How to Delete Pins on Pinterest? Is It Bad to Delete Multiple Pins From A Board?

How to Delete Pins on Pinterest? Is It Bad to Delete Multiple Pins From A Board?

Nadalie Bardo

2 года назад

2,903 Просмотров

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Lauren Yoder
Lauren Yoder - 10.03.2023 08:23

I'm wondering if I should delete old pins back when the best practice was to pin the same image OVER AND OVER AND OVER. There are barely any impressions (<10). Will this hurt me at all? I'd like to start fresh with new pins, titles, descriptions.

Yoyo91 - 17.08.2022 21:20

can this be delete on search your pins for bulk delete?

Ali Nowak
Ali Nowak - 13.05.2022 19:04

Thanks for the tip.

AskAwayHealth With Dr Sylvia
AskAwayHealth With Dr Sylvia - 13.05.2022 12:43

Thanks for sharing this - I wondered what impact it could have on the board.

Darth Conquest
Darth Conquest - 10.05.2022 02:14

I've heard you should delete underperforming pins.

Daphne Reznik
Daphne Reznik - 07.05.2022 16:12

This is so helpful! I now have a task list- will block some time and clean up my account over the next few weeks!

Rachel Smets
Rachel Smets - 06.05.2022 21:24

This is a great video once again because something so simple can be such a pain when you can't find how to do it the best way....You really explained it well.

Yes To Tech
Yes To Tech - 06.05.2022 20:43

I've always wondered about the pros and cons of deleting pins on Pinterest! This is so good to know! Thanks for sharing such an easy to follow tutorial! :)

Daily Tea Time
Daily Tea Time - 06.05.2022 19:45

I've always wondered if it was bad to delete pins. Thanks for this helpful information!
