Dying Light 2 - Story Explained

Dying Light 2 - Story Explained

Gaming Harry

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Gaming Harry
Gaming Harry - 03.03.2022 16:33

PLEASE NOTE... There are many things left unexplained in this video. Such as Hakon, the Bazaar and Survivors, etc. These will be covered in smaller videos in the near future. Just an example of how much this world contains in terms of lore!

L0stiNTranzL4ti0n - 02.10.2023 19:23

I actually hate the gameplay aspect of DL2 but the story is unbeatable we need a DL3 or a revamp of DL1

Wiremu Connor
Wiremu Connor - 27.09.2023 13:08

No Aiden is Walt's son though

TaintedDexterYT - 19.09.2023 12:12

Itd be cool if aiden was cranes son i mean the timing kinda fits and it would be kinda cool playin as his son

Nick Briggs
Nick Briggs - 16.09.2023 13:46

I think Tahir was the bad guy in the first game. He’s not I. This one. It was just a generic bad guy wearing a mask in the tunnel at the beginning of the game.

MohnJarston89 - 05.09.2023 20:27

In old villedor I gave the watertower to the PKs because I hated the survivors for the way they treated Aiden. But when I reached the central loop then I gave everything to the survivors there because I hated Jack Matt and thought that the butcher wasn’t the real enemy

The Batman of Neo-Gotham
The Batman of Neo-Gotham - 16.08.2023 08:58

It honestly sucks that there's nothing you can do to save Mia, because no matter what ending you choose, she dies anyways.

Edgar - 10.08.2023 16:38

Dying Light 2's biggest problem was that every option you got felt stupid, and everyone was easy to hate. I had to check the outcomes for the radio tower choice to make sure I got the best options since I didn't want to give it to either of the factions. They were all so unlikable and none of them made any good points to me. I think I went with the nightrunners because they had abilities that weren't all about combat which the PKs were (also its weird a game which doesn't really want you to fight gives you fighting abilities)

MiniatureMasterClass - 14.07.2023 01:12

So why do manmade UV lamps work, yet the largest UV source we have, you know, THE SUN, does nothing? LOL! Bad writing.

N⓫ 🅥
N⓫ 🅥 - 12.07.2023 17:43

honestly i feel like DL2 story is a weak sequel, wasted potential

Zane - 24.06.2023 18:04

When halon goes to save lawan why does hakon not join Aiden when leaving the city I don’t know if I forgot something or what

Hotaninja05 - 19.06.2023 22:30

BRO I thought lawan would let me smash if I saved her.

Spiderpunk - 16.06.2023 19:28

This whole story is actually pretty interesting.
They just didn't use it in the right way

BigCurt35 - 04.06.2023 21:32

Wouldn't dying light the following would be number to it's like a sequel to the first one and this would be 3 I wanted to ask

Neo Xima
Neo Xima - 22.05.2023 00:42

One of my favorite parts of the original dying light was that it was a contained event. It made each location feel more impactful. Knowing that the entire world was gone in the second one just kinda sucked. Dying light was unique in that way.

Jose Estrada
Jose Estrada - 20.05.2023 14:11


Phoenix Rose
Phoenix Rose - 15.05.2023 06:07

i got all endings. but man did i ever hate siding with the PK's.

returning to the once thriving Bazaar only to find it run down hit me all too hard... i know they tried to hang me at one point, but then didn't deserve that.. fuck the PK's

The Horny Gopnik Crusader
The Horny Gopnik Crusader - 12.05.2023 20:57

While I enjoyed DL2 I have to say I hate one of the endings and some of the choices.

For example if you give the tower to Jack Matt and the PKs, despite having the ability to warn Jack Matt and tell him to use the broadcast system to warn the survivors of the incoming missile strike, Aiden doesn’t, so the Bazzar gets fucked up. Yet if you choose the Survivors Aiden will warn them. This is super annoying because despite being at odds at times the PKs do care about the well being of the people in the city. Not to mention they also go the Bazaar themselves.

The PK ending is also out of left field. While the PKs are authoritarian in the military sense, they care about the people in the city. The send out squads to help survivors, kill infected, protect settlements, etc. Hell many of them are ex-soldiers who turned on the military when they, the military, wanted to kill a whole bunch of civilians. By all accounts the PKs truly do care about the city and it’s people. They are strict, yes, but not overly so.

BUT in the ending they go full regime. You steal water? Whole family, dead. Food? Dead. Considering they control the city water and food shouldn’t be an issue. Yet when they didn’t control it the penalty for stealing was losing a hand. Brutal? Yes, but many steps better than killing an entire family.

So the PKs have been shown to be brutal and authoritarian, but also caring and considerate. But their ending just throws all the stuff away and makes em turbo assholes. It’s off putting and blind siding. Feels more like a punishment for choosing them than an actual ending. “Oh, you liked the PKs? Well you sided with ultra dickheads, gotcha!”

PsYDaniel - 07.05.2023 00:13

Imagine curing a virus with actual potential to end humanity.
Keep it in a lab instead of eradicating it, and mutating it to be uncure able, and then leak it.

Mr. 2cents.
Mr. 2cents. - 04.05.2023 04:04

I'm secretly hoping that Techland will be smart and give us quasi a second game like the following dubbed "Beyond the Walls". But since I found out that Dying Light 2 is by far not the game we all expected because it's a different team working on it than the one from Dying Light, I fear well just get a slew of thin dlcs.

Darryl Smith
Darryl Smith - 03.05.2023 23:19

Thank you so much for this! I am 19 hours into dl2 but haven't played it in months. Forgot most of the plot and didn't want to start again. This is just what I was looking for!

Gh0stOps 1
Gh0stOps 1 - 02.05.2023 07:20

so, in a way, the colonel was kind of a good guy who went down the wrong path.

Maccy Bear
Maccy Bear - 30.04.2023 10:07

This is the first game I've played where I've skipped every dialogue, straight from the start until the end.

Richie Boy
Richie Boy - 29.04.2023 23:38

Should I trust the colonel or no I'm not too sure what's the best decision to make

Ghost ©
Ghost © - 29.04.2023 21:19

Wait theres a story? I thought it was just a side quest simulator

Picolas Cage
Picolas Cage - 28.04.2023 01:12

That gre key was just like big game of hot potato. No one person had it for very long, but multiple people had it

White Shadows
White Shadows - 22.04.2023 23:22

Such a shame that i need to watch a video instead of playing the game, because how mediocre or even bad DL2 is. Yes, even after all the updates the game is far from what it could have been, instead is just another Ubisoft-like game filled with garbage content.

ThatGardenerGamer - 20.04.2023 20:22

Well I miss Aidan 😮😢

VoGnos - 17.04.2023 06:07

I know it doesn’t make sense at all but I stand by the fact Kyle crane is aidens dad

andreas sørensen
andreas sørensen - 15.04.2023 13:54

I need to replay the whole game again cause i got the worst ending, but at least it's 30-40 hours well spent.

RAX - 12.04.2023 02:00

Wow mc with memory loss very original 😑

Haszczyn - 11.04.2023 22:20

bruh how tf i can give full city to renegades?

staytoxic - 29.03.2023 00:36

I will save hakon when I play

Otis L.
Otis L. - 27.03.2023 18:38

The hatred/fear of Pilgrims is so confusing to me.
Here are people who willingly travel across dangerous, open land delivering messages/information from settlement to settlement but because they might have to kill other humans (definitely not something that people are doing inside of Villedor 🙄) they're hate and feared.

Ems - 19.03.2023 21:38

After playing this game for hours I had a crazy zombie nightmare just like the game with side characters that ended up dying 😂

OneShotDeath - 09.03.2023 08:51

How do people get lawan? Cause I got hakon to save Lawan but she never joined aiden in my game?

Ah,eto - 01.03.2023 01:46

To anyone doing a first playthrough help the Peacekeepers

Nick Briggs
Nick Briggs - 24.02.2023 06:07

I never understood how Waltz thought bombing the central loop would help or accomplish anything. Alot of the story made absolutelyittle sense but what do I know. I'm just a gaming nerd v

Nylo925 - 19.02.2023 22:26

At the end of the game the survivors controlled the city even tho i gave most of the power to the peacekeepers 😭😭

Omar Marquez Jr.
Omar Marquez Jr. - 15.02.2023 06:14

I'm really I love you hunny bog bunny 🐰 video please ❤😍😘 happy Valentine's day good night 🌙

Nacht Viking
Nacht Viking - 10.02.2023 01:26

He also leaves the city with hakon at the end of the game that was my most recent ending

Activv Menace
Activv Menace - 09.02.2023 05:00

I think techland got more hope at this point, of building a Time Machine, going back in time and never releasing this trash to its fans 🥹🤷‍♂️ but what do I know

SL4PSH0CK - 08.02.2023 21:43

I learned visual direction w/ Dying light UV lamps.

Jack Carrington
Jack Carrington - 08.02.2023 03:20

I love Dying Light and while I did like DL2 I couldn’t help feel a little disappointed, I feel like pretty much all the characters are underdeveloped and Waltz having superpowers was just really goofy

Jimmy Elliott
Jimmy Elliott - 30.01.2023 04:51

More like Barney was looking for crystal meth 😂

xboxslash - 18.01.2023 02:05

I wonder how many people are left in the world of dying light 2 because if the outbreak started in 2021 the population whould me 7.9 Of 8 billion
