Secretly The Best Italian Nation For Blobbing - EU4 1.35 Savoy Guide

Secretly The Best Italian Nation For Blobbing - EU4 1.35 Savoy Guide

Cool Bonobo

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This is a guide for Savoy in Europa Universalis IV.


00:00 Opening moves
04:58 First wars
07:38 The Shadow Kingdom
09:32 Weakening Venice
10:08 Conquering Genoa and Sardinia
12:43 Burgundian Inheritance
16:02 Conquering Florence
18:11 Reconquering Sicily and getting Naples
19:36 Building a second London
22:48 Conquering Rome
24:01 What to do next and forming Italy


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@anonguy6523 - 20.11.2023 06:49

My next challenge in EU4 is a WC/1Faith. I’ve been trying a mix of things and kinda settled on doing an Italy-Roman Empire WC. After trying Florence and Naples, getting to 1500 and questioning the rest, I gave Savoyna to and have been having quite a game.

Large Burgundian Inheritance, trouncing Austria to keep the lowlands. Succession War for France. I have Byz and Bulgaria, moving in to the Mamluks. Only need Roma to form Italy, but waiting for the Admin Efficieny from missions. I got de Trastamara on my throne and missed a chance to claim Spain, but will do so the next opportunity. All of this before 1530.

@pepeadamczyk2163 - 06.11.2023 11:01

Personally when I play savoy, I'd never ally burgundy. Instead take even one province and culture switch to burgundian culture for their 1st reform (I don't like burgundian inheritance, feels cheaty for me). With that reform You get +2 diplo relations. +1 from national ideas, +1 diplomatic +2 merc/diplo policy, +2 from strong duchies.
12 diplo relations in early game. Play as HRE alternative with vassal swarm, PU master or diplomatic hegemon that can ally everyone :D

@inspiredcamel4388 - 18.10.2023 00:35

Burgundy gets permaclaims on switzerland after integrating nevers so they might break the alliance... this offcourse has to happen to me

@Ale-uy4bm - 13.10.2023 23:12

Great video bro

@MatPlaysWithHisWood - 28.09.2023 09:25

I had an incredible game as savoy where I got the burgundies succession AND randomly pu on Poland in 1485, after a succession war against Hungary I managed to catch Austria in a war against the ottomans, and allied a few electors, Austria was allied to the rest, and dismantled the hre

@amhumanperson3592 - 28.09.2023 04:29

reason I belive that you didn't get the debuff is due to the fact you own florence I belive.
I rember seeing somthing about needing some italian citys to not get the debuff

@RomanTheNotARoman - 27.09.2023 22:38

Montferrat is a mighty start in Italy as well. Savoy has a high likelyhood of being rivalled by Burgundy and Austria which means a guaranteed chance to be the largest royal marriage partner of Burgundy in 1444 as well as being allied to the Emperor at game start. Forming Sardinia Piedmont for the missions while keeping the starting national ideas means you can have Byzantium as your end game tag as well (So long as you can maintain your weak Palaiologos dynasty).

@DonPedroman - 26.09.2023 12:06

The thing I dont like about getting Burgundy is the damn " oh, no, Dutch revolt " -> * move capital to netherlands * being the easiest way to avoid problems, it feels so easy

@semihcolak3713 - 26.09.2023 09:41

jazz and eu4 nice job

@ilkerallen7906 - 23.09.2023 21:23

I love ur accent bro where u from?

@yxolloxy3273 - 23.09.2023 15:13

bit of a recommendation for who isn't afraid of trying the same thing with an OPM; saluzzo is a really fun way to form Sardinia Piedmont aswel and they have some pretty dang good national ideas including starting with -15 ae impact and 10% inf combat and a bit later in the ideas 10% morale and15% movement speed.

recommended start is either restarting until you can use burgundy to beat up savoy.. or just tough it out; you should be able to get allies against savoy.

@Draugtaur - 23.09.2023 12:20

i think if you had more than 25% in the war against saluzzo, then they wouldn't be able to call in burgundy even if you ended the war against milan first

@makiskanyt9269 - 23.09.2023 10:15

I also like Milan to Sardinia Piedmont to Italy (or Germany)

@levshet - 22.09.2023 21:20

Ты же русский?

@icedbanana - 22.09.2023 19:44

I love Savoy. The first time I formed the Roman Empire was starting with Savoy, very fun game

@montaine320 - 22.09.2023 17:06

I want to see this game go even later—loved watching this video

@gothia1715 - 22.09.2023 15:15

Id go after Provence first before France and Burgundy partition it between them, which usually happens much sooner than in this playthrough. Aix is a really influencial province in the Genoa trade node you want for yourself. Much more valuable for the long run than a temporary alliance with France which will break later on anyways. You can also feed your ally Burgundy the provencial lands in Lorraine to connect it.
Spending your AE outside the HRE at the start is also more efficient cause conquering in Italy will cost far less AE once it drops out of the HRE.

@GlizzyGoblin757 - 22.09.2023 13:38

that font mod is gross

@Settinor - 22.09.2023 11:58


@andrewmiles6706 - 22.09.2023 11:54

(about 2 mins in): Oh, so THAT’S why AI Savoy nearly always ends up excommunicated near the start of the game

@anthroposium - 22.09.2023 11:51

It might be worth it to do a little crusading detour and conquer Cyprus and the holy land. The mission that gives you claims on Cyprus also gives you permanent +2 missionary strength, but you need to flip protestant/reformed or have the Pope like you.

@orangesuite1980 - 22.09.2023 10:39

ur hre emperor, no rome debuffs

@Bubble__Gum - 22.09.2023 10:36

Best Italian nation for blobbing is Saluzzo. With espionage ideas they could do some crazy things like annexing Milan in one war without any single nation in coalition. Also if your candidate is elected as a new Pope, you become simply invulnerable to the AE. And of course at some point you form Sardinia-Piedmont and get all of these sweet Savoy missions as well as a great toothpaste color!

@sasi5841 - 22.09.2023 10:28

Administrative efficiency is different from ccr. Ccr reduces coring time and mana cost. While the former reduces warscore cost and mana cost.

@SugarRushBob - 22.09.2023 09:52

Fun video. Haven't played in Italy myself, but it seems like a fun challenge.

@kremitthefog3881 - 22.09.2023 09:37

I still support the Cyprus into France run, however, since I’ve done it myself I think maybe I gotta start suggesting some other nations, for this one I gotta suggest the palatinate, it’s got an incredibly dynamic start and is one of the best choices for forming Germany. Start by rivaling Mainz, Ansbach, and wurzburg, conquer aschaffenbrug and humiliate them, then conquer wurzburg and fulda, stealing bamberg for yourself, who you’ll be able to integrate in 1454 regardless of when you get them, and then kill ansbach, taking Bayreuth to complete the road to amberg mission, and either taking ansbach, leaving it for later, or vassalizing them if they have cores in ingolstadt and ingolstadt is not already under pu. You’ll be easily able to score alliances with Austria and burgundy, and I suggest allying a couple of other electors so you can complete the crown of Bohemia mission and pu them, after puing Bohemia and maintaining atleast one elector alliance you should be able to keep emperorship until ae becomes too much or you decide to convert (I recommend staying catholic regardless of the historical flavor of reformed in the palatinate) can do a great hre game or Germany game as you border France and can score huge alliances. For the Germany path I recommend espionage ideas and for hre I recommend diplo first, both picking up innovative, religious for the second idea groups, and the rest is up to you, quantity if you aren’t emperor, offensive or quality if you are etc.

@wait...5091 - 22.09.2023 09:29

Secretly 😂 , nice joke )

@iseeyou5061 - 22.09.2023 09:24

I love that Savoy just accidently become HRE. The kings of German are now also the kings of Italy haha.

@Masyanya1313 - 22.09.2023 09:08

The best Italian nation now (after Domination especially) is Savoy-flip French culture (with mission)-kill France-become France-unite Italy.

@harrowedone974 - 22.09.2023 08:46

I mean... makes sense. They did it historically...

@rasplay5761 - 22.09.2023 08:25

Naples is fastest to unify Italy

@charliemoe7935 - 22.09.2023 08:02

Toothpaste gang
