Windows 7 Users In 2023 Are Psychos

Windows 7 Users In 2023 Are Psychos

Brodie Robertson

6 месяцев назад

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@BjornsTIR - 12.12.2023 23:47

The funniest part for me is, that almost none of these people are complaining about MS dropping windows 7, and treating it as if it was valves fault

@anon_y_mousse - 21.12.2023 14:38

This is why games should just be open source, so that anyone could port them anywhere and use them on whatever OS they choose. I think everyone should be wise enough to choose Linux, but some people just refuse, and I say let them. No one should be forced to use any particular OS, and that's why I think this is actually a bad take. If someone wants to keep using an old OS that has better compatibility with the old games they're playing then they should be able to stay there. Neither WINE nor Proton are perfect and I've got several games that won't even work despite being really old and undemanding as far as resources go. I'm talking about Win95 era old. I know no one will agree with me here, nor take my statement seriously since I use Linux, but I feel sorry for those poor Stockholm syndrome sufferers on WinXP through Win8.

@BurnerJones - 21.12.2023 10:27

it just werks, what can I say

@The8bitbeard - 21.12.2023 07:36

The Steam Forums are such a cesspit of ignorance, awful hot takes, and brainlessness. I wish I had never found them. I happily used Steam for YEARS without using the forums, but now that I'm aware of them I can't help but argue there, spending time that I could be using for actual gaming.
I have at least started making liberal use of the "block" function, which has filtered out a lot of the nonsense, since the worst offenders tend to be serial offenders. Without the mindless opinions, obvious astroturfing and stupidity to debunk though, there's surprisingly little actual quality conversation to be had there.

@NerdilyDone - 21.12.2023 06:56

I will always love was the last good Windows build.

@nicholascooney - 21.12.2023 01:16

Me, still using Windows XP in 2023: Pathetic

@thegreatboto - 21.12.2023 00:25

Note: I don't use Win7 anymore and haven't for years. However, the dual screen feature for Supreme Commander/Forged Alliance hasn't worked for me since Windows 7. Not sure what it's about or where the break happened. I even tried on my Linux machine via Steam/Proton and it doesn't work in a similar way as Win8+. SupCom still runs on newer/different platforms than Win7 and I still love playing it, though, I do miss having a "minimap" that occupied an entire monitor while I did my micro management on the other.

@Artista_Frustrado - 20.12.2023 20:47

Microsoft will have to pry Windows 7 from my cold dead hands

@konnorj6442 - 19.12.2023 23:16

Omg yet another one that does NOT grasp that contrary to what m$ wishes you to believe there ARE current sec patches for win7 and there will be til at least 2030!!!!! You need to know how to apply them and m$ does a ton of work to try to hide such but legally they cannot eliminate such entirely

The fact that you claim to be a tech and dont know this makes me laugh since you by your own ignorance places you in a big lump of wannabes

It's also NOT the only aspect of what makes a system "secure" by any means something all too often glossed over esp by idoot wannabes trying to push shit like w10/11 (which are NOT even OSs contrary to popular myth)

Now other than w7 with lame bs like what steam is trying to do because they are being LAZY

The steam client is in part running using chromium.. and that is why they are claiming the w7 depreciation.. ie google says they are killing X off BUT the cold hard reality is despite googles pathetic nonsense chromium CAN easily be run on w7 long past what Google claims. Hence how Thorium works nicely on w7 and will long past googles cessation of such. (Just a diff compiling switch set for the most part)

There is zero excuse for valve to not continue basic w7 support regardless

The idea of a lawsuit actually is a laugh but at the same time given US law technically it could very well work since valve's move to stop X from working just due to their client being updated isnt a valid defense when they could very easily release a version foe w7 that skips the store which is where the primary riffs would matter., and still allow full functionality beyond 2023 for games to work just fine as they do now in w7

To NOT do such is effectively a revocation of the game license and their TOS cannot legally give them the right to remove the functionality in that manner

It's why sony bs move deleting purchased content from ppls systems remotely is illegal and they are being sued as well as a current investigation re if such will warrant criminal charges since it's a violation of multiple laws in multiple countries

@janzibansi9218 - 19.12.2023 18:31

steamcmd. No chromium.
it downloads and runs games.
Use the command line client to play css on that vacuum tube powered potato.
Please, let windows 7 just die.
Most people probably didn't even pay for that.
All the DirectX 4 games i own don't run on modern operating systems. Not the fault of whoever made or distributed that game. If i want to play the old stuff, theres still virual machines and wine.
Valve supported that operating system 2 years longer than Microsoft

@tairasayo - 19.12.2023 17:22

Linux as a home system? Thank you but no. There are little to no advantages in doing it. If we talking about games about 1/2 to 3/4 wouldn't run without wine magic. If you are into development OS doesn't matter that much, but iOS will be my winner here, due to m2 processors. If you build everything from the source, you probably know what exactly you need.

@Kalenz1234 - 19.12.2023 16:32

Steam stopping on WIN 7 is really the only reason I upgraded to win 10 this week :(

@SoFZlodei24 - 19.12.2023 15:51

I am a win7 user. When I bought majority of my games there was no steam "subscriber" agreement or GOG. It was introduced and enforced later after lawsuits in France. Anyone who says that I accept "subscriber" are just bullshitters. I stopped buying new steam games in 2021 because of this "subscriber" bullshit, but it is still sad that I will lose my ability to play multiplayer on all of my purchased games. Most of the games I play are older titles, but I do play PUBG with my cousin from time to time. I won't be able to run it on Linux. Plus I work for a government institute and I have to work with legacy software which was written by the people who already died of age. That software was made for winXP, still runs on win7, but definetely won't run on win8,10, Linux etc.
I wasn't so upset about winXP support cut off because by that point all modern games required at least win7 and win7 was an upgrade from winXP because it brought 64bit support, more ram could be installed etc. There is no such upgrade coming from win7 to win10 or win11. If anything it is a downgrade. I get less control over my own PC with newer win10 and 11.
You can argue that Linux is an upgrade. But I personally do not see it being worth the trouble. I tried to use Linux (I think it was ubuntu) and yeah you don't need to upgrade your OS. You just need to install several packages every time you want to run a new program. You would be lucky if a new program you need to run would only need packages that does not conflict with packages from other programs (basically sometimes you can't run a new program without breaking some old ones). And sometimes new program would still not run because some package installed incorrectly, so you would need to figure out what packages doesn't work, uninstall them, reinstall them and hope that this time the program will work. That what my experience with linux was. It was worse than with winXP, which at least run on average 3 month before it needed reinstall due to bloat/viruses/whatever else that slowed it down. With win7 I have almost none of these problems. Yeah sometimes I would have to pcgamingwiki to learn how to launch some old game. I have never reinstalled win7 except when I changed my pc specs (new motherboard and processor), because there is no need to. It won't update unless I told it to do so (unlike newer win10 or 11).
I will admit that while figuring out dependencies with packages is a very time consuming task, reinstalling them is quite easy. Repos are very comfortable to use if you know the names of the packages you need and if repos have them. Not all packages that I needed were in a standart repo, so I had to search the internet for others. I have heard from your channel that there is some progress in packaging programs and their dependencies in a single file but from what I understood this is getting pushback from a community. This puzzles me because I see it as drastic improvement in Linux usability.
I understand that I will move to Linux, because there is no way I would move to win10,11 or whatever else version there would be in the future. But I would only do so after some of the core components of my current PC (i7-6700k and z270 motherboard) fail.
But I am still afraid of driver issues. I've heard that nvidia drivers are faulty on Linux. I have a GTX1070 and a GSync compatible monitor, both of which I bought back when AMD was mostly a joke (still kinda is cause their drivers aren't good even on windows). I can't install new versions of nvidia drivers on my win7 anyways (for some reason win7 thinks they are unsigned even though I downloaded them from nvidia website and so it won't use them). But at least on older version I still can play all the games without graphical glitches. Linux seems to have a lot of those.

@lifesoftserv - 19.12.2023 15:44

Maybe you should have not spent your money on game licensing and only bought games. Then they would have dropped this model of game distribution. A lot of these games can be purchased out side of steam.

@allyart5904 - 19.12.2023 13:54

I like the guy who doesn't have a computer capable of running Windows 10 but does have 10 lawyers.

@steeviebops - 19.12.2023 12:38

I never understood the love for Windows 7. It was just Vista with a new taskbar, but somehow, everyone seemed to love it even though those same people would have said they hated Vista.

@ohayosumodayton1226 - 19.12.2023 12:00

What these people aren't understanding is that Steam will technically still run on these older OS's until one day it won't.

@JayWolf-uw1in - 19.12.2023 01:14

Glad I found this video! Been using Linux Mint Cinnamon for awhile. I love it! However I've been wanting to do some guitar recording and I've not been able to find a way of doing that in Linux without running into some major headaches. Linux has improved a lot for gaming. I managed to play Life is Strange in the past and it worked okay despite a few frame jobs occasionally. Maybe I could dual boot in the future but that'll provide more headaches.

@anishsankar8725 - 18.12.2023 22:30

Personally I just have a seperate system running an older version as a novelty while I run Win 10 on my current laptop.

@subrezon - 18.12.2023 21:17

Windows 7 fans are clinically insane lol. For one, Windows 10 and 11 are fine (I know I know, I'm not supposed to say it as a Linux user), there is absolutely no reason not to use those if you're on Windows anyway.
If your machine can run 7, it will run 10. In my experience, Windows bloat is an outdated notion, as long as you say "no" to everything during installation - you won't have much in terms of preinstalled dogshit, and as long as you have an SSD and 8 or more gigs of RAM - 10 will run on anything 2010 or newer just fine. And 11 just feels like a genuinely good OS to me, it does a lot of things right that annoyed me on 10.
Latest version of Windows 7 also has almost as much telemetry as Windows 10, so the "muh privacy" point is also moot.
As for playing old games, between keeping Win7 machines running and doing various workarounds to get them running on 10/11 - just play them on Linux. Proton/Wine are very good at running XP/7 games, especially older DirectX or GDI shit. Tried HoMM 3 on Lutris recently and it runs exactly like on Windows.

@romangregor4552 - 18.12.2023 18:09

why win 7 or win8 or win 9 (8.1) or win10 at times linux get better then every windows version? :D

@DrCryptex - 18.12.2023 17:56

If the windows 7 reaction is bad I can't wait to see peoples faces when windows 12 comes out not even two years later from windows 11

@mwew_n3ptune311 - 18.12.2023 16:57

I'm using Windows 7, and my PC is the absolute worst case for going anywhere else. While I don't use Steam that much, every single attempt to switch to either Windows 10 or Linux broke something, and it isn't consistent what it breaks. The PC is around 13 years old, but runs the main game [Roblox] just fine. There's no way that the game would run on Linux with this configuration. On the other hand, switching to Win10 will break Blender.

- Windows 10: OpenGL breaks every time, Windows Defender makes the PC unusable. It's sluggish and the OS is buggy [2GB RAM].
- Linux: No DirectX 10 capability avaliable. My GPU is OpenGL 2.1, which isn't enough for DirectX 10. But Windows has DX10. It's also sluggish [2GB RAM] but apps are buggy.

Only if GalliumTen was such a thing... GalliumNine works just fine. "Switch to Win10 and Linux" is not as easy as just thinking about it.

At least Steam quietly changed it to "You can still run your games for some time at least", around a week ago.

@ZipplyZane - 18.12.2023 10:02

No, that guy has a point. If he bought the games, and the games themselves aren't changing, he should be able to continue playing them on whatever OS they are compatible with. . The fact that the Steam Client is running a web browser shouldn't matter, since that's not the part is needed for actually running the games.

If a game is compatible with Windows XP, and you own it, it should still be playable on Windows XP.

The guy needs to put Steam in Offline mode at minimum. Also try seeing how many of his games run without Steam running at all. And then, finally, he may want to look into ways of running Steam DRM games without the actual Steam client.

Sure, installing Linux would be great. But that's a much bigger task than even upgrading Windows. And you're assuming that all of their games are Linux/Proton compatible.

I have to agree that Steam should just let the most recent version continue to work, same as happens with web browsers.

@penismightier9278 - 18.12.2023 08:53

I'll be fully honest, I only am still on Windows (10 unfortunately) for one piece of software: Directory Opus. If it weren't for DOpus I would be on Linux right now. Yeah, I know it's a weird line in the sand but it's mine.

@kevinsahm5577 - 18.12.2023 02:12

I use windows 7 with Supermium an updated chromium browser so for web browsing I wont have an issue for years lets hope. Not much of a gamer though lol

@Infinit3Enigma - 18.12.2023 01:26

They will "loose" the lawsuit 😂😂😂😂

@linoxyard - 18.12.2023 00:43

Running Steam on XP is useful if you build retro pcs. But I guess you could just use a Steam emulator if you really need Steam on XP these days

@chrismcdonnell7448 - 17.12.2023 22:41

I installed Linux in 2018 and set up a Win10 VM for 1 (one) game that still uses a CD to play. The game was built for Win XP and still plays fine in a Win 10 VM. I can't play the game on Linux using Wine, Steam, GOG, or Lutris.

@0raj0 - 17.12.2023 21:50

I do use exclusively Linux on my "main" computer. But I have a very old laptop that had Windows 7 installed when I bought it, and that laptop is a 32-bit machine. So I can't install Linux on it, as no recent Linux distribution supports 32-bit machines. That's why I continue to use Windows 7 on it, especially that this laptop is not used for anything important, almost exclusively for watching streaming videos.

@KvaGram - 17.12.2023 19:29

Linux will be the savior on those old computers, at least for some time.
But even on Linux that will edventually be a problem.
Old hardware are dropped from Linux kernel support now and then. At some point there will be a Steam client requiring a minimal kernel version newer than the last that held drivers for some vital hardware.
But even so, it will extend the life of computers who can't support windows 10 today by years, as of now.

@autinjones7194 - 17.12.2023 18:14

Man I missed 7. 10 is a complete unapologetic bad joke and 11 visibly angered me. Every new quote on quote upgrade is more of a downgrade than anything else and actively makes the user experience worse while removing features then adding unnecessary roadblocks to the few features they keep that make them less convenient for seemingly no reason whatsoever. I have no technical knowledge whatsoever otherwise I would move on.

@MeariBamu - 17.12.2023 08:57

the old machine can still install from 7 to 11 with usb device.
Thx for the suck of the sound fx program to disable my sound device,
i success to upgrade my i52310 cpu with win 11

@blogfiles - 17.12.2023 04:40

I have been running Windows 10 on my gaming rig for about a year now (since I upgraded my graphics card from GTX 1060 to RTX 3070) and I wholeheartedly agree that running Windows 7 TODAY is not a wise idea for many reasons. However, I believe you omitted one important point in your example of the 2012 laptop. Windows 10 licenses are no longer available for purchase. Free upgrades from Windows 7 have also ended. (They REALLY do this time, unless maybe they still allow to activate older builds of Windows 10, the ones accepting Windows 7 serial numbers in offlline install) Additionally, Windows 11 has significantly higher system requirements than Windows 7 or 10.

Also, the GOG store is not a perfect solution. I do own a quite large library of GOG games, and there is one pitfall for users of older versions of Windows. The thing is they do not keep older builds of games when games themselves are updated to have higher OS requirements. Or at least "last supported" versions of binaries for each version of Windows. And there are numerous examples of that - the titles "Space Engine" and "Cyberpunk 2077" come to mind first. (The magic numbers for those are 1891 and 1.52 respectively.) They do have a rule, however, that the game installer itself must not require an operating system newer than Windows XP.

@PaulBoudreau-fh4fu - 16.12.2023 20:44

I switched to linux because my potato laptop could not run windows well. Now i built a beast pc with the latest hardware (13600k, 4070, 32 gigs of ddr5) and i still use linux. It's just so good.

@ultr7acookieknife658 - 16.12.2023 20:31

Next win 7 users will be considered part of the alt right

@user-ce8lq5tq8w - 16.12.2023 20:25

time to install windows 7

@merchantofkarma - 16.12.2023 16:58

who cares

@taukakao - 16.12.2023 16:52

"I can't afford a laptop that runs Win10, but I can afford a lawsuit against a multi billion dollar company" 😆

@lands1459 - 16.12.2023 10:18

i don't see why he's so upset, if someone wants to use 7 that's their choice

@itsyourunclebourbon3286 - 16.12.2023 02:50


@VGamingJunkie - 15.12.2023 23:03

Someone I know claims he doesn’t want to switch to Linux because it didn’t play nicely with his drivers, like Nvidia.

@emisunflowers - 15.12.2023 22:15

I think one of these people has a good point. They could just stop updating the steam client for windows 7 and have a separate download for it with a warning and no promise of anything. Nobody should reasonably be using windows 7, but this would at least appease the people too stubborn to move elsewhere.

@supra107 - 15.12.2023 21:31

It takes less effort to install Windows 11 with a local account and debloat it where it'll be nice and clean for daily use than it takes these people to keep Windows 7 working.

Not to mention that Valve goes out of their way to support Linux gaming, where they don't even have to pay for a Win11 license or mess with activators.

But we all know that this all boils down to the "I hate change and I refuse to change anything" mentality.

@johanb.7869 - 15.12.2023 19:55

Using W7 or even XP is fine as long as you don't connect it to the internet😉

@user-kj5pj6kr4c - 15.12.2023 18:33

While I somewhat agree with the overall message of this video (went from Windows 8.1 to Fedora on my main rig in 2019 and never looked back), I disagree with the notion that Win 7 is so unsecure that you can't have use it for browsing the web. There is still such thing as Extended Security Updates for Windows 7 Embedded and Server 2008 R2, and you can bypass eligibility to install a latest monthly security rollup on your desktop edition (last one, KB5033433, was released just three days ago); and for actual web browsing you can use Firefox 115 ESR that still has Win 7 support and is going to have critical security updates for at least another year and a half, and that's actually a better deal than you sometimes can get on supported "stable" Linux distros (like remember two years ago, when Debian maintainers had a problem updating Firefox ESR from 78 branch that was already EOL to 91 because it required Mesa 21.x and Debian had 20.3.5, and it was even worse for Chromium, because they've had an outdated unpatched version with multiple known CVEs?).

Also, I think it's pretty sad that people can't play a videogame from 2011 on a hardware from 2011 with an OS from 2011 just because of some third-party software that's not really necessary for running a game. Back in the day people passionately hated GFWL for things like that, why are we suppose to defend Valve, just because it's not "evil" as M$? Folks hated Activision Blizzard for inability to legally play the original version of Warcraft III when Reforged was released, can someone explain to me why what Steam doing is any different? And it's especially sad when there's GOG and their offline installers, thanks to which I can still install Baldur's Gate 2, SimCity 4 or Heroes of Might and Magic 3 on a Pentium 4 machine running Windows XP if I want to (and it's harder to do it with Linux, because not a lot of distros support i686 nowadays, and Infinity Engine games are a bit tricky on Wine, you have to turn OpenGL 3D acceleration off unless you want to get an epileptic seizure).

@unknownnomad5289 - 15.12.2023 18:17

What games players trying to play on Windows 7 but won't work on Linux?
Vulkan 1.3 is not supported by most Windows 7, 8 era hardware.

@charagender - 15.12.2023 15:47

i have a friend who was still using Win7 cuz she has a potato laptop. I almost recommended her something like an Ubuntu, Pop OS, Elementary, or whatever, but she plays league of legends, so Windows was a must for her and just upgraded to Win10
