US-China meeting breaks into tense confrontation on camera

US-China meeting breaks into tense confrontation on camera


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Carlito K
Carlito K - 08.10.2023 20:10

Go China go america yes!

LW1zFog - 07.10.2023 18:00

Tony Blinken’s father in law was Robert Maxwell’s lawyer & closest confidant.

Michael Man
Michael Man - 02.10.2023 05:47

It's so impressive that Blinken spoke this entire time without choking once... guy should win an Emmy award.

Ramim binty Bindu
Ramim binty Bindu - 25.09.2023 00:04

USA:-"We came-out as stronger,better,more united as a country"

China:-"We don't've racial & sexual education about humanity,we're as a one country & one road initiatives"

A.D:-"All people around the world should hold their country as they do all-ways(not american-way;chivalry,being as united states of america),recognizing for changes & challenges of values:-race,sex,religion...makes a country fully responsible & accountable"

John McEntegart
John McEntegart - 21.09.2023 19:33

I’m very interested to know about Russia and the Russian people. I’m very curious about my nearest Continent. I’ve been sold lies about my history and continent since childhood by the British and the Americans. What happened to initiate this war in Ukraine took some serious planning on behalf of the U.S. Pentagon over a long period of time. Victoria Nuland, Tony Blinken are grandchildren of Ukrainian immigrants from Ukraine. There are many more who have been living in the United States who have been planning to destroy the Russian people and their civilization since WW2. The Americans were pushing for a puppet government to be installed in Kyiv for a long period of time. That was paid for by anyone who uses the Dollar as their foreign exchange currency. It’s a disaster of monumental magnitude for the entire Eurasian Continent and for the world at large. The U.S. dollar hegemony is a plague on the world. The Financial standard is paper money not Gold or Silver anymore.

America is marooned between two oceans and cut off from Eurasia via sea. That is why America needs a massive Navy. China can trade directly with European countries via rail infrastructure and the Americans can not cut it off unless they invade the Eurasian continent.

The BRI is the most important infrastructure project for Eurasia since the 12 century and the Americans are not in the picture at all. They are very mad about this project. Eurasia is a supercontinent with immeasurable economic wealth and potential compared with the tiny American continent.

I’m ashamed of the Western Liberal Democracy's of the world, more like hypocrisy than anything else, concerning freedom and human rights. Absolute hypocrisy. America was built on slavery and genocidal oppression. Biden sounds like he’s talking to high school students, and definitely not making any sense at all.

The United States, United Kingdom and the European vassal states and their puppet governments are trying to dominate emerging economies with absolute disregard for human life. They don't care about who dies. It's about world domination and economic tyrants who manipulate everything.

If you really want to know, who’s responsible for this terrible war in Central Europe, look no further than the warmongers in Washington D.C.

Vladimir Putin is highly regarded as a world leader compared with the American dictatorship in Washington.

Germany, Italy, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland, and many other countries are occupied by the United States military forces. The United States wanted to use Ukraine to destroy the Russian Federation and exterminate their culture from the planet and seize control over their vast resources.

There are hundreds of thousands of American soldiers located on the Eurasian Continent with at least 800 military bases and missile systems threatening billions of people. Japan, South Korea are US occupied and the Americans are leveraging their capabilities to advance American Hegemony in south east Asia.

European countries have no say in their own collective security.

The Americans have full control over the future of the European peninsula, this has been the plan since 1945 when Germany was defeated.

Basically the Russians defeated Fascism and the Americans capitalised on their loss. 26 million Russians died fighting Hitler’s regime, the fascists are back again under a new brand. The Americans have been secretly undermining European telecommunications infrastructure vendors to advance American hegemonic power using every Western European country since 1945. The Americans have started the deindustrialization of Western Europe to create animosity towards the Chinese and the Russians.

This is specifically for the purpose of advancing American only values and consumerism of the American way of life. In order to achieve this the Americans must promote their hegemony at the expense on billions of Eurasian people who the U.S. government want to enslave.

It’s for the benefit of a few thousand people around the world who have all the wealth and control of the media infrastructure to dominate everything on earth.

This activity is totally related to the American controlled Banking System which is a singularity.

The Americans suddenly exposed their intention to weaponised their currency through sanctioning European commercial projects when they created the European Energy Security and Diversification Act of 2019. The Americans planned to destroy Russian energy infrastructure and build their own to replace it. The Americans don't care about the economic future of Eurasia. They just want to plunder it. Duh....

I started to learn Russian some time ago and am actively looking to meet Russian people who can teach me more about Russian culture.

The Americans don’t know anything about freedom. You would think that the Americans would deal with their own internal problems before starting major world wars, obviously America is going down the tubes and this war in Central Europe is going to save them like WW2 did when everything in Europe was destroyed. The Americans bombed Europe into the Stone Age in 1945.

That’s how America got rich. They are trying to destroy Europe again.

It’s up to Russia and China and other like minded countries to stop this madness else we are all in serious danger of becoming extinct as a species.

Alliswell - 19.09.2023 00:10

Blinking out of touch with reality. Hypocrites.

A Smith
A Smith - 18.09.2023 06:17

A "rules based international order" chosen by the US to benefit the US. Why was it okay for the US to invade Iraq in 2003 or bomb Serbia in 1999?

Will - 14.09.2023 16:04

If both China and USA are working together we already traveled to the Mars.

Matt L. Walsh
Matt L. Walsh - 12.09.2023 01:29

Except in Vietnam.

drsteamspunk - 09.09.2023 03:06

China's ruling party is not a 'so called ' authoritarian regime. It's an aggressive unapologetically authoritarian regime.

PilotGuy5 - 08.09.2023 17:00

Cnn is so fake with these headlines

Lisa Vanoni
Lisa Vanoni - 06.09.2023 03:01

Tony has been a liar too long no one believes him anymore

Ken Baker
Ken Baker - 18.08.2023 19:03

I’m sick of China. Can you imagine the audacity of those communists lecturing anyone on human rights?

CASA BLANCA - 13.08.2023 06:22

Shit, US always include his allies again in this dialogue.. This is not the proper or protocol in this meeting respect do to use other country to attack

Jarred Scott
Jarred Scott - 07.08.2023 07:41

As bears in cohabitation we see the unfortunate reality of conflict as an existence

Jarred Scott
Jarred Scott - 07.08.2023 07:40

As two rams bump heads as a show of dominance so are these two Super-Powers here in a great state and many hunters there are those unable to understand this..

D B - 29.07.2023 23:57

There will be no peace in the world till Capitalism exists. Capitalism is a crime and a global fraud, same as slavery and feudalism, actually the same systems created by the same people. China and Russia should clean our planet from these criminals and fraud perpetrators

Robert Franchell
Robert Franchell - 24.07.2023 15:42

Blinking is the man. Do not trust those communist. Has anybody noticed that Chinese diplomats are having their faces laser beam laser cut to look more western or am I just seeing things

C P - 15.07.2023 02:19

“Intense confrontation“? Sure perhaps for our American rep/Secretary of State… China essentially says here, that American leaders are hypocrites when they claim to be champions of human rights of American citizens. (BLM) And Clearly, American leaders are guilty of this.
-The Biden administration has violated more human rights laws, inside and outside of American court rooms, than the last four Presidents, combined.
- but China here is clearly not scared or embarrassed by the Secretary’s accusations of China’s usurping of Chinese human rights.
- In fact, China has simply told the US Secretary, here, to “mind your own business, pal!”
- A Totalitarian government, with three times the National population, scoffs at the advice of democratic nations like America.
- I hope you’re all ready? China’s military is parked itself in Cuba. It has purchased US properties and established major meat packing plants inside the United States. Meaning it controls what food goes to Walmart. It has purchased small lots of land on coastal properties for the purpose of “Marine use and fish farming”(aka military bases) the enemy is at our door and it’s already sitting among us in our own states.
- You and I will be speaking Chinese by the end of next year…. Or… We will be deemed useless.
- Enjoy your last birthday or Christmas or favorite Hollywood movies. All of that’s going to be a distant memory in a blink of an eye.

Lunamere - 14.07.2023 02:35


tou xiong
tou xiong - 25.06.2023 20:13

US doesn’t fellow the same rules. Only the US can illegally invade other countries and no one else can’t and only the US can abuse human rights issues, sad.

hheng02 - 21.06.2023 20:31

Biden is disaster for USA.

Andriy Kaydash
Andriy Kaydash - 15.06.2023 18:51

Help to Ukraine with Putin

Raymond Chow
Raymond Chow - 14.06.2023 02:51

Obama school of public speeches: See a whole lot of lip moving. Yet says absolutely nothing.

Jolene K
Jolene K - 13.06.2023 08:16

Poor Tony—-😂😂😂😂He’s as laughable as the squatter

Arvind Bhatty
Arvind Bhatty - 12.06.2023 21:11

The chinese owned Blinken

- Optimist -
- Optimist - - 10.06.2023 06:40

The fact that China mentioned about Black Lives Matter was solid.

121music4life - 10.06.2023 02:42

BLM was backed by China as an attack on the West.. this proves it

Franklin Hu
Franklin Hu - 05.06.2023 15:55


Tom Peace
Tom Peace - 05.06.2023 09:28

Why does the thumb hate the index finger? We are all one on this small global sphere.

Keyto Channel
Keyto Channel - 04.06.2023 00:04

China & human rights? The funniest joke I ever heard. 😂😂😂

Johnny Kwok
Johnny Kwok - 02.06.2023 14:39

CNN will not report how China slapped on the US in this meeting

479kdk - 30.05.2023 03:34

Tense confrontation???? You might want to look that one up.

Jack NY
Jack NY - 27.05.2023 00:29

Both counties are awful and have discussed me but I would support China here.

C - 13.05.2023 01:20

Love Blinken’s firm yet respectful character and manners. He isn’t afraid to confront head on when needed. He would make an
amazing president.

Loriann Richardson
Loriann Richardson - 08.05.2023 21:52

What a liar. There is so much garbage under the rug that the rug appears as a snow cap on a mountain. If one cannot get the human rights correct after 400 years, ones attempts are not genuine.
"I can't believe what you say, because I see what you do."
James Baldwin.

Jerke van der Geest
Jerke van der Geest - 06.05.2023 22:24

Bloody Blinken. Personification of colonialism.

Fang - 26.04.2023 18:43


Jennifer Ho
Jennifer Ho - 25.04.2023 21:22

International Rule Based Order??? Omg! Killing of millions in the world, changing of the sovereign States' legitimately voted in governments, stealing of oil and resources from Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Iran etc. Democracy, omg!

Jane Boggs
Jane Boggs - 23.04.2023 19:36


Jane Boggs
Jane Boggs - 23.04.2023 19:36

China better watch there back talking to the USA like we're DUMB..

andre christian
andre christian - 15.04.2023 12:32

I love this video cuz China low key told the truth! 🤣🤣

Gordon Schedel
Gordon Schedel - 09.04.2023 01:21

The United States administration according to how it looks to the world is only interested in replacing leaders taking over country starting wars destroying countries and leaving abruptly… Nobody really trust Americans anymore and they prove that they can’t be trusted that trust has got to be one back and it’s going to take a very very long time

Cole May
Cole May - 07.04.2023 02:36

China..... hahaha ha! What a joke

pyzer - 04.04.2023 16:47

"we hope the United States will do more for human rights" LMFAO

John Tan
John Tan - 04.04.2023 02:31

Blinken is talking nonsense, saying things that the USA do not abide to themselves. The USA should stop preaching morality when they have no principles at all. The USA is the sole dictatorship in the world today. These days are coming to the end and USA must accept that they have committed crimes against many countries while claiming to be as white as Cinderella. Hypocrisies of the USA is so blatant, latest being the bombing of the gas pipelines ordered by Biden and claiming otherwise. How can they expect the world to give them respect further?. Even Africa in whole as a continent. Blinken said USA is always transparent when they are the most crooked ever in human history.

Joe Kelsall
Joe Kelsall - 02.04.2023 13:27

I look forward to placing a bet on China versus the USA. Paradoxically, I presume that the US will borrow the money from China to conduct a war against China.

Mike - 31.03.2023 02:20

Many thumbs up 👍👍👍 to the translator of the Chinese side!

Zhong Xina
Zhong Xina - 30.03.2023 23:34

Bidding farewell to American century
