3D modeling will never be the same....

3D modeling will never be the same....

3D Printer Academy

1 год назад

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Brano PO
Brano PO - 29.07.2023 19:58

what is that song at the end? (computers are taken over..)

no hassle
no hassle - 18.07.2023 16:37

I honestly hate all this prompting shit. There is not a lot of skill involved to feed the AI beast text in order to design something. This will kill many careers. It's awful.

Varian Farstar
Varian Farstar - 17.06.2023 13:39

AI won't be the next big thing its just starting Bio 3d printing is over seven years in RnD

borisvdb - 17.06.2023 09:38

You lied. It wasn't 'entirely' made using AI.

WellHiddenTreasure - 16.06.2023 17:19

What a clickbaity thumbnail you got there.

Erez Havusha
Erez Havusha - 16.06.2023 13:59

Did anyone actually check if this is possible with ChatGPT?

David Swan
David Swan - 16.06.2023 05:49

Could you not make it more detailed using a more detailed prompt?

You could use the Prompt Engineer script found online where you paste it in and it helps you create the perfect prompt. Tell it you want to design a 3d printable model of a shark and want it to help you come up with the prompt to do this in as much detail as possible. Then answer all its questions.

Take its final prompt and feed that to the model creator.

Ivan S
Ivan S - 14.06.2023 23:35

This is great. I can't wait to be able to have ai make me a picture and then turn that into an stl

Monster Juiced
Monster Juiced - 14.06.2023 19:23

Lmao, imagine the flat heads thinking this will kill an entire industry. What a hoot.

Keith Mofley
Keith Mofley - 14.06.2023 18:42

To answer your question. It will become what we make it.

Dave Oliver
Dave Oliver - 14.06.2023 10:57

Dystopian nightmare.........Terminator was a documentary !

moghy sorinel
moghy sorinel - 14.06.2023 08:18

they will integrate chatGPT into your brain and then they will say that it will make you smart, be careful what you wish for.

Eugene G
Eugene G - 14.06.2023 07:50

I hate click baits. I avoid channels once it does that. Just saying.

E. M.
E. M. - 14.06.2023 06:38

The answer to Artificial Intelligence apparently is Natural Stupidity which we have in abundance.

Somehow is seems popular to conjure up AI as the world's magical solution to everything. The fact of the matter is that 3D printing along with its cousin disciplines of laser engraving and CNC have more than enough problems of their own. The first major problem is that while we have lots of 3D printing design software programs, the standard export file structure is STL which loses all color information. This begs the question why don't we switch to a file structure that does support multi-color modeling so that our design software could pass the color information on to a color capable slicer that would generate color enabled G-code. Then either the ideal multi-color 3D printer would move from Fantasy World of the 3D Elite to something that would one day become common place. Alternatively someone could fix STL adding multi-color capabilities which every design software seems to already have.

The next weakness in our eco system is lack of simple modular construction of the printers,. I have a Snapmaker 2.0 A350 and I can remove 2 screws and one cable and change my printer into a laser engraver or CNC machine. Why do I have to mess around with Bowden tubes, complex disassembly, modding, etc. Too time consuming. Too risky in destroying the machine, etc. Or better yet why can't I go the an OEM webpage or Amazon and pick standard components like a generic print head or even two to implement IDEX. Why doesn't Prusa or Creality build fully modular system which you go to a check list like a Car company or MacDonalds and you pick the frame, control board, which print heads where the print head may have different set of capabilities but the end User should go down the list and design their printer on paper and then go order it. All the pieces would be standard and interchangeable and life would be easy. And if the industry would move to eco system standards our lives would be simple and the who industry would move forward by multiple generations virtually over night.

Rob Rift
Rob Rift - 14.06.2023 03:33

I hate how everybody talks all gleefully about replacing every single job with AI, and you know the same ones are going to complain when the AI comes for their positions. A.I is going to help the rich shareholders while ruining the rest of us.

DiegoSynth - 13.06.2023 19:53

Hey man, never considered making a song out of the little snippet u recorded at the end? You should build on that!

Daniel Warren
Daniel Warren - 13.06.2023 16:32

dystopian nightmare, but awesome 3D models

Ern Dub
Ern Dub - 13.06.2023 15:55

It definitely has its uses, but it will need quality control and scrutiny to be useful. At the moment it's gcode generation that needs a revolution.

HL H - 13.06.2023 14:45

I am a Chinese 3D printer manufacturer and I am recruiting agents. Our 23*23*25 inch large 3D printer is only sold for $92. Please contact me if you are interested.

Chad Lee
Chad Lee - 13.06.2023 14:03

what's the "computers have taken over" song at the end? 🎶🧑‍🎤

Joe Rowlett
Joe Rowlett - 13.06.2023 13:54

This comment section is a joke. 3d models will be a.i. soon. Yall all sound like payphone repair men....noooo the cell phone will take our jobs....

Mike Calderon
Mike Calderon - 13.06.2023 05:05

Unsubscribed, image in thumbnail isn’t the AI version.

orange-micro-fiber - 13.06.2023 03:25

Boo. This is over hyped. There's a future in this but it's 10+ years from now.

Alden Johnson
Alden Johnson - 13.06.2023 02:14

so you lied on the thumbnail??

Daaron Irwing
Daaron Irwing - 13.06.2023 00:49

But if you want something special than you neer a designer, because ai knows only general things which already exists.

Jonathan Llinares
Jonathan Llinares - 12.06.2023 20:21

Fuck AI.

EstimatingONE DiscoveringTHREE
EstimatingONE DiscoveringTHREE - 12.06.2023 16:58

Very bad implications

JustArixell - 12.06.2023 16:52

5 minutes videos every month, love it

Kurona Dumoni
Kurona Dumoni - 12.06.2023 15:41

Its a tool so I find it useful and awesome.

Jando - 12.06.2023 15:04

I’ve been working on this point-e is something else

SuperSuperSpork - 12.06.2023 14:54

Sorry, you've lost a subscriber today

AI "art" is built off of stealing work from real artists, to recreate it for free, it's unethical

newmanhyde - 12.06.2023 13:03

AI build me a robot killer

Lee Wilson
Lee Wilson - 12.06.2023 11:55

Well shit there goes my job

Brett Fafata
Brett Fafata - 12.06.2023 08:56

Very cool and good for artistic projects. I don't think it will replace CAD anytime soon though, I would hate to have to describe all my designs in the form of a text prompt. "Generate a rectangular prism of dimensions 30x26x62 mm with a 10 mm deep countersunk M3 hole on the top face at coordinate (15, 13)".

Hector St Jacques
Hector St Jacques - 12.06.2023 08:54

How did you use A.I. (disturbingly over used term) Did you verbally tell your computer I want a Shark and it created a shark on your 3D printer?

Now Good
Now Good - 12.06.2023 08:24

A few years ago I bought a cheap crappy 3D printer to learn on never used it now for the same money there are much better models still haven't gotten one. I'm trying to understand which modeling program is the best still haven't learned one, maby now I'll never have the joy of creating.., with A.I., 'll just say print me a shark.. 😢

GSprengt - 12.06.2023 08:22

I am too blind to find your tutorial on that😢
Got a link?

Floppa in flip-flops
Floppa in flip-flops - 12.06.2023 08:11

Maybe sometime in the future ai will be so powerful that it can generate complex models (like in "atomic heart", some weapons generated by "Collective" neutral network)

Harry Porpise
Harry Porpise - 12.06.2023 08:09

I don’t think you’d legally be able to sell these models because they’re technically a compilation of already existing ones

Dilshad - 12.06.2023 08:08

I would love it if it works for openSCAD
