Stranded US-bound Air India passengers describe scene in Russia as they await 'ferry flight'

Stranded US-bound Air India passengers describe scene in Russia as they await 'ferry flight'

ABC7 News Bay Area

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ch012 - 11.06.2023 08:03

Be happy that everyone is safe. Thank God

N. Geo
N. Geo - 10.06.2023 20:40

Are there no any hotels in Magadan? It is a rather big city with 100 thousands inhabitants. Why did they sleep in such shabby hole?

Private General Perchie
Private General Perchie - 10.06.2023 05:48

In soviet russia, flight diverts you

Mini Aviator
Mini Aviator - 09.06.2023 19:47

Well just be thankful all passengers are safe n sound now. And kudos to the pilot ✌🏻👍🏻

V TS - 09.06.2023 17:56

pls, send all Indian (kremlin) bots there now!

Guo Chen
Guo Chen - 09.06.2023 16:06

Don't criticize Russia for Indian maintenance failures. In case of delays Ethiopian Airlines pays hotels and feed its passengers. Idi Amin was right when he kicked Indians out of Uganda

Jarrod Yuki
Jarrod Yuki - 09.06.2023 05:15

china will cut siliguri and start a war between marathis and gujaratis.

Freedom Fighter
Freedom Fighter - 09.06.2023 03:05

What a stupid passenger complaining about comfort instead saying thanks to those who help her.😂

maria gaytan
maria gaytan - 09.06.2023 00:45

Ojalá y puedan salir

Rajesh Bansal
Rajesh Bansal - 08.06.2023 23:57

Stop making a big deal out of it. Dumb people! Be grateful that they are alive and not dead

GARRY FERNANDES - 08.06.2023 23:54

One of the worst airline company to fly with ....

Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith - 08.06.2023 23:51


apexxy - 08.06.2023 21:26

Wouldn't be surprised if that plane is captured for parts

roro bougati
roro bougati - 08.06.2023 20:46

What did you expect ?! Huh be happy that they found somewhere to sleep do you want king size beds and caviar at lunch ?!

Serving It Cold
Serving It Cold - 08.06.2023 20:14

Yea these idiots found a brain dead kid 😂 great. They seem fine

मनुष्य!(human) - 08.06.2023 20:01

Better to thank russia 😂

Lucky Luke
Lucky Luke - 08.06.2023 19:54

Why is this even a news here in US??
Indians were safe in Russia, end of the day.

ayush! - 08.06.2023 18:09

they are expecting comfort for an emergency landing in Moscow instead of thanking air India's effort to keep the passenger safe from engine failure

Tom Vsn
Tom Vsn - 08.06.2023 17:53

No life for them if after emergency landing they are unhappy with a bed.

Bro 786
Bro 786 - 08.06.2023 14:42

It's gud enough to HV place to thankful although sleeping on the floor...I'm here sleeping on the floor also, same goes to most indian my close friend in India..That's gud enough rather than be stucking on air and problems with plane engine...Be thankful to Russia....for safe landing place

Fang nice caring wolf ,dragon vamp 15 ft hh
Fang nice caring wolf ,dragon vamp 15 ft hh - 08.06.2023 14:15

i sawre to go god if putain found out he will force all those passgers to join his war they we will have serious issue

Caylee Winters
Caylee Winters - 08.06.2023 13:33

Those passengers complaining should be glad that they landed safely without any issues. Have some respect rather than accusing the airline’s & accommodations. No one prepares for such circumstances. They are literally in middle of no where at the end of russia which is the closest to alaska. I dont think there isn’t any war going on the other side of russia.

Виктор Роз
Виктор Роз - 08.06.2023 13:28

Air India plane crashes in Magadan
Foreigners found themselves in an interesting situation: in theory, they had to stay on the plane, since they do not have visas, and there is no customs and border control at Magadan airport. One can only imagine how it would be, taking into account that there were children and pregnant women on board. And it's hard to sit out an eight-hour flight from Magadan to Moscow, and here two nights and one day are still a test.
Therefore, the local authorities did not "pickle" the passengers in the aircraft and took them to the temporary stay points. Pregnant women and families with children were accommodated in hotels in the village of Sokol. The rest were placed in the dormitory of the medical college and the village school. If everything is clear with the first two points, then how did foreigners sleep in the classrooms? Now we will tell you.

Coolness after the Indian heat
Judging by the footage from the school, Air India passengers were given mattresses, blankets, pillows and placed on the floor right in the classrooms. The conditions are ascetic, but you can live. Charge your phone - please, internet - no problem. The passengers were fed in the school cafeteria: boiled eggs for breakfast, borscht for lunch, although without meat, because many of the foreigners are vegetarians. The delivery of drinking water was organized to the points.
It turned out that there are no large hotels in Magadan that could accommodate such a large number of people at once and urgently. The second question is: Why are there no border and customs controls? Because the main airport of Kolyma has no international status. Well, as a cherry, there is a noticeable bump on the runway.

- When they landed, they felt the impact of the plane when they hit the pit - the first impression of Magadan. Secondly, they passed through our terminal. And third, there are no hotels. Resettled, worked in emergency mode. No one expected that the plane would crash. They were settled at school on the Falcon, but the children were settled in a hotel, - said Sergey Nosov, governor of the Magadan region.

Alka Chaudhary
Alka Chaudhary - 08.06.2023 13:11

Atleast they are saved

Daisy Kishore
Daisy Kishore - 08.06.2023 12:38

Be happy they r alive…these people still is more important than medicine, bed and comfort…

Llewellyn D'Silva
Llewellyn D'Silva - 08.06.2023 11:01

People always complain and they never see the good side of a bad situation. They must first thank the Lord that the pilot was able to land in a remote airport in Russia and not in Ukraine!!! Where one stray shell from either side could have ended their lives.

Sam Couper
Sam Couper - 08.06.2023 10:21

Air India has been rated world’s third least safe airline according to a report that monitors plane crashes around the world. India’s national carrier is ranked 58th among 60 listed airlines by Hamburg based Jet Airliner Crash Data Evaluation Centre (JACDEC).

Erik Gutierrez
Erik Gutierrez - 08.06.2023 09:32

Should be thankful you could land instead of complaining about conditions or would you rather crash? Seems every one always has something to say

mansees - 08.06.2023 09:32

Great job by Air India for doing so much under such trying circumstances.

mri - 08.06.2023 09:13

They must not trash the hosts. I d be just grateful to be alive and being fed. Stupid people.

JERRIN USA - 08.06.2023 08:45

Air India is the worst airline they were no guarantee for the passengers who are onboard

JERRIN USA - 08.06.2023 08:43

Air India is one of the worst-recorded airlines in the aviation history...

Warlord - 08.06.2023 08:42

This kolkata fat lady has too much problem as if she is a billionaire
If U care so much why didn't u send ur parents in a private jet.
Just be happy that the jet didnt crash and ur parents are safe
She is behaving as if she is president
Drama queen 😂 some Indians if they know English they will behave like as if they are millionaires

Mayan - 08.06.2023 07:31

I'm from India. If anyone from Russia listening.
Make sure you let them crash in the ocean. I bet here parens would sleep comfortably in seabed.
Plus, Americunts stop portraying Russia in a bad light. Instead of showing that they help them from crash, they are worried about rooms.

jazzjazznjazz - 08.06.2023 06:52

Typical entitled mentality …. This was an emergency landing at a remote place. Shame on these people for complaining about the “comfort” of the accommodation rather than being grateful for being safe and Alive.

serbia991 - 08.06.2023 05:55

Have you people seen how they live in india? That Russian hotel is 5 star compared

Matte Frame
Matte Frame - 08.06.2023 05:43

lol they show tanks shooting shells... the war is in Ukraine

Ta Ba
Ta Ba - 08.06.2023 04:26

Excellent for Russia!

j - 08.06.2023 03:33

Indian pax complaining about the discomfort of having to land at a remote Russian airport is a bit rich. I doubt it will be any better at a remote Indian airport.

krunal solanki
krunal solanki - 08.06.2023 03:16

Why do they exagerate their conditions? Diapers, medicine, sleeping on mattress etc. they r winning as if they r in forest with no food. Who doesnt carry diapers and medicines while traveling?

icemeoutlikeelsa - 08.06.2023 03:06

This reporter always mispronounces her last name and adds an extra syllable that's not even there on paper.

Rajeswari Kannan
Rajeswari Kannan - 08.06.2023 03:00

If the engine failure actually occurred none of them would be alive, some gratitude for just being alive is more important.

Leunam - 08.06.2023 02:30

Putin was testing his energy beam weapons on Air India?

Eddie A
Eddie A - 08.06.2023 02:14

Be happy you landed safely and are Alice and not hurt or dead. People have no respect.

John 3:16
John 3:16 - 08.06.2023 01:45

People are alwaysssssssssssssss complaining instead of saying GOD THANK YOU that they let us land here instead of the ocean. Thank YOU, GOD they did not decide to kill us off. Alwayssssssssss complaining.

He who has no identity
He who has no identity - 08.06.2023 01:40

There was a Northwest Airlines flight 41 that was forced to divert to Tehran due to a possible cargo fire. The airline told the crew they were on their own and had created an international incident. The people in Iran treated the crew and passengers better than the airline and the US government.

David Walia
David Walia - 08.06.2023 01:26

Always have medication, prescription or OTC in hand carry.

David Walia
David Walia - 08.06.2023 01:25

Must have been a major engine problem to land ASAP in one corner of Russia, otherwise Japan or S. Korea.

M Sriram
M Sriram - 08.06.2023 01:20

It’s a miracle that the plane found a safe place to land. And that India has good relationships with Russia. I think if it was a choice between a tragic air disaster and some difficult conditions for a few days, people would pick the difficult conditions.

Yulia Kieling
Yulia Kieling - 08.06.2023 01:15

The interviews are so embarrassing! The people of Magadan live their whole lives in these conditions without ever being able to fly anywhere and nobody complains. I think, Russians gave everything they could, but Russia is a poor country, especially in towns like this. Landing at other airports would certainly be warmer and have better conditions, but instead of whining, they should be thankful they survived and glad they don't live in Russia.
