Shadowlands Hurt WoW Forever.

Shadowlands Hurt WoW Forever.

Asmongold TV

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Will0wTh0rns - 16.09.2023 18:25

Shadow Lands was and will be the last WoW expansion I will ever purchase.

Invader Zim
Invader Zim - 11.09.2023 03:07

Shadowlands felt like a hate letter for W3 fans and Death Knights Main

Corlwow - 01.09.2023 15:44

Wow. Being in wow community for so long and just watching it flip flop is so sad. Asmon complaining about wow being all about logistics and inaccessibility around the ten minute mark… thats what vanilla was all about. I guess people actually enjoyed hearing about the good old days and revisiting it for a bit but when it comes to the content people prefer to play its the give it to me now culture we live in.

Braden Kropp
Braden Kropp - 30.06.2023 17:50

Gee if only there was more end game content. Idk just figured throw that in there as that’s the biggest problem in mmos peoples hyper fixation on endgame content. Be like trying to run mines of Moria and everyone just goes on and on about encountering the balrog. I’ve never had players act like that they seem to enjoy the adventure as a whole. Not to say endgame doesn’t matter but different parts of a story have a role just like in video games

Eugen Temba
Eugen Temba - 28.06.2023 00:43

Yeah Shadowlands killed WoW for me :(

Angry Paisan
Angry Paisan - 14.06.2023 22:53

Also the fact that the shadowlands storyline while interesting in concept and from the teaser that they did announcing the expansion, the “finished” product was dogshit. The send off if you can call it that, for Arthas was disgusting.

arash nozari
arash nozari - 08.06.2023 01:33

as one of the biggest gold sellers in wow
i can say this game is fucking dead and for people like me who do boost .farming and ect to sell the gold is good
but as a normal wow player its a waste of time, there are some better games than this out there to play
dont waste your life in this trash game unless your rich

Drone - 05.06.2023 16:36

BFA was worse. That what made people not even trying shadowlands and definitely not latest expansion.

Hayles - 05.06.2023 02:40

final fantasy was god awful, no lie.

Fast Stang
Fast Stang - 01.06.2023 09:50

shadowlands sucked. i played the 1st season, the gladiator mount model looked very sick that was the only thing i liked about it. my wow friend that i pvp'd for years also died during shadowlands and now the game feels empty than it ever was. it sickens me everytime i log into the game not only its boring it reminds me of my friends death and the memories that we had together.

FREAXXGAMING - 27.05.2023 04:31

no videos complaining about DF, because no one gives 2 shits anymore, blizzard proved they dont care for feedback,

StahliBoi - 26.05.2023 15:43

I thought about playing WoW recently, but if you're not going to hardcore raid or pvp there's not really anything for you in this game.

Every single patch is the exact same and it has been for years, grind for gear that becomes obsolete in 6 months. Like what's the point.

Bobin - 24.05.2023 19:19

He’s right about the raids for more casual players. I spent 2 and a half hours just trying to kill the second boss with pugs and got NOTHING out of it. I do 4 dungeons in the same amount of time and fill 1 vault slot plus end of dungeon loot. Bosses have to die to get anything from raid, getting into raid takes forever, whereas dungeons take time but getting stuck you can just quit, knock your key down a level or two, and probably finish it.

PepeCovfefe - 22.05.2023 15:33

Modern mmo gaming is such a bore.... That's the reality. We need to go back to what made games like everquest and final fantasy 11 special

Torrenaxe - 20.05.2023 12:05

Just an old game bro. Time to die.

Canceled Logic
Canceled Logic - 20.05.2023 02:09

Games end. I wouldn’t mind wow closing down and making room for something new. It was great! But products get old and pass out of the culture. You can delay it, but not forever

Deadlymixx - 17.05.2023 17:31

Cartoon bitches being taken out would be the very last thing on my list of the problems with the game.

wackywarrior001 - 17.05.2023 10:17

Nipple thanos can never be forgiven , no one has owned up to nipple thanos .

DrScott73 - 17.05.2023 05:53

This preach guy is terrible, random mumbled statements and long breaks then another line!
The MMO idea is good, he should share that one with someone else!

JWL - 17.05.2023 03:20

Preach is so boring to listen to. His rhetoric and energy actually makes my skin itch

Super Lad
Super Lad - 14.05.2023 04:11

Unpopular opinion: WoW was only ever actually fun when you got home from school and played with your friends and had no clue what you were doing, now you get on and know exactly what to do, where to do it, how to do it, and when to do it. There's no mystery to the game anymore. It's been figured out. You wanna do x? Do y. Wanna do a? Do b. The only people I think genuinely have fun playing this game anymore are the new players, who are often times mocked and ridiculed for not having 10,000 hours and knowing exactly how to do some dungeon or raid and then quit because sweaty neckbeards make the game unfun for them, which unfortunately, isn't a fixable problem at all.

Adrian Brave
Adrian Brave - 14.05.2023 03:42

Love how the addicts are trying to scapegoat this frat boy culture as the killing blow when it was the "frat boys" that built the game and the whole damn company. It's like watching a parasite be angry that its host is now dying because it consumed too much of it.

A Skeleton
A Skeleton - 13.05.2023 10:46

We always knew WoW was going to burst its own bubble, and sure enough Shadowlands did just that.
I don't think even Blizzard really grasps just how much irreparable damage was done by SL, it was legitimately devastating on both a lore, gameplay and meta level.

Slytherben - 13.05.2023 04:19

Girls I know who play the game LOVE "slutmog" and they love when strong female characters are hawt. It always catches me off guard when I hear this, but I've heard it multiple times

Phiil - 11.05.2023 05:28

The first two words of this video were, “Preach thinks” and that’s when I turned it off.

David Claveau
David Claveau - 11.05.2023 04:01

Wow Classic is still the best version of this game.. not only for old memory's but for what it is... No WOTLK, Not the HC version the True Classic.

Theo White
Theo White - 04.05.2023 21:19

For the past 10 years there have been hundreds of videos each patch titled "the problem with wow is..."... and that is the problem with wow

slob_25 - 03.05.2023 17:55

It’s just a corporate cash grab now , no passion or care for community

Wesley Lecruidant
Wesley Lecruidant - 03.05.2023 09:34

Wrong. There are no FFXIV streams/big streams because XIV encourages you to play other games when there is no content and you're waiting for a patch. Yoshi directly said that he wants you doing that. When there's a raid release or ultimate? HUGE numbers on Twitch. Learn your shit Asmon.

Elixie - 03.05.2023 01:43

Man I played WoW from classic back in the days all the way through the first patch of Shadowlands, but I just didn't enjoy it. Now I've found World of Horsecraft (Star Stable) and FFXIV and I enjoy those games so much I have no need to go back to WoW at the moment.

Márk Arató
Márk Arató - 02.05.2023 17:53

I loved the music, zones and themes of the Shadowlands, but not much else.

Warllockmaster asd
Warllockmaster asd - 02.05.2023 13:09

game streaming was never interesting to watch because of the game.
it's often connected to the person in question playing.

Be it and interesting or attractive person.
as for wow it was already damaged in bfa, while shadowlands infected the wound.

But furthermore: Wow is old.
and a ton of games are being released constantly now.

MMORPGS may struggle as they want but eventually people will find them boring and repetitive.
Or the devs panic and blurr the lines between content.

Something fortunately ff14 has not done yet.
Savaged leveled gear can only be obtained through savage -minus the relic which takes all expansion to complete.
Other gear in the game will always be inferior to Savage.

But I also just think Streaming itself of mmorpgs is getting old.
People rather want to watch more competitive games.

Just my cup of tea on the subject.

legendary righteous
legendary righteous - 02.05.2023 00:33

problem with this game is time, times have changed we all grown up, we all changed, gaming industry and market changed, but wow its pretty much the same. no matter what they do its outdated, we already seen and done it all. and the best part about that game is playing with your friends and guild mate, well 98% of mine don’t even game anymore…. so yeah, only thing that can revive this game is brand new game with new mechanics and engine…. but i doubt that will happen anytime soon, they will milk it as long as they can

SkyClear - 01.05.2023 23:58

I would love to go back to SL and collect everything, that is what I like to do. I grinded the 25k for a xmog set for my was soul sucking. I will never do it again. I will never go back there. I hate that place. Blizzard needs to make some SERIOUS quality of life changes to that zone if they want people to actually play it. That and no flying in two zones is dumb as heck.

Samson Brand
Samson Brand - 01.05.2023 23:53

What they did to Arthas is what killed it for me

dudle core
dudle core - 30.04.2023 18:43

I used to be a longtime vet, started in bc - quit be4 battle for azeroth, returned for shadowlands - left after 2 months again never to return.
I still keep up with it every now and then but i wont come back to blizz stuff

Liebkraft - 29.04.2023 10:27

preach talks about blizzard needing to come up with content that's just for fun and not grinding gear. meanwhile hardcore classic currently brought in a huge number of players back to wow. and this is just a community project. blizzard needs to hammer down on this and they need to do it yesterday. make official hardcore servers with official rulesets. i think retail is just fine for those who play for fun. there's plenty of collectibles for you and i feel like this is what the average retail player is after nowadays.

SKOSHA 2.0 - 29.04.2023 06:12

Advice for all devs of any MMO:

Build up, not out. > new land is death of old land and degrades pop in location.

No instances. > degrades player pop in location

Derive balance from chaos, not balance from order. Death to all metas, everything has a hard counter pvp or pve.

Don't create achievement systems or leaderboards in MMOs It's demoralizing to 99.9% of the playerbase. They will quit and MMOs can't lose players.

Death to grind.

There needs to be capacity for player creativity in all things.

Every MMO I play I feel like I have a job. I already adult very well in rl. So no real need to MMO.

New systems should not fabricate grind.

Wah - 28.04.2023 16:24

I liked shadowlands a lot more than dragonflight.

Derek - 28.04.2023 01:32

I despise the m+ system and won't come back until that's gone or different.

TheSuperhomosapien - 27.04.2023 21:54

The quality of a Preach video increased proportionally depending on how drunk Preach is.

Cap'n Limpworm
Cap'n Limpworm - 27.04.2023 18:54

They stepped away from Warhammer roots and it ruined what made it good in the first place.

Jen Gorman
Jen Gorman - 27.04.2023 17:02

Meh if removing some of the risque content is what made you dislike wow you never really liked wow, you liked side-boob level port in your game. As a female gamer, while some of the changes are overkill, others just make the game feel more welcoming.

Programmers designed games for guys 20 years ago, and now they have to keep an eye on all gendered players. That's not a weakness. If anything, the decline in storyline and the homoginization of powers and abilities between classes is what killed wow. Any time you turn a MMO into a solo play game, that's what drives away your original players.

Valdox - 27.04.2023 17:00

They over complicated the expansions to the point where the casual player base didn't understand what was going on. We no longer felt immersed. Really we want to fight a bad guy. Vanilla the focus was Horde Vs Alliance, TBC we had Illidan, WOTLK had Lich King etc. WOTLK was the downfall because gear started feeling less rewarding by the time ICC came around.

Tel - 27.04.2023 10:01

I think BFA hurt WoW even more, people forget how bad that xpac was already, its kinda crazy, even with how bad SL was i remember thinking oh ya...this sucks ass...but somehow it was worse only a few yrs ago.

Brandon L
Brandon L - 27.04.2023 06:26

why tf did preach have to go on this whole shpeal with his mouth full of chicken wtf lol

Jaymay - 26.04.2023 23:34

Interesting shadowlands was when I finally quit for good

Darkrose 1313
Darkrose 1313 - 25.04.2023 15:52

I mean, it probably won't mean much but I've played WoW since the beginning of BC, never really missed a month of sub.. been through the good, the bad, the worse... yet in SL I struggled to reach max level because I hated the concept. Once at max level, I started to do the grind like everyone else and soon realized that the combination of shitty story + shitty content = time for a break. And so I did take a break, for the entirety of SL and it was a sad experience for me because I love WoW as a game and an idea, but I do not understand what the devs are doing with this game and story anymore. I returned shortly before the launch of DF and I wanted to finish the story of SL before heading into new, draconic lands and I must say, I nearly quit the game yet again about half way through Korthia. Luckily,by that point the invasions had started so I left SL behind forever, never intending on going there again. I did read the lore, face palming constantly so I do not want to experience whatever the hell that mess is. DF feels far better and I hope they get to improve on it rather than take 1 step forwards 10 steps back sort of dance with this game we all love.
All in all, I believe us old players should start speaking with our wallets a bit more. It is a good idea to stop subbing when the game is trash and come back to it when it is good again, that way, the people at Blizzard will realize that they can't get away with putting out shitty content.

axl kay
axl kay - 25.04.2023 12:47

shadowloands was the worst wow expansion hands down

Deangelo Bailey
Deangelo Bailey - 25.04.2023 08:58

I just came back to wow this week and already feel weird about the forced homosexuality of some npcs.
