REUNITING HEARTS: How To Get Your Ex Back After Their Rebound Is Over

REUNITING HEARTS: How To Get Your Ex Back After Their Rebound Is Over

Clay Andrews

1 год назад

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@heartymcdurianz - 05.06.2023 00:13

Thank you Clay for your wonderful advice. I see how much it works with others in your comment sections, and I'm praying this time around I will win my ex back. There's no rebound for her as of yet, so we will see how it goes!

@lainybutter2155 - 05.06.2023 00:20

My ex says he wants to get back to me cause he realizes he doesn't see his rebound as a girlfriend. She has cancer now so my ex uses the excuse that he just can't tell her now because of her health issue. We saw each other a few times but he still uses the excuse not to tell her he can't give her more than just a friendship.
He also says he wants to give it time. Says he needs his space meanwhile.

@dantenewyork7380 - 05.06.2023 00:37

So theyre soiled with someone elses seed and now welcome back? No

@TART111 - 05.06.2023 01:53

Thanks for the video.
I saw him at a social event (for Saturday night)- first time in 3 months of NC.
He was alone.
He wanted to interact with me, but I was friendly yet cool - as though he was just an acquaintance. Afterwards, I texted him something silly but neutral and we exchanged a couple of lines.
I don't know if the rebound is over- but I know they have a business event together in 2 weeks. I'm not ready to hope he's single again, or even be flirtatious with him. I'll have to see how it goes over the summer. Back to NC until next time. If he shows up alone again, I might flirt.

@nickhennick - 05.06.2023 02:02

TY for this!!

@ladymay7789 - 05.06.2023 04:01

My friend came back in tears and semi-hysterics because he no longer felt safe in her neighborhood due to a physical confrontation in public with HER ex-. He still knows that he made a bad, which became dangerous decision out of fear of being alone, but sadly he let his EGO dictate and now he has to deal with all the fall-outs.

@blender176 - 06.06.2023 14:35

What if the ex is engaged but still misses you and wants a friendship still?

@julianhenry8141 - 30.01.2024 17:20

My ex got out of a rebound a two weeks ago, at first he messaged me we had fun but then I made the boundary of no sex or cuddling just friends. Is it a good sign he continuously reaches out because he doesn't want to be alone and the depth of the convo is very deep and I think he's hesitant and says he doesn't want anything serious but anytime we have a moment he gets scared. Is that good?
