FFMPEG + libx264 Compiling On Windows With MSVC: The Complete Walkthrough

FFMPEG + libx264 Compiling On Windows With MSVC: The Complete Walkthrough

Dev Stef

1 год назад

5,862 Просмотров

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MikeGaming 1
MikeGaming 1 - 24.09.2023 18:08

i am getting an error in config.guess - ; syntax error near unexpected token ' newline'
config.sub missing argument. any ideas?

Codeus - 19.08.2023 17:30

Thanks so much! Straightforward, well-explained guide

asim iftikhar
asim iftikhar - 08.08.2023 17:21

Hi your video is really helpful, i need to install ffplay too kindly help me i tried but failes

demir glamocic
demir glamocic - 23.07.2023 14:15

Bel video, complimenti, erano giorni che stavo cercando di capire come installare ffmpeg per poterlo importare in un progetto MVS

Alfred Clement
Alfred Clement - 15.07.2023 01:09

Amazing guide, could you make one for GCC compiling directly in MinGW64, perhaps you can add that into your git repo as well.
Also, it would be nice if the script included cleaning for re-compiling.

John Taylor
John Taylor - 20.05.2023 10:17

Thank you! I tried to follow the CompilationGuide and could not get it to work with Linux Subsystem for Windows. I followed your video to a t and it finally worked.

Mauro Simoes
Mauro Simoes - 19.05.2023 22:03

I think --toolchain was suppressed. The two dashes were erased during the typing. Also the parameter --arch=x86_64 may be replaced for --arch=x64 to enforce 64 bits only.

Gurinderjeet Kaur
Gurinderjeet Kaur - 14.04.2023 14:37

hi m getting this error

CC=cl ../../ffmpegsources/x264/configure --prefix=../../installed --enable-static
with this command

Microsoft Visual Studio support requires Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 or newer

an An
an An - 16.03.2023 19:11

Thank you very much for sharing, could you explain how to add the reference of ffmpeg dynamic library under c # of VS2022 in detail?

Jordan Rodrigues
Jordan Rodrigues - 12.03.2023 03:13

Thanks for the video! If I want to generate videos in C++, what can I do after the compilation process? How can I use FFmpeg libs in Visual Studio? Thanks!

Patrick D
Patrick D - 10.02.2023 20:31

Hi, excellent tutorial, thx. But I have a (probably stupid) question. I hoped that compiling ffmpeg would also generate the libraries for Windows. If I want to decode H264 frames in a Windows application (developed using Visual Studio), I need to make calls to methods like av_malloc() and av_frame_alloc() but without the library, how can it work ? Unless I missed something at some point of course and I'm quite sure you're going to tell me where ;o))

lyshmily - 27.01.2023 02:24

Hi, I have a question for you, if I want to enable ffplay during build ffmpeg, you said need install SDL lib first, Which command should I use? i tried the following command "pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2 mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2_mixer mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2_image mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2_ttf mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2_net" but it does not work.

lyshmily - 27.01.2023 01:37

Hi, thank you very much for share this. Just one comments when i am following your steps. If move the link.exe from msys2 and save it to another name, my system cannot find the link command anymore, then I need add the MSVC link to the PATH via run command from msys2 like this "export PATH=/c/...MSVC.../.../x64:$PATH". Wish this can help someone who watch this video and have the same issue as me.

ThreeDee - 20.01.2023 21:03

Hey Hi. I really appreciate that you are working on ffmpeg transparently. Can you please help me out with this.

Iam getting this
Microsoft Visual Studio support requires Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 or newer

while doing CC=cl ../../sources/x264/configure --prefix=../../installed --enable-static --extra-cflags="-MTd -Zi -Od"
