.10.2023 13:58

As a society, if we are to survive, we must must must get past this "women are higher up the skills or dominance hierarchy" - they are only up a hierarchy of basically peace, rules, safety and cooperation set up by men and indeed by both sexes too. Once there is war, disaster or strife and the normal failsafes and rules of society break down, some 95% of women will be totally lost without the skills and adrenalin and testosterone driven, focused strengths of men. This has been shown time and again - from soldiering to (most always biased in women's favour) selection courses to popular 'stuck on an island' TV viewing to actual disaster situations. There are women who excel, there are men who fail totally, yet this remains an absolute and unquestionable rule of life.

R. Andrew K. Reed
R. Andrew K. Reed - 09.10.2023 16:56

Soooo....educating women will, in the long run, always be unproductive...taking civilization to collapse. Nice

Ed Shipman
Ed Shipman - 09.10.2023 02:39

Tanya Bucci
Tanya Bucci - 08.10.2023 16:46

John Lydon is the best. Good talk!

Anderson Mitchell
Anderson Mitchell - 08.10.2023 16:03

Jordan be explaining my thoughts.

Bro - 08.10.2023 14:14

Humans somehow dont understand that the planet is fine , rapidly chaning the eco system is an issue for us not the planet , the planet will be fine without life on it , its sad for us cuz we are ruining it for ourselves .

shaftlamer - 08.10.2023 00:24

Lowering standards for the diverse crowd😂😂

Rob Ramcharan
Rob Ramcharan - 07.10.2023 23:15

Sometimes people's thoughts appeal to more and more people as they make them public. Sometimes they just tick everybody off. Sometimes, saying whatever pops into your head is not the best way to proceed.

Lewis Tyler
Lewis Tyler - 07.10.2023 20:43

Before Jordan mentioned hip-hop, when talking about the attractiveness and inherent danger of a man with both physical prowess and verbal intelligence, I instantly thought of Tupac Shakur. Peterson is telling us to keep our sword sharp, in the terminology of the Wu Tang Clan.

gen manion
gen manion - 07.10.2023 17:45

you say it's all fair but on the other side of your mouth you say women are wrong for going for their dreams that includes the profession they chose. 1/3 is not a lot it's not the majority. all these women are not going to be alone and childless. leave it to a republican white guy to think he knows what's right for women. and by the way if the population is going to grow it will be minorities that will be the majority, i don't care but your kind does. forcing an unwanted birth will create psyco kids because they aren't going to bond with their mother like you think. you don't know the real world you freak leming

spridle - 07.10.2023 02:09

I don't see why Jordan doesn't make his podcast an X/Twitter exclusive and interview Elon for his first episode.

Sensai Vers
Sensai Vers - 07.10.2023 01:47

JP likes to hear barzzz.

Jude Grindvoll
Jude Grindvoll - 06.10.2023 19:55

Societies don't create environments where women can realistically have children in their twenties anymore - this needs to be acknowledged. In the UK people can barely afford to leave their parent's home in their twenties. Couples who do manage to move out (usually renting because saving for a deposit is a mountain to climb these days) will often use nearly 50℅ of their combined salaries just to cover rent. This is before you cover bills and food. I've read hundreds of messages of women online distraught that they simply cannot afford to expand or even start their family. These birth rates are much more complex than blaming women for being brainwashed.

Ege DuruL Gürşen
Ege DuruL Gürşen - 06.10.2023 15:52

fckn GENIUS ultra true everyword. however he is kinda pushing himself too hard to take the responsibility of his words to a point that his energy levels are critically low.

Ande Crenshaw
Ande Crenshaw - 05.10.2023 23:18

What is there to do as a mother with no father in the picture? How must we balance the rolls of playing the father roll in a child's life in addition to being Mom... and a woman separate from motherhood?
So many women are raising children without the benefit of strong men in their lives. Women need them desperately. Our sons and daughters need them desperately.

This is not to say there are not men in the same situation of lacking good women. This is just not my personal experience.

Matt Cleere
Matt Cleere - 05.10.2023 21:12

The War on Excellence is goes back many decades. It is only recently that it has begun to look like mediocrity would win, but it goes way back in America. Read Screwtape Proposes a Toast by C.S. Lewis. He lays it all out perfectly. And that was in the 60s.

Music by Terence
Music by Terence - 05.10.2023 19:15

I wish Jordan would talk with Cornell West they agree on a lot.

Emily Hollands
Emily Hollands - 05.10.2023 18:29

Love this brilliant inspiring talk. Thank you ❤ 👍👍

RoboShark 82
RoboShark 82 - 05.10.2023 18:03

He believes Elon put a car in space. JP needs to figure this out because it's hard to respect an obviously respectworthy person, when he is still stuck un the space deception.

Elon is a character in a scifi novel written by the head of NASA.

Aaron Guimont
Aaron Guimont - 05.10.2023 08:27

I have so much respect for you Jordan . I desire, and think I have a gift to help people in the same way you do but I have to get my own life in order first . . I know my faults, and I know my potential is being limited by me and me only. I will become,and be where our creator always intended myself to be . You probably don't , but, You can't underestimate the good you are doing in people's lives. I think my son met you a few yrs ago. I hope to shake your hand someday and thank you in person. God has blessed you and may he continue to do so.

Adam Sheaffer
Adam Sheaffer - 05.10.2023 01:30

He's a true modern priest

Sunny - 04.10.2023 22:08

Listening to this incredibly articulate and wise soul, it really occurred to me the absurdity of having the likes of absolute clueless puppets like Biden, Trudeau and Sunak as leaders. Just absurd.

Julie Robinson
Julie Robinson - 04.10.2023 15:57

What an amazing interview/ talk yes it was long but worth it.
Some brilliant talks some parts wish I could share with my kids but 2hr too long for me to pull them in. Wish this video can be spilt into smaller sections to share to family and friends. Jordan Patterson you are so inspiring when you talk love it❤

Sara Olvera
Sara Olvera - 04.10.2023 14:32

“he’s a reptilian” flew way over his head 😅

Andreea Madalina
Andreea Madalina - 04.10.2023 10:23

Great conversation! I am a woman, with a baby on the way, and I agree with everything you 2 say! I also want to say that the women I've met, the ones that do not want children or marriage, are some of the saddest people I know. I saw this ideology in them and they all have this pattern. I understand that they are forced to be career-focused and independent to cope with the sadness and frustration in their life. They won't admit this. But you can see it in their eyes. Good luck to all and God Bless! 🥰🤗

Horst Spreu
Horst Spreu - 04.10.2023 00:59

The audio is so horrible I cant even listen to it although I would like to... The white noise cut offs in the speechless gaps and then reapperaring when speaking are annoying af

Mkatharina dewes
Mkatharina dewes - 04.10.2023 00:56


Captain America
Captain America - 04.10.2023 00:55

Many of these interviewers expose their smug pretentious biases within the first few minutes of the interview... this interviewer is no different.

Beautifully Brilliant
Beautifully Brilliant - 03.10.2023 18:27

I agree mainly with your points on showing exception. Those of us who were born into one child families aren't necessarily possessing be selfish self-centered traits that you see today. For example, my generation, which is a micro generation, 1977 to 1983 Xennials where is generation to be born before computers/Internet, as well as cell phones, etc. My opinion read the last generation to be born without helicopter parents; and that's the real problem here. There's lots of millennials and generation Z that have multiple siblings and come out just as awful because of helicopter parents. When I was a kid and I was born 1982, pretty much, my grandmother and my mother would come in. See that I was still alive in the morning make sure that I is getting up and ready for school and they were pretty much done for the day. After that I would like by myself by the time I was seven to and from school. I could make my own omelette and breakfast before I was even in school or so, my mum has told me. This is not a two few kids problem. This is a too much over parenting problem. Simply show your kids how to do some thing once maybe twice beyond that. It's on them to figure it out they will. Thank you for it later.

Musiclover - 03.10.2023 03:50

Absolutely brilliant! Thank you Chris. Watching this made me think that, although I’ve been an atheist for over 40 years (raised Catholic), if the majority of religious people were as kind, truthful, empathic and honest as Jordan Peterson, I may even rethink religion. Maybe. 👍🇨🇦❤️

prateek bidve
prateek bidve - 03.10.2023 03:42

Great Great Great!!!

Stephen Gamber
Stephen Gamber - 03.10.2023 02:20

Speaking Truth to WOKE Nonsense. Thank you!

moses mutisya
moses mutisya - 02.10.2023 22:43

When is Jordan coming to Kenya .........This wisdom is needed on our continent

Camilo Echavarria
Camilo Echavarria - 02.10.2023 19:27

what enjoyable episode!

Louiseskybunker - 02.10.2023 17:42

such a shame Jordan is brain washed by triangle heirarchy crap - if only he could think in sweet round table of all.

Weblight Studio
Weblight Studio - 02.10.2023 15:28

I think there are too many people. It has to do with acidic oceans and human destruction of vulnerable habitats simply by our presence but I dont see an answer. It isnt a matter of self hatred for me. I love wild things. Compassion is required Jordan. Stop generalizing

Jonathan Wadsworth
Jonathan Wadsworth - 02.10.2023 02:09

love it

Thomas Roberts
Thomas Roberts - 02.10.2023 00:48

This was a good watch well done man

Io - 01.10.2023 21:31

Apple is shite

Hoa du mal
Hoa du mal - 01.10.2023 20:40

Duuuude! I use the black emoji too.
