How Much Does It Cost To 3D Print A Death Korps of Krieg Army?

How Much Does It Cost To 3D Print A Death Korps of Krieg Army?

Battle Brother Sam

1 год назад

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Samuel Baldwin
Samuel Baldwin - 14.09.2023 23:30

I literally just did this but from scratch with no experience. It was about 1300$ and i bought the printer on sale, and the resin and isopropyl alcohol in bulk. I had only a few failed prints across the whole army and it still took about a month with 2-3 hours of work a day. I don't regret a second of it especially knowing i can double my army in size for less than 100$ but it was an enormous amount of time and extremely technical work. 3D printing is much much more difficult than pressing print and watching it go if you want a print remotely close to GW quality.

I used a brand new mars 4 max and phrozen 4k grey resin printing mostly station forge infantry and nate feyma's vehicles.

If anyone decides to give printing guard a shot, just know itll be a lot harder and a lot more dangerous than if you just bought them straight up. And if you don't expect to print 2-4k+ points worth of models i think you are better off taking a different approach.

Sergio Llanes
Sergio Llanes - 13.09.2023 17:04

Where can I get the backpacks @battlebrothersam?!?! your prints look amazinggg. building my army as we speak :)

Yaqoub Al-Tayib
Yaqoub Al-Tayib - 13.09.2023 01:43

The ONLY thing I dont like about these models is the orientation of the print. Just to cut down on print time. Although, for the money saved, I'll shut up haha!

Charles Matthews
Charles Matthews - 12.09.2023 22:16

This is one of the great 3d printing videos.

Anna something something
Anna something something - 08.09.2023 21:13

So I don't have a 3d printer, so I have to rely on services. And I was appalled when I saw the price... Not because it was expensive or anything, but it cost so ridiciously little... Can't wait for the results to arrive ^^. Thank you very much.

Richard Manintveld
Richard Manintveld - 07.09.2023 19:22

When it comes to Games Workshop and their prices, I love it that the biggest complainers are those dumbasses who kept paying their rising prices for years.
Bitch bitch bitch.. Oh, let me buy it anyway..
Bitch bitch bitch.. Oh, let me buy it anyway..

Safety Briefer
Safety Briefer - 21.08.2023 18:55

It's pronounced Death 'core'.

Tabletop Gaming
Tabletop Gaming - 21.08.2023 01:39

What website did you find the files on and what printing software do you use

Santi Correa
Santi Correa - 17.08.2023 00:50

What website did you get these files from? I didn’t recognize the interface

Bretticus6 - 11.08.2023 20:48

Lol u could buy a 3d printer and all the resin u need for less than the army would cost u to buy from Forge World

Daniel Crosby
Daniel Crosby - 09.08.2023 12:56

What website did you use to buy the stl files?

Vokdor1 - 07.08.2023 02:51

I would rather spend some money than get cancer

Vokdor1 - 07.08.2023 02:49

This is so misleading...
You dont account for all expenses and you time is being considered as worthless

Ritter DS
Ritter DS - 23.07.2023 22:07

Bro u are a legit hero to me i love your videos keep going!😁

Mark Van Gorkum
Mark Van Gorkum - 19.07.2023 21:11

The bootleg names of these custom models are fucking hillarious. I found what appears to be a apothecary called "Turk the Surgeon"

MrTweed - 17.07.2023 12:54

We're did you get those back pack for them are they makers cult?

JoshMC2000 - 16.07.2023 18:08

Honestly id do a mixture the command squads don't seem to bad when compared to there cadian equivalents and I don't think the commissars are that bad when you consider how much they charge for the individual plastics. However I draw the line at paying 500 pound for horses or artillery pieces.

I spit out my coffee.
I spit out my coffee. - 15.07.2023 21:33

20 dollars thats it
All the stls we cheap or free files

David Owl
David Owl - 12.07.2023 15:33

This video made me go into this hobby

boneheads mini studios
boneheads mini studios - 11.07.2023 06:07

you sir are an inspiration to me snd my small company thanks for all the advice. and we will continue to be on the look out for your new stuff.

John Philip Mitchell Chappell
John Philip Mitchell Chappell - 04.07.2023 07:01

I think from a later video you probably have figured this out, but just in case, and for anyone else - don't use 'IPA', use what we call 'meths' (methylated spirits) in the UK, often called 'denatured alcohol' in US and elsewhere. This is basically an ethanol / methanol mix, some mixes are mostly ethanol, with just enough methanol in it to meet legal restrictions (don't want people drinking it), some are close to being a 50/50 mix, but in either case it will perform better, tends to be less smelly and is almost certainly much cheaper.

Disciple of Dagon
Disciple of Dagon - 03.07.2023 05:16

Forgeworld resin sucks. One time I bought a recast of the same DKK pack I got from forge world and it was actually BETTER

Barge Arse
Barge Arse - 21.06.2023 09:06

Please don't do the costings in Australian dollars. We're already very well aware...

There'd be a natural land bridge between us and the rest of the civilised world if it weren't for all of our tears filling the oceans. 😭

DANKXI - 18.06.2023 23:57

Good video idea!
You seem like a great dude - Keep it up and this channel will go places.

victormgv - 16.06.2023 08:00

I don't even play or know what is happening with warhammer, but these savings.... these savings sir is absolutly amazing LMFAO You can buy the whole Resin 3d printer set up and print your army for less than the purchase WOW. (Comment for the algorithm don't @me)

Chipster Camarillo
Chipster Camarillo - 12.06.2023 23:56

I've been toying with the idea to get a 3d printer but never had a proper reason to justify it. This video actually helped a lot especially since a friend of mine like you and I agree, like and think Kriegs are some of the coolest minis out there

666Azmodan666 - 11.06.2023 23:32

The problem is that many figurines are so expensive because by printing them you are breaking copyright if they leave the shelf in your room... that's why the prices are so high because no one is likely to risk a lawsuit and their supplier dictates the prices he wants... Even if you make a similar one yourself figure and sell it, whether it's a print or a digital form, you may have problems.

bamaretired grunt
bamaretired grunt - 06.06.2023 17:04

I have never done 3D printing before. But, I am wanting to expand my DKK Army and this looks like a really good option. I do have some questions though.

CANTTOUCHMYSWAG - 06.06.2023 07:43

Money is saved with printing but Im still sad in 10th I can't really play Elysian drop troops and KILL SOME BUGS! (They look like starship troopers)

carl brown
carl brown - 06.06.2023 00:42

lol basically cheaper to go out and buy a 3d printer and everything you need just to fill out the troop choice

rockstoneballs - 04.06.2023 18:00

Pronounced core ffs

Valkyrie Studios
Valkyrie Studios - 02.06.2023 17:53

Makers cult 30% off sale this month

mgentile7 - 01.06.2023 16:54

I stopped playing 40k because of their extreme pricing of GW and Forge World minis.

David Norris
David Norris - 01.06.2023 00:54

So when is GW going to start selling STLs? I feel like they could cut a lot of overhead out if they just sold STL files for people to 3D print. Just NY 2 cents.

Richard LaCroix
Richard LaCroix - 26.05.2023 16:53

My mono 6k was 790 bucks when it was new. I've printed alot of stuff. But seriously, the time in slicer, bad prints, cleanup, cost of cure and wash station......whatever your time is worth I guess. I just made a purchase similar on FW for krieg. If you can't afford a hobby, buying a bunch of stuff to "afford" it better, are you really winning. .. ..

drstrangeman - 25.05.2023 09:17

Where do you get the files? Im looking to get into wh40k armies and there are many armies I'd like to run (especially discontinued armies)

Connor Sucks At Games
Connor Sucks At Games - 19.05.2023 02:24

Trying not to have an aneurysm every time you say Korps as "corpse"

Callus Klaus
Callus Klaus - 13.05.2023 23:09

Another excellent vid.
I have discovered an extremely friendly warhammer printing community here in Portland, and I have never played Warhammer 40k, think I'll start with this very army! Thanks for making this mate!

toby sunrise
toby sunrise - 13.05.2023 07:20

Sorry! But where I can find this 3d models?

Tez Mercer
Tez Mercer - 11.05.2023 01:31

Thanks for these videos man. They're a big inspiration. I even looked into 3d printing offshore at places like JLCPCB or PCBWAY but the $1 per item (shoulder pad, legs, arms etc all cost) so it adds up, then its $30 shipping to me so worked out one lowly space marine is gonna cost me $39 shipped. Buying a 3d printer and sucking up the startup costs is looking more and more attractive. Suffice to say I wouldn't have even considered that option without your videos. Cheers dude.

Lord of the Daffodils
Lord of the Daffodils - 09.05.2023 20:05

What software do you use?

Mo Afwaz
Mo Afwaz - 08.05.2023 20:23

how are you allowed to have this video up and not get cancelled by GW?

lvloneratata - 08.05.2023 15:23

power to the people man, i am buying a 3d printer just because of this video. any recomendations?

Joseph Davila
Joseph Davila - 07.05.2023 11:57

What are the dimensions for the minis?

Bruiser - 07.05.2023 05:58

Listen, you didn’t here this from me, but red makers make some of the best dkok models.

Donny Lurch
Donny Lurch - 03.05.2023 16:39

I've been using an Elegoo printer at my local library for 15 cents/gram (USD) and they're going to raise the price soon to 20-25 cents. Seemed good but now I feel I'm being taken! Of course they're also factoring in cost of alcohol. Anyway, I'd love to get a printer of my very own but I don't have a lot of space for one. Is it bad to set it up over carpet, by a window? Cos that's all I've got to work with.

Guardsman - 27.04.2023 18:10

Does anybody knows, which programm he uses? will be happy for any answer

HundredManSlayer - 16.04.2023 05:44

I don't own a 3d printer but am an avid proxy Warhammer buyer and the money you save is ridiculous only down side is that you don't know if the person you are buying from will deliver top quality and I guess thats the safe thing when buying from GW you know that what you buy is what you get but sor far I've had little trouble with buying proxy figures just got donw getting some krieg mortar teans to back up my screaming khorne berserkers (I do not care about lore accuracy when creating an army I just love using the figures I love)
