How to WIN Castle Ravenloft! Mechanics You MUST Know | Reapers Challenge Day 1 - Neverwinter Mod 21

How to WIN Castle Ravenloft! Mechanics You MUST Know | Reapers Challenge Day 1 - Neverwinter Mod 21


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@tilttiti5800 - 20.10.2021 11:21

Nice content as usual ! May i ask for precisions Aragon ? (lots of questions incoming XD, but will be perhaps useful for other people !)

- On first boss, as a tank, sometimes i can't take aggro on a sister, even spamming hard taunt, she relentlessly attack the person she choosed, is this intended or a bug ?
Is there a way to counter that ? A dps can dodge the final blow when reaching 10 stacks or is it impossible?
- I heard it is possible for a tank to stand between the said targeted dps and her when 10 stacks are reached and to block the damage by raising the shield, is it true ?
- On your video i see you don't get pushed away like others when first portal is destroyed, how do you resist the bump ?
- For the bat swarm you are talking of getting into the light area, where are they exactly ?

- For final boss i see you wield the sword, it's for showing in the video only or is it meant for the tank to wield it ?
Seems doable with a good healer if aggroing is possible with the sword as i didn't took so much damage doing this one in reaper, what do you think ?
- In that case, do you know what sword attack is better dps-efficient ? basic? spin ? big one ?

Thanks a lot for the video and the eventual time you will take ^^

@JediRouge - 18.09.2023 02:23

I really wanted to finished Ravenloft (Epic) dungeon but everyone keeps dropping and didn't even bother to try to learn from the fight or mistakes. Sure it's the hardest dungeon I've seen thus far, but the story looked really interesting 😔

@julienfrisson9372 - 21.05.2023 14:28

The best dungeon in the game! it is so unique and graphically beautiful!

@voidwizard2067 - 15.02.2023 20:52

Makes no sense. You need to be a lot more detailed/clear when you are describing things.

@RGS1970 - 28.08.2022 17:47

hypo is the main reason to quit first boss run when you run reaper without revive and no one take the time to explain how to avoid it

@frankboneno1614 - 27.07.2022 19:09

Appreciate this. I hate CR but your tutorial explains it better and now I think I can do it better

@smokingone - 28.04.2022 17:46

I always explain it as, if you are the tank block when she rises in the air...i never watch those stacks. Also it should be noted that for the person wielding the book, none of the powers work anymore except LMB.
RMB used to be used to cleanse chains because you could use 1 to stun the red ghosts and then go over to your team and do the cleanse/heal.
For the 2nd boss the way it works is that whoever has aggro must take the hit from his overhead chop or he will spin (usually happens when a dps has aggro and dodges), as tank you do not have to block you just have to get aggro and take the hit.
Also for dps and healer watch what side his sword is on and always try to stay behind him on the opposite side of the sword, if not his big arcing swipe is likely to 1 shot you if his sword is red.
For the Sunsword, use 1 right after the sword says "heavens".
There is no point in stacking the sword and never really was it only helps for the small trash phase right before the Strahd fight.

@stephenlavine9346 - 11.12.2021 18:51

Do you have a guide for last boss reaper castle never?

@aleksander3870 - 20.10.2021 17:47

Never had a group in which someone is not leaved before the first community is great...not

@vAaron-X - 20.10.2021 15:15

Nicely done Aragon. We were doing the 2nd boss. He was spinning without doing the animation 🤣🤣 still one of my top5 dungeons

@justinphillips8282 - 20.10.2021 14:20

Step 1. Don't take barbarians.

@shekelmeister - 20.10.2021 10:54

DPS needs to dodge all the balls and/or the healer need to have them full HP all the time otherwise they get 1 shot by the red balls.
Had a friend with a random healer that asked me to help them 3rd boss. Spent 1 hour there bc dps kept dying, had to run with 3 squires to make up for the healer being bad...

@Nakkuchan - 20.10.2021 10:41

Thank you for the video! And congratulations overall, I find your Neverwinter videos very interesting and very instructive :) Thanks for all the work!

@Nekrolai240591 - 20.10.2021 09:14

Yeas! Because i'm weak!

@joshuawalton9062 - 20.10.2021 05:10

Is this permanent or times?

@ichigokun4633 - 20.10.2021 04:35

I come through here to express my indignation in my professions where I have all levels until the 5 in my champion. After the patch I lost the masterwork levels 1,2,3 what happens? Will I be harmed by this update? u can help me?

@gabs_salem - 20.10.2021 04:34

No one cares about the red spheres in normal CR. Most people don't even know how they work in the first place. I NEVER see anyone dodging them with me. Imagine on RC... no thanks, I'll skip a day

@mickmuzzmkmz1628 - 20.10.2021 02:55

Another great helpful video!👍.
Although I've done CR quite a few times now, I still learnt a few things from this vid that I didn't know.
It also helps a bit if everyone holds the sword once before the fight, to get max buffs in the boss fight.
I'm really glad to hear that the Reaper's challenge won't always be 50k requirement!
I'll have to give it a go when I can.

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 20.10.2021 02:39

Hnag on, are Healers allowed to Heal in these queues?


@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 20.10.2021 02:39

I did Castle Ravenloft yesterday in random queue and it was not too hard. When my Healer got transported to the other room, I didn't get stunned and Xuna killed them all for me. I wonder what would happen tonight?

Apparently the Sun Sword adds buffs for the mobs before Strahd, not in the Boos room itself.

And you should have hovered for longer over the Legendary Packs, expecially the Companion one. It was very hard to pause while the tool tip was showing.


@erevel4473 - 20.10.2021 02:35

I may have missed that but you didn't mention bats mechanic during Strahd fight? Some people call it hypo (maybe because of arrows).
For anyone that is wondering: bats mechanic happens usually when Strahd says something like: "Feast my pets!", then someone may or may not get bats. If they persist long enough they can kill within few hits so it's really important to get rid of them as quickly as possible. And to get rid of them affected player must run to candles that are located on the arena and stand there for about 3-5 seconds. That should clear bats.
On the extra note: try to not get hit by more than 1 orb blast, as it can kill pretty quickly and if someone is kidnapped to the nighmare part, make sure to release that person AFTER orbs blast. As it happens sometimes there are 4 orbs in the center and dps tend to not pay attention to this. Getting hit by 4 of those at once = death, no matter the protection.

Nice video overall :)

@mercedcambero3301 - 20.10.2021 02:35

Hey aragon, it's normal that Sybella Artis no longer has the store with Heroes Medallion exchange?

@kd9749 - 20.10.2021 02:31

Just beat it with a pug, wasn’t that bad. Not sure what the hubbub is all about.

@umbrellabeans4203 - 20.10.2021 02:19

ty for this Aragon!! A lot of people don't know the mechanics for CR 😭😭 the reapers challege is something else
