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Hi! I'm a Magic: The Gathering player that just learned how to play One Piece Card Game and now I'm going to teach you! Trading card games share a lot of the same mechanics and that's true of these TCG's as well: from all the basics of deck construction, card types, combat, and every rule & interaction, I'll get you caught up for your first event or game night. If you found this video helpful, please leave it a like and share it to those who you think may also find it useful. Thanks for watching and good luck, nakama!
Research and script by Patrick Marlett
00:00 - How to Play One Piece Card Game from a Magic Player!
00:07 - Deck Construction & Victory Condition
01:13 - Card Types & General Rules
03:05 - Setup & Starting Play
03:50 - 5 Phases of a Turn
05:05 - Steps of Battle
07:07 - Keywords & Conditions
07:54 - Thanks for Watching!
#HowToPlay #OnePieceCardGame #LocalGameGuy #LGG #OnePiece #OnePieceTCG #TradingCardGame #TCG #CollectibleCards #CCG #Learning #MagicTheGathering #MTG
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