UiPath | How to automate Excel and work with Data Tables | Tutorial

UiPath | How to automate Excel and work with Data Tables | Tutorial

Anders Jensen

4 года назад

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Herp Derp
Herp Derp - 07.03.2023 22:16

Is it possible to make a video on UiPath determining expiration dates from one column in excel, finding the corresponding contractor email address found in another column then set up UIPath to email these contractors within a predetermined time (ex. 45 days before expiration date)?

Mihael Zivkovic
Mihael Zivkovic - 06.12.2022 17:04

Hi Anders, thank you for making so helpful videos!

Jacqueline - 05.09.2022 18:05

How do you suppress the message that says the data has been modified. This is when using the For each row in Data Table source? Thanks

Athena Ellis
Athena Ellis - 17.07.2022 20:47

Is there a way, using uipath, to determine the location of the current cell? For example: if using filtered data, some rows are hidden and the row number will be unknown.

Dr.Sanjay Mahale
Dr.Sanjay Mahale - 09.06.2022 13:34

HI Anders , I am beginner in RPA.Your video is very simple and useful. I am getting following error Error
ERROR Validation Error Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "DoubleParse(row.item("Total").ToString)>1000".

'DoubleParse' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. Main.xaml

Pls. Reply

Nimisha Nayan
Nimisha Nayan - 07.05.2022 08:02

Hey Anders !. Your videos are very helpful for beginners. I want to know from where to learn basic dot net commands which will be helpful to learn in Automation.

ItsMe Chethan
ItsMe Chethan - 19.04.2022 10:35

I have a Question

How to automate the Azure data lake please make a tutorial on this it will help to us
need to create a folder and upload the file

Sern Chiew Han
Sern Chiew Han - 04.03.2022 08:12

could we delete the column we do not want?

Tony K
Tony K - 06.02.2022 02:06

thanks! Now I figured out the Add Column! Keep up the great videos! They are really helpful!

Shinta Ainal
Shinta Ainal - 27.12.2021 11:04

HI! I currently keep watching your video because it is super easy to understand and make me understand the very basic of every function.

Now i am still learning on this video tho, hopefully i can master it soon because it hink i am a slow learner huhuh.
Good work for you, you did a great job here ! Give me even many people chance to understand better ! Very Useful!

I am going to make you as my main source for learning uipath, thank you! Really appreciate your efforts here!

nikos - 11.11.2021 11:03

I can't find any excel option under activities, I searched online for the reasons why but I can't find anything. What should I do?

yann adem cissoko
yann adem cissoko - 03.09.2021 14:13

thx ; but iwant to know how to ad a new column to the excel sheet when we add a new name

Movie Theatre
Movie Theatre - 02.09.2021 19:36

Hi Andres, I am new to UiPath. And I had few queries regarding the read excel and write excel by row or column. Prior to that I worked for Pega RPA. Thank you for this video.

Tom Cat
Tom Cat - 12.07.2021 12:19

Man, this is better than UIPath Academy beginner wise

Анастасия Кузьмина
Анастасия Кузьмина - 18.05.2021 18:45

Thanks, Anders, a lot for your wonderful instructions. You make best videos!

Mohamed Shehata
Mohamed Shehata - 24.04.2021 04:16

thank you.Q1: how can i make filter ondate in row but the filter must take the the date of the seme day i run the Robot.

Shaun McDowall
Shaun McDowall - 06.03.2021 15:21

Hi Anders, thank-you for such clear videos. How can I change the Number Format of an entire column in an Excel sheet to Text? As a user, I would normally highlight the whole column, right-click and select the Format Cells command. I would then select Text from the Category panel in the Number Format tab of the Format Cells dialog. Many thanks in advance!

mrsjaya73 - 15.01.2021 20:18

Do you have a video to demp comparing two columns from excel 1 to two columns in excel 2 and updating excel 1 with data from excel 2 if match is found?

Mehmet MUŞTALI - 10.01.2021 15:00

Hi Anders, thanks for the detailed explanations for every videos. I have a question about for each row function. I am trying to get some data tables from a website with using “each row” function and paste them into a sheet in an excel file. Related data tables' row quantity can change, some of them less than 10 rows the others can be more than 30 but columns are always same. Robot is working, but it’s pasting all datas one of the top of the other. So after process has finished, I can just get latest searched datas in related excel sheet. How can I manage that these results will come one under the other without overlapping?

Donald Leung
Donald Leung - 05.01.2021 04:33

hi Anders,

May I know how to print out every column instead of using "row.item(2).ToString" from excel? If I got 20 column wanna output, it's quite stupid using "row.item(0).ToString + row.item(1).ToString + row.item(2).ToString etc..."

WONSIK CHOI - 10.12.2020 17:35

Thanks a lot for your wonderful instructions. I'm a beginner of uipath rpa and I've been learning many things thru your videos. Just one question. What is the most effective way to change header (colume names) by uipath? There are times when you get some data sheets from the internet using Extracting DT activity and you don't like the header, so you want to change it after or as soon as you generate an excel sheet using write range activity. How would you do it?

D Muirheid
D Muirheid - 25.09.2020 06:28

Wonderful instruction! Thank you for your video.

Manuel Caballero
Manuel Caballero - 27.08.2020 14:21

Thank you Anders, just a question. Is it posible to add a row in the same sheet (not adding a "Updated Data")? It will add the row whenever Uipath finds an empty row, I am not sure about this..
Thank you for your videos!!

Rohan Tammewar
Rohan Tammewar - 26.07.2020 09:34

why to use row.Item("column_name")
If row("column_name") works

Luk - 29.05.2020 09:37

These elaborations are so transparent and clear in understanding that i want to see more and more :) you tell it clearly and understandable! Super!

DomSF SF - 02.03.2020 07:52

Hello, can you show me how to use auto increments in add data column.
