5) SharePoint 2013 : Form based authentication with custom Login Page

5) SharePoint 2013 : Form based authentication with custom Login Page


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@osamahlhm9074 - 09.02.2017 19:21

very nice

@mohammedabbas5699 - 30.12.2015 18:58

any one know how to add sign up page !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Lethal1983 - 22.10.2015 08:53

Hi Nwizpro. I woudl also like to know how can i add the option to log in via WIndows authentication. Also is there a way to add a "forgot my password" link too for the forms based auth users.

@sjauffer - 04.06.2015 10:18

Hi Siraj, How can you integrate this with AD/windows authentication

@teachleasson4044 - 03.06.2015 11:21

Very helpful video.

@bigboss2031 - 02.06.2015 12:27

dear nwizpro,
In your pervious demo i.e. SharePoint 2013 Security: Form based authentication (FBA) we are allowing users to sign in either windows or forms authentication. In this demo 5 how can i allow user to sign in using windows authentication and add drop down menu for windows and forms authentication.

@sameerzia3695 - 10.11.2014 12:25

Helpful Blog....Thanks

@GaddiShare - 08.10.2014 18:13

How can we implement FBA using AD?

@EricSoderblom - 01.08.2014 00:52

Can you upload this video in English please?  Thanks!

@call2ram - 01.07.2014 19:48

Good. Thank you:) 

@yudhawan4598 - 07.12.2013 19:33

Nice! Clearly enough. I suggest you to write it down in a document, blog maybe so you can give notification for small parts that people sometime didn't notice about it. Wait for request to be accepted :)

@naveenkumarmaddipati - 06.08.2013 16:49

please find some time to give a quick video on it, friend. This has been a show stopper to me.

@naveenkumarmaddipati - 06.08.2013 16:38

I have already created two cookies in SharePoint login event (FedAuth & .ASPXAUTH) but now i have given a try with the Page View webpart in sharepoint pointing to an authenticated asp.net page. In the webpart also it is redirecting to login page of asp.net application.

@rajivgaarg7060 - 05.08.2013 18:31

Hello, I am new to SharePoint 2013 and want to know if the reverse is possible too (Login to application and therefore into SharePoint). I followed your videos and they a valuable resource, Thanks. If we have an application that uses ASP.Net Membership Provider and SharePoint is configured to use the same. Can I login to the application and therefore automatically access the permitted content from SharePoint? Thanks,

@naveenkumarmaddipati - 02.08.2013 19:56

Hey i tried your approach. I have created a custom Login Page in SharePoint and creating a cookie for .Net application after SP successful login. Its creating ".ASPXAUTH" for my .Net application and "FedAuth" cookie for my SP application. But when i navigate to .Net app its asking me for the credentials again. I am using same MachineKey on both apps. I guess i am missing {Then set the cookiee back after encrypting using the machineKey} part from your suggession. Please explain me the above one

@naveenkumarmaddipati - 02.08.2013 14:59

In the above case it works fine when we login to SP site first and navigate to .Net application, as we are creating the .ASPXAUTH (which will be extected by .Net App) cookie while creating sharepoint cookie FedAuth. What about if we login to .Net application first. Do we need to create FedAuth cookie (for SP) while login to .Net application?

@naveenkumarmaddipati - 02.08.2013 14:55

"hence you need to set the .ASPXAUTH by code during sign in process in SharePoint login page. Then set the cookiee back after encrypting using the machineKey" ------- for your above comment, can you guide me how can i achieve it? Any sort of a quick video or just mention few steps in text. [email protected]. This has become a show stopper to me. Any help is much appreciated.

@naveenkumarmaddipati - 02.08.2013 14:44

But in SharePoint 2013 its not .ASPXAUTH it is FedAuth cookie and it is being generated by cookieHandler in the config file. Please refer social.technet . microsoft . com / Forums / sharepoint / en-US / 620f4a5f-f180-4da2-a4c6-915c15f96ca6 / need-help-in-implementing-sso-between-sharepoint-and-net-application-with-fba page where i posted my troubles. You can respond there or here as you like. Thanks for your reply.

@naveenkumarmaddipati - 01.08.2013 20:34

Hello, Thanks for your InValuable video tutorials. Have you ever tried to implement SSO between SharePoint 2013 (SQL, FBA) site and a .Net WebApplication (SQL, FBA). Please try to release a video on it. Thanks for your efforts and time.

@mmkamani7 - 26.06.2013 11:00

Hi can you publish your source code and files that you have used in this video? it can be more instructive. Thank you so much :)

@grew4 - 20.06.2013 22:04

nwizpro Its unfortunate that no one looks at your effort. Its sad! Simple FIX: 1. Get a Transcript 2. Update the vid to display Close Captioning in English by default. That should keep some of these complainers happy.

@matthewparsons8266 - 22.05.2013 19:11

Looks a good article, will look to work through and give it a go.

@AMAZONAS911 - 18.03.2013 08:47


@VikramKumar-lc1td - 16.03.2013 14:17

is it possible to send source code for custom log in page to [email protected]
