How to aim like yay in Valorant (EL DIABLO AIM)

How to aim like yay in Valorant (EL DIABLO AIM)


1 год назад

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@HydraCFW - 16.09.2023 03:57

I like how Yays aim looks so robotic almost zero wasted movement it's like the end game that everyone wants to achieve

@khurzyy5492 - 03.06.2023 07:37

the no wasted movement thing can be trained by that miyagi method

@HostxgeMC - 15.11.2022 23:29

This is game sense not aim, If you want to have very steady and smooth aim, you have to have the same arm position that he does, he rests his elbow on the desk which makes your hand steady that’s step 1 , step 2 how to get good aim? Practice like fucking crazy I’m talking 30-50 medium to hard bots sets, 15-20 100 eliminations with strafe on, then a lot of death matches, I’m doing this right now it’s been almost a week and I went from ascendant 1 mid fragging to ascendant 3 top fragging almost every game, and I’m only gonna get better, also in death match record yourself and see which shots you tend to whiff the most and work on those weaknesses in practice range, better Aim will not come from competitive you can play 10 comp games that’s equivalent to 2 death matches in terms of aim practice

@jrm8206 - 13.11.2022 20:50

He can predict enemy actions like no other. Best in any FPS I have ever seen. Maybe only Shroud is better at this. Gamesense. That is what makes his crosshair placement so good.

@michaelschwarz5907 - 26.10.2022 22:35

step one: throw your potato pc in the trash and buy a good rig and a 240hz monitor.

step2: setup raw accel curve

step 3: use crosshairplacement, because now it works the same way as for all the streamers you watch with a high-end setup.

@sozq9 - 23.10.2022 01:25

What’s his mouse grip style

@sombrecentaurx1502 - 22.10.2022 05:01

how do install valoraeant?

@supuraisu8270 - 18.10.2022 22:01


@supuraisu8270 - 18.10.2022 22:01


@yoann.d3375 - 18.10.2022 19:03

Me : take my time to aim
Ennemy : instant headshot me
My Pc : dont forget i only go 60hz

@the_yugandharr - 18.10.2022 14:10

Your video has hiccups dude

@jadechan4232 - 18.10.2022 07:28


@yes8807 - 18.10.2022 06:58

I feel like I've watched this somewhere else before

@adamlevine8102 - 17.10.2022 19:25

Hey jaeky what are ur video settings its so good 😔

@AsukaQwQ - 17.10.2022 19:21

wait i was just trying to copy his aim style yesterday??
