How To Fix Windows 10 Error Code 0xc00000e9

How To Fix Windows 10 Error Code 0xc00000e9


7 лет назад

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@coyote992 - 06.10.2022 05:37

this saved my life updating into Windows 11

@Arnold_schwarzenegger83 - 21.01.2021 00:56

Did not work

@keegancarroll2734 - 02.02.2020 20:46

I’m at the boot menu and my SSD is already set as first boot option, I’m not sure what to do from here..

@rachelvanasch3571 - 18.08.2019 02:50

i have been spamming the f10 key for the past 5 mins

@bensantos16 - 23.04.2019 22:29

I have a windows ten HP laptop flip screen. The screen is stuck in the recovery screen but I can still go to setup options by clicking esc. Please help

@qcosmin6872 - 17.01.2019 18:31

I have a Lenovo T61 and i press f1 and i entre on boot and i select dvd

@JohnTonsOfFun - 05.09.2018 07:38

I've tried for days and can't get windows to start no matter what I do I turn my computer on it starts the automatic repair and then gives me that error code I've watched a ton of your videos and tried everything if you have any idea of how to help I would be supper appreciative

@danielapinto4200 - 12.08.2018 22:22

I've done this. The thing is, my laptop works completely fine. I'm able to work in it, restart, turn off, etc. The only time I get this error is when I either try to refresh my pc or use a restore point or any kind of recover, really. I just wanted to clean all this shit up, man. Any help?

@litaljacob2189 - 04.08.2018 17:29

Hey, im afraid that if i will do what you say, it will remove all the files that i have on my computer. Can you help me?

@rocketanski4251 - 01.06.2018 20:33

This is a potential fix not a total how-to. Changing boot load does nothing, even dropping USB to bottom of the list does nothing. Thanks Windows, for being a broken piece of hot garbage.

@Glenn7719 - 17.04.2018 11:48

Cheers buddy, worked for me.

@nylammitt3216 - 03.04.2018 13:20

thank you😊

@himanshusharma8921 - 31.03.2018 15:52

Thanks it help

@fabr1cated - 01.03.2018 18:51

Been stuck in that screen for like 3 straight hours looking at vids on my phone searching for a way to fix it, I pressed the F10 key as you said and kept pressing it and to my surprise the windows logo popped up after a while of blacking out! Quite unusual but quite a pleasant surprise for me ^_^

@happykillmore2518 - 20.10.2017 19:45

It helped me y was stuck on that thing
Now it works😁😁😁

@julioabel3076 - 02.07.2017 20:50


@makaronshow5162 - 17.06.2017 13:44


@hgtbrd - 30.05.2017 00:09

I'm on a Lenovo and simply can't get to the Bios. I'm stuck on the error screen. Any advice? Part of issue may be that this keyboard doesn't have generic F-keys, only combinations. Any advice would be great, thanks!

@danielg9678 - 31.03.2017 05:25

thank u

@kristiangishin7343 - 13.01.2017 19:26

i fix this problem bit you must know this is virus i wait 3 min. when can chose enter-restart and f8- opciones and i press enter.Next when pc is normaly good you must go to windows defender and scan all files in hard dick
