Mad Max Review: Should You Buy In 2022?

Mad Max Review: Should You Buy In 2022?


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Should you buy Mad Max in 2022?

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Open worlds were such a popular game design technique in 2015. I’ve never been quite as offended by this game design as some have though and I’ve felt like I’ve had quite a high tolerance for it.

Now we've reached 2022, how does this game design hold up and has Mad Max got enough outside of open world fluff, to warrant a place in your gaming library, even in 2022?

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@jeremyallen5762 - 09.12.2023 00:45

Preodered it made sure it worked and ain't played it since mad max fan and all idk I ain't played it lol

@steveotatooed - 04.11.2023 02:41

Having my first playthough in 2023 and loving every minute of it

@DiamondHands4017 - 26.10.2023 03:00

The biggest issue i had with Mad Max was the replayability aspect. Once you maxed out (pun possibly intended) every aspect of the magnum opus and max himself, then what? Theres only low level roadkill faction cars to fight. Plus there's hardly ANY melee combat once everything is over. Yeah you HAD opus wars but they shut down the servers afterwards. I had the idea that once its the endgame, convoys reaper occasionally, or scarecrows are rebuilt, maybe different factions retake camps you had destroyed. It'd give you things to do. Yeah its repetitive but it'd give you a reason not to reset the game and get you to use your new upgrades.

@TH3MUT - 17.09.2023 11:07

This vid turned up on my feed - and just wanted to say... THANKYOU Respawned! I was the Animation Director on Mad Max at Avalanche. I'm proud of how this turned out. Although, like Assassins Creed 2 was to the first game (i.e. the first AC had some great ideas - but a lot of repetition - then the 2nd game killed it IMO!) - I wish there was a sequel i.e. there are very solid foundations - and a second game would have built on this. I think we made a really fun game though; meaty combat and really fun, satisfying driving - in a beautiful world (in its own, post apocalyptic, desert land, way) . The Art, VFX and Audio teams killed it as well! Super talented team who I will always love! Anyway, thanks once again for the love mate! p.s. glad you liked the limping after fall damage - I really wanted to pay homage to/acknowledge his leg brace from the movies. BEST, Jon Maine.

Oskar, Francis, Ryan, Phil, Rob, Tommy, Alex (all Animators on the team) - if you see this - Love you and miss you!

@MadMiff - 08.09.2023 14:32

I just downloaded this to my Xbox series X, I had it before on CD rom. It was on sale at just £3 so well worth it. Wow, I forgot how good this game is, its the perfect game for getting rid of frustration by just going out and killing SCUM.

@R3GARnator - 03.09.2023 12:27

Good vid.

@mw1511 - 26.08.2023 07:32

good vid

@HummingbirdSound - 19.08.2023 00:15

There is a much deserved "sequel": it is the last Mad Max movie, Fury Road.

At the beginning of Mad Max Fury Road movie you see Mad Max ready to travel through the Plains of Silence. He then loses his Interceptor to Immortan Joe's Warboys chasing him down as revenge from killing Immortan Joe's 3rd psychotic son Scabrous Scrotus. He got his interceptor back at the end of the game after he killed Scabrous Scrotus, but he lost his Magnum Opus + Chum Bucket.

In Immortan Joe's Citadel Mad Max has flash backs of Glory (little girl in the game,same name in movie too) and Hope (mother of girl in game). The girl kept saying in the movie "why won't you help us?!", "where were you max?!, "why did you leave us MAX?!", and "You KILLED US MAX?!". Its quite obvious its glory from the game that Immortan Joe's son, Scabrous Scrotus killed them, and he's having regret and feels guilty for leaving them behind to die. Now as for Chum bucket obviously he's dead so that wouldn't interfere with the story, and he hasn't met Furiosa until later on in the movie.

So it only makes sense and its logical that the game takes place literally right before the movie. Also at the end of the movie Mad Max disappears into the crowd for him to continue his adventure through the Plains of Silence. So it makes sense.

@arenavisionTV - 22.06.2023 19:18

This game pisses me off. When you die you have to regain your collectibles as opposed to it being saved. It's confusing after the initial start. I had no idea where to go, what to do or what I was trying to achieve. If it's just survival mode that sucks! However, the story was somewhat engaging and the game play was mediocre

@grenadecraig9619 - 23.05.2023 17:18

For the soundtrack, they should have hired Mick Gordon (who did the doom soundtrack) for this game, would have been a perfect fit.

The mad max universe is very metal. Like flaming guitar guy in the movie 🔥🤟

@rodrigomanzo777 - 03.04.2023 07:02

This is one of those games i've been wanting to play since release, for many reasons (and games) i couldn't till today, and wow...i've been missing an amazing game, that has surprisingly withstood 7 years and still showing amazing graphics and gameplay. I love dystopian themed games, and post apocalyptic games are a tough balance between showing a dilapidated world strugggling and putting enouggh content to keep engagement, I think this game has ggot the perfect balance between both, making you feel as one of the few survivors while also keeping you on your toes (vehicle combat is somethin few games pull out right).

@paulpetroleum - 29.03.2023 09:45

I loved it at the time, and still do. But I do feel it was a bit rushed.

There seems to be loads of bits of the landscape that should have had secrets or other missions and they just aren't there.

It can become a little repetitive.

I like to play for a couple of hours and then leave and come back later.

@Valenzx718 - 24.03.2023 14:35

Just started playing this week for the first time and I am hooked. Closest game I've played to this was Days Gone and I loved that game as well.

@strel0k215 - 19.03.2023 15:36

on the topic of Max beeing the only one that is sane in the world.
I allways thought thats what made him the "Mad" one.
When everybodys gone crazy it becomes the new norm, in turn that makes max the abnormal one hence Mad Max

@deadboy7009 - 17.03.2023 01:16

I just bought it yesterday it's so fkng good this game I really recommend to play

@talonfury7818 - 03.03.2023 12:59

Great game

@raytrusty8618 - 17.02.2023 20:07

Best game ever made............

@MikefromTexas1 - 16.02.2023 05:41

Love this game. It is a bit repetitive, but everything about it is so good.
WISH we were getting a sequel.
You said "feline friend" btw.😂

@jinerith1198 - 03.02.2023 05:51

Game 5 bucks on psn why not buy it

@xMontorix - 25.01.2023 00:48

I'm playing this now. And Max is the most level headed character in this game. He seems like the only one who wants who has head on straight. More like "Intelectual Max"

@GeraltOfTheRivia - 22.01.2023 14:10

Just finished rewatching the movie and made wanna replay the game again.

@dblocknyc - 21.12.2022 22:14

Just got this today for $5 on PS Store to play on my PS5

@ChaseDizzie - 16.12.2022 07:09

WB makes really fun open world, combat-oriented games.

Batman, Shadow of Mordor, Mad Max, etc.

Only issues for me are that they can get really repetitive and tend to be a bit buggy on release.

@ehdrootofbeard4411 - 15.12.2022 16:58

What was that metal track at around 3 minutes!? 👀👀👀

@mrpickles318 - 11.12.2022 15:15

Half way thru and this is a fair and honest review, very well done! BUT. It makes the driving easier. So I get where u wanted driving to be more realistic, but we both know it’s about t he action. Fair enough. Sacrifice a little for a little there. I would like better driving but it is not bad at all. All driving games tbh fall short of my expectations. Or most. And I’ve waited to post this comment till the end of ur video . And again, the story could have been better the open world does feel a bit empty. Still, I waited long enough to enjoy the game again. I just wish it went cannon. So as ur video comes to an end I’d say very very fair review! Well done man!

@mrpickles318 - 11.12.2022 15:08

So watching the video, it is similar to my thoughts, it’s not about the story, it’s about the action! (That’s short one minute reflection)

@mrpickles318 - 11.12.2022 14:48

Didn’t watch the vid yet, just here for you! Yes GET THIS GAME. I have played it thru twice now and have redownloaded to do it a third. I got it with ps plus. If it’s on sell or uve got money: it is worth it I promise. Such an underrated game. And with little to no racing games, this is a beautiful open world racing and fighting game. I don’t download/ buy all the new games. But this is genuinely one of my favorites. And playing thru it entirely and coming for a third should say something. I deleted it after second time and played other games but got the itch again. There are no other games I’ve played that do it so well. And it could have been so much better if properly funded and supported thru original story line. They did their own thing here but it stays in theme and is honestly a little masterpiece. Decent and easy combat with good openworld. Again it could have been better but honestly from a hash review perspective I’d still give it an 8/10 or 7 at worst. And that is being extra mean. Please if you like driving and action just download it. I would spend 60 on it because I’m a cheap skate w no job. But! I would easily spend 40. Again I haven’t watched video but taking it upon myself to tell anyone interested. Just get it, you will sincerely enjoy the game and it has replay value.

@DonYoGi8331 - 11.12.2022 06:57

U should definitely buy this if u own Series X. PS5 doesn't give u fps boost😁

@butragenjo007 - 10.12.2022 22:48

Great game, i started new play trough today

@firefly44220 - 08.12.2022 17:32

It’s fantastic. I keep it installed always. Wish it had a new game plus tho. I loved everything about it but I don’t want to start over from scratch

@GrimLogic - 02.12.2022 21:32

I hate the death runs, and Up to the Task being unobtainable is beyond stupid. But this games ok. Solid 6/10

@abukareem6511 - 28.11.2022 17:54

Is it 30 fps capped on consoles?

@alexrogers9051 - 24.11.2022 03:40

Just left my dads house and grabbed a few games, this was one of them. Installing now, ready for some spear throwing, Khabib take downs and vehicle Mayhem!!

@angryretrogamer7313 - 19.11.2022 02:17

I'm currently replaying Mad Max on ps4 after taking a break from Vigor. I played Mad Max a couple years ago when i first got my ps4 and i really enjoy it. This game is super fun and exciting. I didn't remember how good the game actually is until this replay Im on now. I really enjoyed your review and agree with you 100% keep up the good reviews and thank you

@iluvatarchem - 17.11.2022 04:31

Best open world game of the last generation imo. Better than any assassin's creed, better than Batman (except maybe for the second game), better than the first Horizon, better than all the Far Cry crapfests.

Only thing that tops it is the Witcher 3 and only because of the story. You need a breath of the wild or an Elden ring to clearly beat this game in quality.

@lefishe3068 - 14.11.2022 02:30


@lafin5557 - 06.11.2022 12:36

I just finished my 3rd playthrough and I can say all of your "downs" of the game hasn't really hit me yet outstanding job of giving your opinion

@mtndude96 - 02.11.2022 21:30

It's a good game if you are in the mood for a large sandbox (literally). Just spread your playtime out or it'll get really repetative. Also just a note that you can't 100% it anymore as they shut the servers down

@klausfleishacker4756 - 28.10.2022 13:40

please, adapt your language to the current times. 2015 = ’twenty fifteen’

@JVC1103 - 25.10.2022 06:16

Playstation just had it on sale 2 weeks ago. I had it on PS Plus so I bought it and still love playing it today! It a must have game for the system to me!

@JamesD5245 - 21.10.2022 23:27

Just started my 3rd play through and there's so much there. The problem is that the game does a bad job of letting it known! From wasteland missions to wasteland encounters, you have to actively go and find them. I think that's one of the biggest problems with the game. We don't want to be hand held these days, but this game would have benefited from a little bit of it. It's actually a beautiful game to play if you DON'T follow the main story path.

@henkhenkste6076 - 05.10.2022 19:48

repetitive garbage game

@trighyjock5415 - 03.10.2022 04:28

Fun Fact:
If you go to camera mode and zoom in a wheel you will see in the wheel it's written "Gastown Tyres"

@ericobryant3139 - 26.09.2022 04:23

I always loved this game and just never finished it. Redownloaded it off steam today and started it back up. Still so much fun

@ddramos956 - 25.09.2022 14:11

I ended up in a road block while playing this game cause there was a trophy that I was not able to get cause it was not reading it in the game. I had looked into this and a lot of people had the same problem with the trophy not registering and that it was an issue with the game needing to be updated to get it. Nonetheless, it won't get upgraded to get that trophy.

@folkmb_rwb - 16.09.2022 19:23

played it from start to end for more than 5 i think it says a lot....great game and to be honest even in 2022 i looks darn good.......

@lzfalcon3221 - 15.09.2022 03:58

i em playing it right now and the game has its shine in a couple of fields but the vehicle combat is just amazing 7.5/10 for me

@splayzer - 10.09.2022 18:22

was in my backlog since I got it for free on PSPlus, just started and played for 9h straight! Im loving it!

@Henry-fh7uh - 09.09.2022 10:11

Such a fun game with an awesome atmosphere. Definitely worth a go.
