Why SCS Is Not Reworking the UK in ETS2

Why SCS Is Not Reworking the UK in ETS2

A. P. 101 Gaming

1 год назад

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Neal C.
Neal C. - 07.09.2023 22:47

Why won't they update the UK?

Brexit is the answer . . .

David Bull
David Bull - 11.08.2023 02:04

UK map isnt bad with pro mods, ive started a new UK save and im only driving UK for now. The issue i have with UK is that some of the motorway network is totally wrong and the exit lanes off the morotways are stupid. The reason they arent sorting UK is because they dont like UK.

Id love a decent Russia map, would be awesome

Hin Hin OfficerYT工作室
Hin Hin OfficerYT工作室 - 10.08.2023 18:42

I hope they rebuild uk in 1.49 or 1.20

Hippostratos Megaphallides
Hippostratos Megaphallides - 08.08.2023 10:41

Still don’t understand why Ireland being excluded from European truck game😂😂

Jack angels
Jack angels - 05.08.2023 13:53

The UK is very outdated and looks like an embarrassment for SCS. It looks like it's been abandoned. I don't believe the crap that they will get around to updating it in the future. Lets face it. They don't even want it on their map. The Uk give the world the first railway network and then trucks replaced trains. They deserve more credit than this.

PsyMongazoid - 16.07.2023 23:17

Nearly all the roads on both ETS and ATS are too WIDE, the junctions too easy to navigate, and the parking scenarios basic and unchallenging. I've been driving for over 26 years in the UK and I have to squeeze through tight gaps on almost every journey - parked cars, tight junctions, etc. Never see it in these simulators. Such a shame.

Fuzzlewit - 17.06.2023 22:49

I'm from the UK, and I'm not someone who "thinks the world revolves around this tiny island" as someone said, but it is quite annoying when I see small European islands better detailed and looking and feeling larger (when driving through them) than I do the UK. When I see German cities being upgraded and the UK looking absolutely outdated. I recognise that it isn't a country driven through when en route to elsewhere, but it's still a part of the game and is small and horribly outdated place in the game. Something should be done about it.

John Bower
John Bower - 17.06.2023 09:48

My take is UK is no longer important; we are after all no longer part of Europe. Don't get me wrong there is so much wrong with UK that I'd like to see done, and if I could programme I would love to help them. Especially down in the SE where I do have local knowledge of our roads and highways.

Ninetales XYO
Ninetales XYO - 11.04.2023 22:33


V - 01.04.2023 19:58

I never go to UK territory. And when playing Multi through MP truck, very rarely you see someone there.

CoLdFlaMe - 01.04.2023 00:45

I think no one would be mad if they just cancel uk and brint it back with a dlc and full price.
I dont like the reworks because there less detailed as those dlc's

Gee Hammer
Gee Hammer - 31.03.2023 13:12

They should just employ the people from Promods to rework UK if they're looking for talented people.

Jakub Šemoda
Jakub Šemoda - 31.03.2023 11:24

With the UK, I think the best way to do it, is to remake south England first, then London metro area, then east England, then for example Wales, north England, then south Scotland, and so on. Yes, it wouldn't be as cool, as remaking whole country as one, but they still do Germany this way, so everybody would still understand it, and will be thankful at the end of the day. J

TilmannB0710 - 24.03.2023 05:08

- there is a Landmark where needs UK, it is ireland. So I don't understand, why they don't build Ireland, to become money also for rebuild UK?! Without UK are Ireland not very nice for drive there.

Kazunari Hatoyama
Kazunari Hatoyama - 22.03.2023 09:46

Going east should be rework first

Invocated Agitator
Invocated Agitator - 15.03.2023 19:43

He says that if they took on remaking British Isles it would drag on forever, yet British Isles are smaller than Germany, wtf???

Grizzly - 13.03.2023 15:50

The UK map is already like playing a 15-year old game, with narrow roads and cheesy graphics driving huge trucks that don't always fit. Either the SCS releases the update or as a DLC - and then I expect it to have Ireland in it as well - or the players just grow old and abandon the game, it's not like this is the end of the world. People don't want to wait for 5 years just to get some map updated in a freaking computer game.

Stephen Martin
Stephen Martin - 13.03.2023 10:58

They should probably just do it during making of the Ireland DLC. Have Ireland and Nothern Scotland as DLC with current Scotland redone, then come in during that and even after if more time is needed to finish the UK. That seems the most efficient way to do it imo

Dj Danny Lawd
Dj Danny Lawd - 11.03.2023 05:06

This is why I use pro-mods SCS won’t do it if it’s too big yeah right if you don’t already use pro-mods get it not worth wasting ya time asking SCS to do something.

they do what’s easiest for them

simon allen
simon allen - 10.03.2023 13:02

Pro Mods, the way forward....

Lewis - 10.03.2023 00:29

The fact that they can hire / buy assets from promods which could make their life easier...

Lucas Pajak
Lucas Pajak - 09.03.2023 15:30


Lucas Pajak
Lucas Pajak - 09.03.2023 15:29

BeNeLux great!!!

13:Jugnesh Machhi
13:Jugnesh Machhi - 09.03.2023 08:47

May be because of brexit😂

ツJohn - 08.03.2023 20:02

I really think they are going to remake the UK. But we have to wait because of the events between Russia and Ukraine. They had to create another map to not leave the game so far behind. But let's wait. Everything in its time. I have no hurry. They are full steam ahead for the new dlc and other features. Let's wait and hope, let's be more patient guys. :)

Viktor Ivanov
Viktor Ivanov - 08.03.2023 19:38

Am I the only thinking that they are not rewoking it yet, because some of the next DLC will include Ireland and maybe some kind of expansion of Scotland and Wales, and they will combine it with reworking of available UK areas? It can be serious that "UK it's too big to be reworked now", given that they are able to build a whole DLC from the ground every year.

AviA_FJ - 08.03.2023 18:43

Shame....but expectable as it's a huge project considering the current state of the UK map. To me, it simply doesn't exist in ETS, I don't take any contracts to or from there.

Patrick Musson
Patrick Musson - 08.03.2023 16:56

They still haven't mapped IRELAND yet!!!

Rolando DiBerna
Rolando DiBerna - 08.03.2023 13:48

And maybe SCS will work with Scotland , Irland and Island together!??

M a
M a - 08.03.2023 10:27

when MAN is coming out

epicwarding - 08.03.2023 08:22

Just shows that gameing COMPANIES are COMPANIES what excist to make MONEY

Frank Fechner
Frank Fechner - 08.03.2023 07:56

Ich finde es bedauernswert, dass SCS ununterbrochen neue Vorankündigungen von Features postet, ohne dass es zeitnah ein Release dafür gibt. Das was dann wirklich kommt, ist nicht immer spektakulär. Es ist frustrierend für Fans, ständig von SCS in eine Wartezeit auf irgendwas geschickt zu werden. Kein Wunder, dass viele Fans sauer darüber sind. Wie Pavel Sebor in der Angelegenheit um das DLC " Heart of Russia " agiert hat, war auch nicht schön. Auf Kosten der Kundschaft wurde viel Arbeitszeit vernichtet.

Zoltrix67 - 08.03.2023 02:46

I just play it because I like it. Not here to make money, here to have fun.

Stee - 08.03.2023 01:49

I still don't get why Ireland was never added.... We EXIST GUYS!!!

K. D. 101
K. D. 101 - 08.03.2023 01:21

how do I time travel a few years later

Trucking Good Times
Trucking Good Times - 08.03.2023 00:06

They may as well take the UK off the map if they are not going to rework it anytime soon, the UK map is a hopeless old mess of a map and graphics, I don't even bother driving there anymore.
IMO, fix what is already there before you continue on with new areas.
Also , Release Heart Of Russia DLC ffs, we have been waiting forever because of politics / which should have nothing to do with gaming.

teuku fadel
teuku fadel - 07.03.2023 23:37

This actually create another question for me
Would the Poland have the same "fate" as the UK as well? Because Poland is a pretty big country compared to the rest of the "not yet remade" countries of the game

Andrew Barnett
Andrew Barnett - 07.03.2023 23:17

It will not happen until either ETS3 is produced with a scale of 1 to 10 or Promods does a map of Western Europe with a scale of 1 to 10. The population density and urban concentration of the United Kingdom is very high compared to France and Germany. Only the Netherlands and Belgium are far higher. The present map represents a token view of what SCS mappers see as what “England” looks like. There is a limit to what places can be squeezed into the base map.

Briswall - 07.03.2023 23:01

Wouldn't they do the constituent countries of the UK one by one? like do Wales, Scotland and finally England? It feels like it could take a while off that thing.

Dave Albright
Dave Albright - 07.03.2023 22:44

UK rework will happen. It just needs time. Just look back what happens in ETS2 in just ten years from 2013 - 2023.

Toaster Ghost
Toaster Ghost - 07.03.2023 22:05


kiaceratomadman - 07.03.2023 21:46

Hi AP and Pavel it's mark from England i understand that SCS is doing alot more on ETS2 and ATS which is brilliant by the way, but we definitely need towns and cities for the UK map like more towns and cities in Scotland and England and Wales and Ireland because I've only got few cities in England two in Wales and three or four cities in Scotland. And i can't even get to Ireland or the rest of Wales because the England map is not fully completed. And me and everyone else we are still waiting for H.O.R map and belkan maps all fully completed ready to use and drive your truck. But Pavel and his team are doing a great job and i love you all keep up the great work guys and girls. And i like what SCS have been doing with ETS2 with updates on the game of ETS2 and updates on future developments coming to ETS2 👍👍👍👍. But ETS2 and ATS are brilliant and fantastic and the best truck simulator games for PC and Xbox consoles in the world 👍👍👍👍 but can we please 🙏🙏 have added into ETS2 and ATS a DLC were you can put your own company name on owned trucks and trailers and your garage please 🙏🙏🙏 and more truck and trailer skins design aswell please 🙏🙏👍👍 thanks from mark from England 👍 and i like watching the update videos

Maarten - 07.03.2023 21:35

I love this game and the developers. Any rework is a great rework, regardless of scale. Keep up the good work!

P.S. I still want Heart of Russia DLC ;(

Limiting Factor
Limiting Factor - 07.03.2023 21:32

Aye it would be lovely if Scotland had more than 3 towns and 4 roads (we have at least 6 and only take the roads in when it rains😂) . But hey you did a nice job on two of the forth bridges, should see the new one though it's beautiful. I don't drive the uk map at all these days, the signage and street furniture is good but the road network bears no resemblance to UK roads which becomes quite annoying, spend my ets2 time in Europe or ATS , an update for the uk would be nice but lack of one doesn't stop me from playing at all. Great game

K. Těhle
K. Těhle - 07.03.2023 21:00

Will they add island, ireland, belarus, ukraine, moldova and greece? Full scandinavia will be also good but i want island and ireland and greece i hope they will add it in next yeary like a dlc's

albe6 - 07.03.2023 19:58

Before the UK will go the border zone of Going East with the new West Balcans

Paul Gutsell
Paul Gutsell - 07.03.2023 19:47

Is it because we Brexited out of the EU!

Kacper - 07.03.2023 19:16

10+ people? That's small.
