[Sound Battle] S.M.S.L DA-9(Direct Mode) vs NAD C388 - High Volume Setting - with KEF R3 Bookshelf

[Sound Battle] S.M.S.L DA-9(Direct Mode) vs NAD C388 - High Volume Setting - with KEF R3 Bookshelf

E Project

2 года назад

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Scott Lowell
Scott Lowell - 21.08.2023 00:31

The old timey jazz recordings have a flat canned quality to them on any system. Not great fidelity. Anyway, the NAD sounds like it's more polite and soft. I prefer the SMSL. I just bought one.

Paul Kartats
Paul Kartats - 31.07.2023 13:55

please dont decide on hifi equipment through such unreliabe tests, what you hear is the outcome of YOUR listening gear and not the ones tested.

Jonathan Nieto
Jonathan Nieto - 21.06.2023 04:52

I really appreciate your input and all the effort, time and money! Just would suggest to either change amps faster so we can listen to more less the same section, or, play the same section with both

amanieux - 13.06.2023 15:34

i prefer da9 over c388 ( harsher but more lively and dynamic) , i am surprised that the massive price difference does not show up

Tones Bones
Tones Bones - 05.06.2023 10:32

When switching from the SMSL to the NAD during the Jazz it was like throwing a blanket over the speakers. The symbols almost disappeared completely. SMSL won the Jazz and classical tests quite comfortably. The NAD was less fatiguing with the heavy crash and burn song and more laid back for the time travel song which suited better. The SMSL obviously has better clarity and the NAD is smoother. Subjective taste will sway each listener. I'd probably hand the overall win to the SMSL.

Berndt Wagner
Berndt Wagner - 22.01.2023 19:52

DA-9 champagner, NAD prosecco in my ears.

valluva raj
valluva raj - 19.01.2023 19:42

For me C388 is better. It is so quiet and depth and detail. DA-9 is open and high. For fully joyful moment DA-9 will o.k. But for relax and heart touching C388 is better.

AudioTesT - 14.12.2022 15:22

У Nad 388 задняя сцена есть и она читается, у Da 9 сцена торчит вперёд, а задняя смазана и почти не разборчева. У Nad есть масштаб , мощный бас и некая мягкость звука, Da9 от него голова быстро начинает болеть. Однозначно победа за NAD. 👍

valkyrie orion
valkyrie orion - 27.11.2022 01:17

I can't believe how good the SMSL is.

Gareth W
Gareth W - 22.09.2022 19:43

The smsl sounds a bit boosted in the highs and lows / mid cut compared to the NAD. It's hard to say which sounds better from this. Perhaps the da9 complements the KEFs flat / mid focused sound more than the NAD.

Wei Liao
Wei Liao - 10.09.2022 23:01

I guess it comes some to what speaker and dac you go with, DA-9 has a very honest and straightforward sound, while the Nad has more it’s own characteristics and tuning, and in some songs sound more musical, I think da9 would go very well with warmer system and Nad goes well with those system that you want to soften it a little

myplaguesify - 21.08.2022 02:16

the da-9 in personal is dry sounding i had them

tkhndt - 30.01.2022 21:35

Smls for sure

William Miebach
William Miebach - 09.01.2022 08:29

How do you like youre class D sound? Regular or extra crispy?

David Carr
David Carr - 09.01.2022 07:16

David and Goliath . This is what we're here to discover. E, the revealer of the truth. The differences are pretty small compared to the price difference. My take is that the DA9 sounds a tad more open and dynamic. The C388 sounds a tad smoother and warmer and a little restrained/more refined depending on your POV. If you want even more power there's always the SMSL SA400 !!

Da N
Da N - 09.01.2022 03:19

Thanks alot for this! Would love to see comparison with loxjie a30 aswell if you have it.

DidiD - 08.01.2022 21:24

For me the DA9 sounds 'like it is', just passing through signal. Some tracks feel more outlined and focussed, imo.
Against the NAD I liked the DA9 better for a more true representation of tracks and complementing charasteristics of the R3's.

Higo da Silva Moura
Higo da Silva Moura - 08.01.2022 19:35

NAD has the most natural, musical and refined sound. You can see this clearly on the Time Traveling, Crash And Burn, Magic Show and Fields tracks.

Timbres sound more natural, realistic, analog to NAD.

By the DA-9 everything is more metallic, digitized, artificial out of reality.

Even the voices sounded more natural for NAD.

Mark Winston
Mark Winston - 08.01.2022 19:27

I couldnt wait and grabbed my wife's in-ears... now this is just silly. The DA9 is up there with the 388 and fuller on some tracks. What..... I knew the DA9 was good but god damn, not this close. Even on Punkd, it was neck and neck with the 388, and the 388 was at -5db. Madness. I sense the 388 has more depth, but thats something I can easily achieve and even better with DACs below 500 bucks. Power isnt a problem here, for the R3s at least. The DA9 plays like a straight wire with gain, which is exactly what I look for in amps. You guys have seen rave reviews of the DA9, I can tell you for a fact that its greater than what you all can imagine, especially with a good DAC. Go get one, best 250 you will ever spend. The DA9 nearly made me sell my Rotels, when the PA5 came in it was a done deal. Thank you so much again E, you ma man!!!

Mark Winston
Mark Winston - 08.01.2022 19:06

Thank you so so so much E!!! I needed this! Ill have to go back and hear it, be back home in a few hours! Thank you so much E!!!
