Starfield vs Cyberpunk - Cutscene Comparison

Starfield vs Cyberpunk - Cutscene Comparison


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anthonybk86 - 13.10.2023 12:34

Two really different games to be fair.

1 8
1 8 - 13.10.2023 12:02

Starfield was guaranteed to be garbage merely because it's made by Bethesda. Like, even Skyrim was complete garbage so people should have expected it to be bad

Long walks & Games
Long walks & Games - 13.10.2023 10:08

I have around 1,000 hours in cyberpunk, one of my all time favorite games!!

Gianpaolo Pazzini
Gianpaolo Pazzini - 13.10.2023 09:26

starfield fans have very low standard for game 😂😂😂

Honk - 13.10.2023 09:17

Something that annoys me to no end is how every single character in a Bethesda game talks the exact same. It's like they wrote a first draft of 'this is the point of the conversation' and never made ANY revisions, not even to spice up dialogue by passing it through a character's filter. Every single npc in the galaxy has the exact same white collar, bland, educated style of speech which makes every interaction inoffensive but totally unengaging. In the video, you have what im assuming is a gangster sitting across from a scientist yet both characters have the exact same lingo, mannerisms and speech patterns.

Cyberpunk does the opposite where every single character has a unique voice and you can pretty easily intuit someone's backstory and motivations just by the way they speak and present themselves. The rich corpos are prim and proper using good grammar without contractions, incomplete sentences or slang but all three are abundant in the speech of anyone at ground level in Night City. That level of care and attention to detail just doesn't exist at Bethesda

Ennio Friede
Ennio Friede - 13.10.2023 09:08

Starfield is such a joke - biggest dissapointment this year boring AF

KAB LAMMATS - 13.10.2023 08:41

Why you comparing a AAA game with an indie game from 10 years ago?

Dban1 - 13.10.2023 06:39

rip jackie welles die

Abraham Lafuente
Abraham Lafuente - 13.10.2023 05:05

I think Starfield has been praised because of Xbox exclusivity. Other than that it’s a stale game

Vulpes Inculta
Vulpes Inculta - 13.10.2023 04:49

You know gaming is dead when people are using a bad game to roast an even worse newer game.

Wes - 13.10.2023 03:09

The cut scenes in FO4 were also incredibly bland, devoid of any creative staging, animations, emotion(and I still enjoyed it enough on the whole). Thought they would have learned a bit but I guess not.

Wes - 13.10.2023 03:07

Anemic vs. cinematic

Volker H
Volker H - 13.10.2023 02:07

I know it is called a "comparison" but you can not compare those two games, Cyberpunk is not only in a different league, Starfield is not even allowed to play

brittle - 13.10.2023 02:01

How come every starfield cyberpunk comparison video has starfield running in 360p 😂

Tecnoguy1 - 13.10.2023 01:58

There’s no cutscenes in starfield bud

Aritz Amatria Barral
Aritz Amatria Barral - 13.10.2023 01:25

"Heated by everyone"?
F**k off!

Thom Fox
Thom Fox - 13.10.2023 01:02

Cyberbug is still a bad game in every way…
But starfield takes it to the newer level .

PachaTheFool - 13.10.2023 00:22

Cyberpunk was very critize on launch for his lack of performances and missing content ... Not the story, not the graphics, not the themes, the gameplay or the art direction. It lacked polishment. Studio apologized, and kept on improving the game till recently.

Starfield is being very critize nowadays because it just sucks in almost every single way, and gess what ? According to Bethesda, it s working perfectly as intended. Think about how low you're ready to put your expectations because I can guaranty you one thing : Starfield is going to challenge you on that.

All Good Things
All Good Things - 13.10.2023 00:18

Not long ago cyberpunk was the game getting shit on an laughed at in comparison videos 😅

menace two socity
menace two socity - 13.10.2023 00:05

yo cyberpunk is good

Cam Furey
Cam Furey - 12.10.2023 23:57

I fucking love Starfield!

SeisoSenshiLP - 12.10.2023 23:35

I loved Fallout 3, Oblivion, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim and Fallout 4 (But heavily modded, vanilla was a disappointment) and I think, I am done with Bethesda.

Hexfix93 - 12.10.2023 23:24

this starfield capture is dog $#@%$ starfield looks great on my pc..

Bayar Hassan
Bayar Hassan - 12.10.2023 23:22

When i see cyberpunks greatness reach games like rdr2 and god of war i remember kratos the underdog who took all of Olympus down and became the legend we all know!

Kanashi91 - 12.10.2023 23:14

bro points a gun at me and looks very intimidating while other bro really said "uh uh"

Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 12.10.2023 22:49

I have several friends who started playing Starfield and jokingly ridiculed me for holding off because I wanted to save for Phantom Liberty instead. Who's laughing now! Damn, they got ripped off.

Sagar Ramachandra
Sagar Ramachandra - 12.10.2023 22:08

I've been a huge fan of Cyberpunk 2077 since launch but I'm not a fan of these videos. The same shit would happen comparing 2077 with GTA to prove how shit/lifeless Cyberpunk was. This entire cycle is happening with Starfield too.

Wolfgang Bloodymeatsack
Wolfgang Bloodymeatsack - 12.10.2023 22:08

Starfield is the best man, wtf ever. You don't remember the disastrous launch of cyber trash and all its buggy glory? There is so much passion in starfield and a bigger team, while cybertrash is just fly by garbage. The story is even better for starfield, not the best but atleast its a world lot better than cybertrash. Starfield in for the win for GOTY.

The Green Dude
The Green Dude - 12.10.2023 21:15

Sadly with the buggy launch Bethesda games conditioned me to skip through dialogue in games with shippable dialogue, and boy are a lot of the emotional high points lost in cp2077 if you do, in starfield not so much

pinky - 12.10.2023 21:05

Having spent a lot of time in both games, I have to say Cyberpunk is the more refined, truly next-gen experience. I’d also say it is a “better” game. However, it is lacking when it comes to its “RPGness,” since you can’t really change who V is, what happens to him, or where he’s going. It’s all very streamlined and linear. In Starfield, you have much more liberty to explore and define what makes your character, and are freer to make up the story as you go, kind of.

Kartoon Management
Kartoon Management - 12.10.2023 20:52

The music! I beat every ending to Cyberpunk. It was a good game. For me.

lihkan - 12.10.2023 20:33

Yes, Cyberpunk is better in this regard, that cant be denied


This particular comparison is bit unfair. The Spider bot quest is infamous for being journalist bait. It was shown up on game conventions prior release, and has much more care and love put into it than other quests in the game.

Back in the day when it was cool to hate CP77, this quest was highly controversial. Now when its cool hate on Starfield and love CP77, its seemingly forgotten

Average Yakuza Enjoyer
Average Yakuza Enjoyer - 12.10.2023 20:11

You are being very dishonest as Cyberpunk was specifically not hated for its cutscenes or its looks. The pre-Heist part of it was specifically praised for being amazing and much better than the rest which felt comparatively slapped together. Cyberpunk was hated due it being literally unplayable on several platforms and also very buggy if it did actually "run".

Starfield is also critized for it being lackluster in many ways so all yours arguments are invalid.

ThemoreThemerrier - 12.10.2023 19:11

In the one game I'm afraid I'm of dying - in the other I'm afraid of falling asleep.

Minakata Hizuru
Minakata Hizuru - 12.10.2023 19:10

Starfield is sterile,boring,lame,woke infused generic outdated shit without soul.

he zhang
he zhang - 12.10.2023 18:50

the great thing about cyberpunk is that while it doesn't have a cut between gameplay and editted set pieces. As you're "playing" these cut scenes, every part of these engagements are carefully crafted with very specific visuals and sounds to set the scene.

Sam - 12.10.2023 17:53

I played Starfield for 8 hours and then just uninstalled it. I played CP2077 for 170 hours and I still can’t get enough

Cirulis Home Video
Cirulis Home Video - 12.10.2023 17:30

You could almost say that CDPR were actually passionate for the project, even going as far as to take care of the whole thing even after it's terrible launch. Meanwhile, Starfield feels... almost lazy. Stale dialogue, lame combat, yada yada yada.

B H - 12.10.2023 16:13

Yeah that quest in starfield just made me angry lol. Sliced up everyone after skipping half the dialogue

LockeKappa - 12.10.2023 16:10

And it's WILD how many ways this single mission can pan out. You can even bang one of the people that set you up for the mission later if you don't get her killed. Yeah I didn't think so Starfield.

VindicareAssassin - 12.10.2023 16:02

Personally, I think it's expectations. People hyped the ever loving fuck out of Cyberpunk, saying it will be like Witcher 3 combined with GTA5 and incredible detail. Cyberpunk, while not a bad game suffered from some bad decisions like porting the game on last gen hardware. And when you combine those issues with massive overhype, you get a giant let down.
With Starfield, on the other hand, people just expected skyrim in space, maybe with some No Man's sky sprinkled in. And everyone knew what to expect from Bethesda. So while there were people disappointed at the exploration in Starfield, it was more or less what was expected.

Gildardo Rivas Valles
Gildardo Rivas Valles - 12.10.2023 15:45

No, Cyberpunk 2077 WASN'T "hated by everyone". it was crapped on because of the mess it was at launch, and because it was far from what CDPR had said the game would be. It's improved a lot by now, and might as well have launched this year. It still isn't quite what was promised, but it is functional, runs better, and looks better, and is a lot closer to what the studio had said it would be --- it will never be exactly what they touted in the years prior to its release, but it's still a pretty good game, not quite on the same level as The Witcher 3, but still a pretty decent title, close to what was expected from CDPR.

Starfield is Bethesda as it always has been. You exaggerate with your comparison --- there was hype for both games before release, but all of the reviews I've seen about Starfield are not overly enthusiastic about it. It's an OK game, and just about par for Bethesda --- and of course fanboys will defend it with their lives.

(I can't believe I'm defending Cyberpunk 2077 --- I'm still disappointed and pissed off at CDPR, but I have to give credit where credit is due.)

Roberto Elias
Roberto Elias - 12.10.2023 15:36

This isn't fair on gamers... Cyberpunk was 'hated by everyone' because it was buggy as shit on release. IDK about Starfield, but it's Bethesda so it ain't for me 😅😅😅😅

Marvin Freitagsmueller
Marvin Freitagsmueller - 12.10.2023 15:25

cyberüpunk deserves better than gets compared with this shit

Skyline Senpai
Skyline Senpai - 12.10.2023 15:07

The difference is that CD Project Red really landed on their nose with this game at first but did everything in their power to solve the issue and redeemed themselves atleast in a couple of years.
Bethesda releases the same technical crap for over 15 years now and do nothing about it because they don´t care because they know they can rely on modders to fix their game for free in the meantime.

Alexander Woodring
Alexander Woodring - 12.10.2023 15:03

To be fair it’s taken 3 years to become a true masterpiece. Who knows maybe we’ll say the same thing about Starfield in 2026 😂

Naota Kenichi
Naota Kenichi - 12.10.2023 14:17

For those confused, the complaints about Cyberpunk at launch were twofold. One, it was buggy as fuck, and two, people where expecting and advertised a open CRPG type experience. Yes these cutscenes were worse at launch, but not for their direction. This video stands because it's not comparing bugs or linearity, just the presentation. Arguably, both games have made the same choice with regards to the main quest, which favors something straightforward and cinematic over something with a lot of branching paths. The supposed benefit is a more engrossing and cinematic experience, and the thesis of this video as it were is that CDPR's writing and directing paid off, while Starfield is woefully lacking.

And I very much agree, Cyberpunk stopped being an immediate purchase for me once this news came to light, but I very much look forward to starting it, there's merit in the experience it delivers... That being said, we can't forget that the reason Cyberpunks greater aspects were overlooked was because it wasn't just undercooked, it wasn't as advertised, it STILL isn't technically as advertised. Now are the subtle but pervasive impressions that Cyberpunk would be CRPG worse than the expected sweet little lies of Todd Howard? That's not for me to decide. However what does matter is how fans are currently marketing both games. And with Cyberpunk most fans will pretty much tell you "This isn't what I expected, but it's gotten pretty damn good for what it is", with only a few remaining holdouts still pissed at the 'haters'. Whereas it feels like only a little over half of Starfield enjoyers admit or even repeated bemoan how dated, tedious, and misdirected it feels, but that other 35 percent are convinced it's done something remarkable. I'm not seeing it, but then again I haven't actually fully played either.

If you enjoyed Witcher 3's story and world building, it's likely you'll also enjoy Cyberpunk. It might even still be on sale. Probably should have taken my own advice if it isn't.

spIetty - 12.10.2023 13:22

What I don't get is how Bethesda hasn't gotten any better at this in all those years. Like they weren't even trying.

Spoonie 82
Spoonie 82 - 12.10.2023 12:34

Say what you want but I love both games. However Cyberpunk is older but even still I love the new DLC. Starfield on the other hand is newer which probably explains why I play it some more. Cyberpunk offers wild car chases but Starfield offers an open massive wide space battle that that takes place by a space station (pirates hideout) the battle includes fighters, frigit's, beam turret batteries, two freighter's & an enormous war cruiser.
But I love the fact that you don't dare to compare that lol!
