Our next request is the other Fernando Valadez request for today. We have Marvin the Martian and Duck Dodgers VS Towa Yuhazaki and Toru Kugami.
Marvin and Duck Dodgers wanted to take down the Blue Suns, so they tried to take on the fire and ice duo from Crimson Alive in Mojo World!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this video.
Characters used:
Marvin the Martian (DDR)
Duck Dodgers (DDR)
Towa Yuhazaki (Chotto Komaru, AI Patch from Thentavius)
Toru Kugami (Daniel9999999)
Stage: X-Men: Children of the Atom - Mojo World
BGM: X-Men: Children of the Atom - Mojo World
#NICK54222 #MUGEN #MUGEN_Request #Fernando_Valadez #M.U.G.E.N. #Request