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@cutenessoverload184 - 05.11.2023 06:34

she should be a fighter lol, she does the same thing as fighters

@maea9106 - 28.06.2023 22:45

She burns like hylos

@Aliver.25_Legue - 26.04.2023 19:27

Alice didn't get popular but still moonton revamped her and again when it was not need and again and making it worst

What did Alice do to deserve this

@tiwitiwi6202 - 21.04.2023 18:22

alice was doing fine and then they change her suddenly

@dagenhearts - 24.02.2023 00:13

Ngl they rlly need to buff her. The revamp feels like she lacks something. Her heals also sucks lol. I can just burst her with combo heroes like Vale, Kagura, Selena and such.

@berke1418 - 16.12.2022 01:50

I have returned the game 1 month ago after 2 years. I was alice main. After returned i try to play alice first time. My reaction was wtf did you doing this character? She hadnt damage and lifesteal. She become tank hero. I couldnt play anymore.I got so dissappointed. Rest in peace my old friend.

@KpopRandomEdits - 06.11.2022 08:11

Idk about anything!!!But they need to remove the bug on Magic Chess..its too unfair and annoying🥺😞☹️

@alexlee8108 - 05.11.2022 09:57

I appreciate dev has done a few adjustments to make Alice more popular. Before they removed ulti cd, I used Alice +2000k matches, and I stopped playing her again.

Why ? She is extremely weak early to mid game, whereas current META most players wanting to push early game, that’s why backliners Mages e.g Cecil, Valir, Vale & Pasha are picked more than Alice.

My suggestions to make Alice tankier since she is late game beast:
1. Passive orbs: % shield HP regen (change to) 30-50 points of phy & magic defense. Because, Alice stats doesn’t have any shield & ulti HP regen is a joke (worsen when enemy buys anti heal)
2. Skill 1: add slow effect when hitting enemies
3. Skill2: Slightly Increase Area range
4. Ulti: Base damage -> % Alice max HP not by mana pool

@tomharris7689 - 24.10.2022 03:50

No. After playing her a lot. I can confidently say, the latest Patch is definitely a NERF on Alice. She’s also no longer fun to play. Explanation:

1. Her passive so shit. I swear HER PASSIVE IS ONE OF THE WORST MOST UNREWARDING passive ever. I’ve stacked up to 100,120,150 globes before and it literally has little to no impact on her late game once u realise this.

2. Her passive requires you to farm globes (push lanes and minions) but the latest patch wants her to be a tank (she legit is not a good mage now). So you have to roam (low exp item) while also push lanes for globes. Do you see the contradiction here.

3.Her damage and life-steal is literally little to insignificant. There’s literally no use building magic dmg on her to up her stats. That said tank alice is also easily countered like I’m not kidding. Just buy Anti lifesteal item and she’s already useless against u.

4. Initially u can play her as mage/ tank now she’s literally just a tank and not even a good tank. There’s tons other tank much better than her.

5. Her kit doesn’t feel like a tank, more like a mage. But they want to make her a tank which is fully dependent on lifesteal. On top of that her lifesteal is soo baddd. I swear if u look at the stats it’s actually disappointing.

6. Her damage capability is laughable. It’s non existent.

7. I’ve tried every build on alice from sustain, to lifesteal, to tank, to mage, to percentage damage, ALL OF WHICH ARE STILL MEDIOCRE AND BAD.

8. In conclusion I used really like hero but now she’s pretty useless in current meta and so weak that nobody wants to play her and she’s losing popularity.

9. The only way to fix her is either a full rework, buff her lifesteal and make it unaffected by antiheal items, and change her motherfukcing passive its so trash. They need to make her viable as mage again because her abilities alone are not really for suitable for tanks but moonton wants to make her tank only now. She’d do better as a mage with that kit. If they want to make her pure tank, then she needs a rework

@boredperson1011 - 23.10.2022 22:49

can they just un revamp alice? At this point she’s worse than before and more of a mess than a character

@jeirentsu - 23.10.2022 21:15

bring back the old Alice's ultimate skill

@alexandercalayo7521 - 20.10.2022 16:50

I always prefer her old skills, after her revamped, I don't use her anymore

@oogabooga4914 - 19.10.2022 14:35

As a top global Alice I've kind of lost interest in her gameplay and consider her a lot weaker now compared to her current state. The things that made me come to this conclusion is mainly that she can't be played well in early game at all in any role. In early game all she does is farm stacks because her mana usage is way too high and it drains it almost immediately, this makes it really bad in early game as she pretty much becomes useless without her ult. Not only did they nerf her mana early game but they also nerfed her healing and burst damage. This completely changes her playing style and it feels like a completely new hero to play

@yuribabe2514 - 16.10.2022 09:02

Alice before is such a good mage... but now i dont use Alice. it's boring the damage so boring

@bayushy9921 - 15.10.2022 17:52

for me who always use alice as a tank, this is kinda makes me happy and sad at the same time. I always have a problem with making her Mana last when i join team fights, i'm okay with her heal being too little, as long as i have my ultimate on i can heal pretty good, but sometimes the mana runs out and it's sucks because i can't do anything but run and try to quickly use my first skill to escape.

@edmundograjo3230 - 13.10.2022 15:35

Is it really a buff? 🤔

@jiyop_ - 13.10.2022 06:13

"dyrroth's mommy"

@tosamihitukega7060 - 10.10.2022 13:44

She had to be strong coz shes the abyss literally almost of heroes in mlbb want to reveange because of her

@luxuriousrug8551 - 10.10.2022 13:24

That's so.... boring? She's basically just going to be another Aldous, but with barely any enough mana to cast her skills up until late game, and almost no dmg and protection. On top of that she's going to be boring gameplay wise, since you're just going to focus on getting stacks. I really hope they revert this

@Monosloth2 - 09.10.2022 05:33

No, there is not enough mana with tank build Alice. Might as well use other exp lane heroes

@kidraulh123 - 08.10.2022 07:15

I want the old Alice

@cedricklaylo7291 - 08.10.2022 04:11

Rip Alice! :((((
Only Alice main would understand this. Best patch when Alice Ult has CD better damage and heal !!

@sussycatto30 - 07.10.2022 10:35

Idc , old Alice is far better than this all combine , moonton just love revamping heroes and make them worst and nerf them like crazy.. as if we don't know their dumb tactics LMAO.. I used to be main Alice and she's not banned in the rank , if She's soooooo OP 😒😒😒 moonton really trying so hard to make Alice "tank" that basically now she's not even a mage.. her damage is that low.. and her lifesteal is almost nonexistent.. if someone use anti lifesteal items , it's basically gone

@nlockey2532 - 07.10.2022 10:24

The answear is NO its a nerf in a buff disguise, the stack buff is slow and they need to reduce her ultimate mana consumption or maybe make her pasif 5% mana regen and also the shield buff from her stack is nonexistent

@athenalim8083 - 07.10.2022 09:07

i found the solution to make mage alice/damage alice work!!!!!

she now about mana and magic penetration

her ulti deals damage based on hp of enemies + the amount of mana alice has..

but its not true damage so her ultimates damage is lowered due to magic defence,

but magic penatration helps you alot!!!!

ad glowing wand and genuisewands passive is easily achivable,
stop focusing on her heal as its just too low (even without antiheal) focus on damage,

whats the point on sustaining if the enemy thats damaging you is dead?

@emmanuelortegajr.8187 - 06.10.2022 19:24

Old alice is better by the damage and heal on her ulti that was not draining her mana.

@sixtovigil6870 - 06.10.2022 10:16

buff again then few months if become op it will nerf again. hahaha blah

@maktummasrooramyo6997 - 06.10.2022 05:26

I think The Dev's should remove the effect on her ult that reduces her already low heal by 50% on creeps and minions cuz after getting affected by life drain it's almost like she doesn't regenerate any HP from the minions at all lol 😂

@WilbertVerayin - 05.10.2022 14:16

Alice dealt like 815 DMG per .5 seconds, not too bad.

that CDR was important for mobility though. , anyways can be compensated by building Black Ice Shield earlier with just 800 gold, benefits lightning truncheon anyways and provides decent physical def and mana.

I guess you will need to readjust sequence of buying items to
Elegant > Demon Boots > black ice shield > upgrade elegant to clock, do lightning truncheon , mystic container, then proceed with situational items.

@sohadevuzumakis4916 - 05.10.2022 05:39

its very hard for solo player to use alice now .

@zanza7515 - 05.10.2022 04:41

So her mechanics are the same as thresh from lol wildrift thresh gains extra ap health and defense on souls collected

@johnpaulfernandez6167 - 05.10.2022 04:00

So lightning truncheon is very usable for alice

@joaocarloslima8728 - 05.10.2022 01:32

I need this skin for her but i dont have

@joaocarloslima8728 - 05.10.2022 01:31

Queen i loved alice

@aloneagainnaturally1179 - 05.10.2022 00:21

It won't boost it for sure tho the popularity thing 😅👍🏻😘

@aloneagainnaturally1179 - 05.10.2022 00:14

Alice sucks 😭after the update

@downundabrotha - 04.10.2022 20:22


@Itachiuchiha-pf1xb - 04.10.2022 15:50

Imagine Alice can stack like Aldous 💀

@mageonly122 - 04.10.2022 05:53

I don't like the new alice, it is more dependent on stacks, the mana is consumed so fast when using ultimate and it is harder to kill squishy heroes. She do not even survive a team fight that long, unlike the last version of Alice, because of a very low healing effect. Based on my observation, using winter truncheon also became useless, due to little regeneration while ult is active.

@shirothesaint - 04.10.2022 05:14

I have always been afraid of moonton buffing Alice and it she's low-key overpowered, been meeting Alice who plays safe till 150 stacks and it feels like your playing Against a fed cecilion in the late game...the healing is small yeah...but the damage is just insane especially now she can build semi tank ...she so hard to kill.....imo she's really balanced but can snowball if underestimated... moonton really did justice to her

@dvorax. - 04.10.2022 02:28

She needs to reach 4K mana so the ultimate will deal 3.5% enemy HP per 0.5 seconds which means 7% enemy HP per second.

I recommend using mana regen boots, lollipop (gives 900 mana in total), dominance (it gives 500 mana), and enchanted talisman (mana regen) for the main build. The others depend on the situation. I think it is better to use a tanky build instead of full magic damage. Also using the mage emblem for +mana

With this, she only needs 100 stacks to reach 4K mana

@baehengko1541 - 04.10.2022 01:54


@kasrasafaie507 - 03.10.2022 23:21

Alice in stories:::Muhahaha I am the abyss's queen, the killer of crow people, the most dangerous invader of the empire,Dyrroth and Selena's step mommy, the most famous and demonic creature in the land of dawn
Meanwhile Alice in reality:::Ahhh....yamete kudasai I am dying help me!!!

@Ainceal - 03.10.2022 20:45

Just get hylos.

@jxj03 - 03.10.2022 19:39

I like, the What the? Moment 😂😂

@bochi5318 - 03.10.2022 18:40

She needs some 2-5% damage Redux during her ult so she's not too late game-dependent

@evilshadowshadow1249 - 03.10.2022 18:20

My build for alice is mana shoes clock of Destiny, glowing wand, dominance ice, oracle and last item depend on what i need either lifesteal or blade armor. Mage items now doesnt benefit the ult much. I like the new alice she is great. Healing is still an issue tho.

@iverndiaz - 03.10.2022 17:51

She's good rn. Her playstyle has changed though. My item build for her is Elegant Gem first, then 2 mana necklaces, then upgrade to Demon Boots, and the black ice shield. Her mana is pretty much solid.

@fdsarea1604 - 03.10.2022 17:34

i use Alice as a roamer, after help mid clear lane, i got to gold lane to get 7 stack. tank build make her so annoying and sustain. Shoes, Dominant Ice, and his 50 stack passive make her very fast to roam.
