Collagen is great for weight loss… but you’re doing it wrong

Collagen is great for weight loss… but you’re doing it wrong

Autumn Bates

1 год назад

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Disco Dave
Disco Dave - 16.09.2023 15:34

I just dry scoop my collagen, i put a scoop in my mouth and chase it with water

Judy Kosta
Judy Kosta - 02.09.2023 22:43

Slow down on the talking please. Can't keep up😢

Danny Gautama
Danny Gautama - 21.08.2023 22:25

I add mine with whey protein.

Siddiqa - 18.08.2023 14:46

Sorry maybe I’m a bit slow but it doesn’t make much sense to me. So if you don’t take protien when taking a collagen supplement then it will effect you negatively? So collagen on its own is harmful unless taken with protien?

Also if you are taking a collagen which says 95% protien do you still need to add something which has protien like yogurt to make it a whole protien? Sorry I’m confused.

Siddiqa - 18.08.2023 14:16

Thank you for this video. The marine collagen I am about to buy says 95% protien so I’m a little confused. Does this mean it already has added protein and I don’t need to worry about adding anything to it?

MuskMonkey - 04.08.2023 14:46

Nice! One video answered my question. I am working on dropping 75 lbs over a year by strength training nd a calorie deficit. One of my meals is a whey protein shake, and it soulds like that is the perfect vehicle for a collagen suppliment. (Hoping to minimize loose skin by going slow, and just learned about collagen suplimentation)

Thanks for making things approachable. First video i saw of yours. Gonna sub because.... Nutritionist... Hell yeah

Victor Blanco
Victor Blanco - 29.07.2023 16:36

Does this collagen help with explosive diarrhea?

Jeramie Saito
Jeramie Saito - 11.07.2023 03:45

I take collagen and eat yogurt and eat meat

SakiTheKeeper - 01.07.2023 16:36

Why do people think that it's healthy to put any supplement in coffee? Coffee isn't even good for you. Terrible stuff. I put my collagen in milk

Patty Urrutia
Patty Urrutia - 24.06.2023 14:58

Is there enough collagen in bone broth that collagen powder is not needed? Or collagen does have its benefits that bone broth doesn't have?

Yesenia Lagares
Yesenia Lagares - 06.06.2023 14:33

Hi Autumn what collagen is best to buy or if anyone has suggestions please let me know. Thank you

Shanna Penrod
Shanna Penrod - 30.05.2023 16:05

What’s your take on skinny fit

martha holtquist
martha holtquist - 26.05.2023 16:10

Omg!!! Apart from your degree of nutritionist; you should invest some time and perhaps 💰 learning how to talk. It’s like someone is chasing you? So difficult to understand your stamens 🤦‍♀️.

Sue L
Sue L - 21.05.2023 06:36

Is it ok to warm your collagen? I like warm chocolate collagen.

Janet M
Janet M - 17.05.2023 17:42

Hi, Autumn… I assume this means that the collagen supplement grams do NOT count toward the daily intake requirement, even if we use it correctly. Is that right?

sean weston
sean weston - 07.04.2023 02:56

besides saity and blood sugar control, it also seems to be a colon cleanse.

sean weston
sean weston - 07.04.2023 02:49

it goes to the hair and skin instead of muscle. most incomplete proteins will turn to sugar.

Maria - 03.04.2023 14:17

Lmao its not for weight loss. Misleading

heeeqo - 31.03.2023 04:05

on the vital protein one it says to mix 2 scopes with 200 ml water. but i just put a tiny bit of water and drink it as a ''shot'' , to get it over with quickly. Is this ok or bad ?

Ricardo Cortes Ambriz
Ricardo Cortes Ambriz - 28.03.2023 17:37

Do you recommend marine collagen peptides?

Cuddlingus - 25.03.2023 18:53

i put mine today in my keto coffee? ive noticed my bone mass and muscles mass is going down while im trying to lose 200, so i bought whey+ creatin isolate, and collagen , D3+K2 and vitamins, lol i hope these additions will help.

D. B.
D. B. - 22.03.2023 18:54

Thank you so much. I jst found you last night. I sure wish I had you around when my daughter was still alive. She was quadriplegic & I literally had to feed her every meal from the time she was) 3 & a half to 12 yrs. (well technically her entire life). What I mean is that she was born perfectly normal but later started losing motor skills. Was then unable to feed herself. (Long story). Then passed away suddenly on Christmas morning when she was only 12. It was very hard for me to feed her & I sure wish I had someone like you back then. People & Doctor’s alike told me they were amazed at how healthy & clean she looked & her hair was beautiful & she was so pretty & always smiling.😁 That makes & made me happy but I see now that I cld have done much more. I blended a lot of her food up & did the best with the knowledge I had bk then. “So says my husband & everyone who knew us then.” I suppose they are right but I see now, things that I wish I had known then. Anyway, she went to Heaven suddenly Christmas morning 1995 & is getting to dance & eat at the Master’s table & that gives me comfort. I just wanted to tell you that I fully see now just how much you & other nutritionist are needed & yr knowledge can bless us all if explained the right manner. Where even a lay person like me can comprehend it. Ive been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes jst as I have turned the big 60.🤦🏻‍♀️ I need to lose some weight now & need collogen but not quite sure of how much & how to get it absorbed correctly. I tell ya, getting old is not for Sissy’s. I feel sluggish all the time & have started having a defeatist attitude & was just looking for the right supplements. When I found you & this powdered collagen. Again, thank you for sharing yr knowledge with us & making it all understandable. Bless you & all that you do!

Jaya Dama
Jaya Dama - 19.03.2023 04:39

Collagen has stopped!

K - 05.03.2023 00:50

Not more tough Meats but tougher Meats comparative adjective thanks for the video good job

Bee L Z Beeb
Bee L Z Beeb - 25.02.2023 00:58

Would hemp powder be a decent protein to use?

Susanna Palermo
Susanna Palermo - 20.02.2023 23:37

Is there a collagen powder you recommend

Jess!!! - 03.02.2023 20:43

I've heard (from many people solely studying collagen) that collagen in coffee does "nothing" good for you. The collagen's molecular structure melts, diminishing, or even negating the desired health benefits...

So... I dunno what to think about that. I do love having it in my coffee. I take (marine) collagen from the popular brand, Vital Proteins. I would mix it in cold water. But, it doesn't mix well it goes clumpy.

Though, I feel like it does work. It keeps me full to the point I forget to eat all day. I used to feel constantly hungry. Then, after taking the collagen I noticed I didn't have hunger pains anymore.

Wendy Read
Wendy Read - 30.01.2023 19:26

Autumn, I cannot even begin to tell you how much I am LOVING your channel. The content you are creating is brief and to the point, highly educational, extremely helpful, inspiring, motivating . . . and a whole lotta fun to watch. Keep it up, girl. We need correct nutrition information that isn't riddled with long, "scientific" words cough DeLaur *cough*. Plus, you're so cheerful and cute!

Blondie Girl
Blondie Girl - 23.01.2023 18:31

If I eat an egg with my coffee and collagen would you say that would give me better results? Thanks for this video! I'm subscribing to your channel!

Fyurius Ryage
Fyurius Ryage - 13.01.2023 00:34

Just started taking bone broth + collagen powder in the morning (instead of coffee), is this a bad idea? Is this dropping me out of my fast? Or do I just need to re-arrange my schedule? Currently, wake up, drink broth+collagen, then about an hour later work out, right after that a protein powder smoothie. Lost 70 lbs since June, but only been doing this (bone broth+collagen) for a week.

it is me OK
it is me OK - 28.12.2022 12:05

Can I just add 1/2 a scoop of whey protein to my collagen peptides?

Carla Hill
Carla Hill - 13.11.2022 08:23

Never knew that! Very interesting video!

Daisy - 31.10.2022 15:15

This was very helpful. I thought my collagen was my main protein so I was doing it wrong! Thank you!!

Eva S
Eva S - 30.10.2022 18:56

use in my coffee?

J Nichols
J Nichols - 28.10.2022 22:01

Autumn, thank you for this video! I don’t use collagen powder as my protein source but I do take it by itself in water (and I don’t eat anything while I’m drinking it). I eat plenty of other complete protein sources throughout the day. Is this OK or should I be having my collagen powder in water along with one of my meals?

Kelly Beard
Kelly Beard - 27.10.2022 18:57

For two days this week I've done this: 2 scoops of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides (chocolate) and 1 serving of whatever Greek yogurt (170g of Fage for me), mix that together until you get a pudding consistency. I'm doing this for breakfast two days after my ARX workout to keep a steady stream of aminos to repair muscle damage. Thoughts?

Laurie - 27.10.2022 00:30

I Autumn wondering If it is possible to pair it with another incomplete protein to make collagen a complete protein? Rather than having to add a whole other complete protein. Thanks🤓

Chrisoula Lakkas
Chrisoula Lakkas - 27.10.2022 00:01

Falling down is part of life. Getting back up is living.

jonah - 26.10.2022 23:16

Hey hey thanks for another really good video. I don't use collagen but I have to credit you on getting me to use whey protein powder as I just never was able to get enough protein in my diet. I'm not a gigantic eater. I'm a gigantic person either so but adding a scoop to a shake helps me get my protein level up high enough that I can actually start.... People are going to hate this gaining some weight... muscle hopefully.

May Far
May Far - 26.10.2022 18:28

Colorful vegetables as my salad with eggs , goat cheese and nuts , collagen powder is my lunch on my work days . It keeps me full more than 6 hours until i get home for diner.

Lori Neely
Lori Neely - 26.10.2022 13:27

I was putting vital proteins collagen in my black coffee every morning for about a year. I had severe lower back pain and terrible reflux. Once I stopped after one of your other collagen videos it all went away!! I just don’t think powdered processed anything should be a daily item. I’ll never buy it again.

Golden goddess💛
Golden goddess💛 - 26.10.2022 07:53

Can't trust a nutritionist with overly dry skin and chapped lips! are seriously lacking vitamins sis

Cheryl Redekopp
Cheryl Redekopp - 26.10.2022 05:11

Can I still add the collagen to my total protein for the day? Greek yogurt = 17grams Collagen = 9 grams and nuts = 3 grams for a total of 29 grams of Protein for lunch. Right? Or not?

Michael Spencer
Michael Spencer - 26.10.2022 00:10

I add cologne to almost everything liquid even my protein shake

Iris Short
Iris Short - 25.10.2022 22:35

Do you still get the benefits of collagen (hair, skin )if you use it separately or do you have to combine it with the protein in order to get the benefits…I do not count it as part of my daily protein intake…

Sheldon Ray Bird
Sheldon Ray Bird - 25.10.2022 21:38

Haha my mom was just telling me to take collagen this morning. She's been taking it in the morning to help her joints and hair I think. So you posting this today was great timing lol thanks for the additional info! I'll send her this video

Lee Calkins
Lee Calkins - 25.10.2022 20:36

Made the pumpkin sausage dish. As you say..."OH MY GOSH!" it is sooo good!!

James Dombroski
James Dombroski - 25.10.2022 20:33

Thank you, I do mix one scoop in with You're no oat oatmeal, with protein powder, and Greek yogurt

Mary Cherek
Mary Cherek - 25.10.2022 19:03

So if I make a smoothie with a protein powder, peanut butter, chia seeds, hemp hearts, blueberries, 1/2 banana and then add collagen powder.- does this make the collagen powder a complete protein?
And can I add that to my daily total protein intake? Thanks
