4 METHODS to Filter by a List in Power Query | Excel Off The Grid

4 METHODS to Filter by a List in Power Query | Excel Off The Grid

Excel Off The Grid

1 год назад

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Vinh Truong The
Vinh Truong The - 13.11.2023 09:22

Great!!, and the second method makes slower, is it right?

Kailash - 30.10.2023 18:23

it is easier to follow if you show the right pane always

Santiago Medina Mesa
Santiago Medina Mesa - 26.10.2023 00:06

I have a question and if I need to chain several filters, how would it be?

Will M
Will M - 02.10.2023 10:21

Amazing 🤩

Mohammed El Sakally
Mohammed El Sakally - 01.10.2023 12:13

Another valuable video, thank you very much. We will continue supporting you for your continues support and valuable information.

A Hill
A Hill - 26.09.2023 14:48

Somehow, when I attempt the merge it filters out everything in the table that is not in the filter list. Does the list have to contain the exact matches in the table and nothing more? My table is huge.

Nenad Petar Momir
Nenad Petar Momir - 22.09.2023 17:48

nice! thank you Sir!

avm stephen
avm stephen - 09.08.2023 08:57

i am in need some help in power query to do following task.can you suggest some solution.
- some rows to be filterout based on some condition(all zero value) in a column
-ranking to be applied in new column based on above filtered column.
-All filtered rows to be restored, so that i will not have any ranking in the filtered rows.

Ujjawal Kumar
Ujjawal Kumar - 03.08.2023 17:42

Hey, I would like to filter by the same way but only with part of the text string available in the filter list

Jerry Norbury
Jerry Norbury - 20.06.2023 16:23

List.Contains also plays nicely with query folding...and is executed on the server side for a DB connector.

Sumanth Sasidharan
Sumanth Sasidharan - 20.06.2023 15:44

Excellent video as usual.

edgar scheffrahn
edgar scheffrahn - 17.06.2023 10:46

Many many thanks for this excellent video: just what i needed!

Oprimaita - 08.06.2023 08:52

This tutorial is just perfect. All Your explanations makes sense to me. It’s very clear. Thanks a lot.

FRANKWHITE1996 - 23.05.2023 19:39

Thanks for sharing ❤

Marco Magalhães
Marco Magalhães - 19.05.2023 10:02

Hi Mark,
That's a great explanation.
It is possible to do the same filter when you want to filter records that start only with some chars?.

ex : #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Replaced Value1", each Text.StartsWith([Territory], "PT_PH_SM_")),

I have try but only work if I have the complet value.

//#"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Replaced Value1", each List.Contains(Din_Filter_Territory,[Territory])=true),

Kind regards,

chilaw2004 - 19.05.2023 04:32

You always pick worthwhile ideas and, where possible, multiple options to achieve the goal.

Peter FJ
Peter FJ - 15.05.2023 22:37

When I use that formula for filtering a dataset from a list, it wont recognize [Item] and therefore dont work. But if I use [#"Item"] it works. Do you know why that is?

Peter FJ
Peter FJ - 15.05.2023 21:41

Great work. Very well explained.

Chris Wall
Chris Wall - 12.04.2023 10:36

Really interesting - thinking of ways we might use this to streamline our processing ... already worked out the merge approach. Another thought - would be good to adjust the top 3 to top n by passing a number to PQ and using a parameter/variable in the code.
