Add New Action to Action Button in Odoo

Add New Action to Action Button in Odoo

Odoo Mates

4 года назад

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پروفسور بالتازار
پروفسور بالتازار - 23.03.2023 18:32

Thanks for your video, but I have a question. I want a function on the model to be called when I click on the dropdown menu and change some status (like "delete" in menu) only to do something in the function (not to open a view).
Please help me.

javaid khan
javaid khan - 27.07.2022 09:01

hello sir,i can,t understand why you use field name=binding_model_id

Audio Vid
Audio Vid - 06.01.2022 15:09

It would be also nice to see how to remove/block certain existing button from certain view. For example custom product.template view but without "delete" fuctionality.. :) Thanks for good tutorials!

Muhammad Ismail
Muhammad Ismail - 22.06.2021 10:25

Thank you soooo much SIR.. Its really fantastic the way you teach i have got a lot of helps from your lectures.....

Tín Võ
Tín Võ - 08.06.2021 09:41

Hello sir, I need to do tree view. I see your templates very beautifull. Can you let me your source code? I just want to refer.Thanks so much !

Nithin Kumar
Nithin Kumar - 30.04.2021 17:47

In hospital.patient class what we have to write?

Sarim - 07.04.2021 07:47

Really really appreciate your work. Thanks.
Can you please make a tutorial in Odoo 14 about adding option in action button which lets us create, update etc. another record instead redirecting to another model's view (tree, form etc.). I am trying to create a Sales Order from my custom model using option in action button but don't know exactly how I can achieve this. Thanks :-)

José María Heriberto Alvarado
José María Heriberto Alvarado - 25.01.2021 22:20

I understand all the video, but if I want to execute function and not show another model, where am I put the function name?

Amrutha M.S
Amrutha M.S - 09.07.2020 16:08

How to hide this action button from form view and tree view?

huaTatsu - 16.06.2020 14:59

I want to add a "confirm quotation" button in the action dropdown in sale order list view, so that I can confirm all quotations with one click. Can somebody help me and tell me how to implement this in the xml? I dont know which view I have to edit or which xpath I have to use. Thanks in advance

Abdul Gafur
Abdul Gafur - 09.05.2020 21:39

sound is too much low, if you could consider the matter it would be great

Mahmoud AbdelHamid
Mahmoud AbdelHamid - 01.04.2020 02:21

Hello sir, thank you for this great series
i did just like the video but i got two items in action menu with the same name one opens in a wizard and on in the ordinary view how do i remove one of them ?

Muhammad Imran Sarwar
Muhammad Imran Sarwar - 16.12.2019 14:10

Dear Sir i want to inherit action button in sale section's of Product Variants there is no print and action but i want to generate barcode for each exiting products please help me how i can do that. Thanks

Ahmet Çetin
Ahmet Çetin - 02.12.2019 20:16

Hello sir,
Firstly, Thank you for the videos, those are really helpful. I have a problem. When I wrote the code which we did on this video, it opens as a blank page and it says like 'Create your first appoinment' but I have already existing related name. I am thinking that the problem is in the domain field . It does not merge classes from patient to appointment. Can we write any other name like 'patient_id' instead of active_id. Thank you for your answer :)

ToddytheBody - 04.11.2019 05:02

This series has helped me a lot.
