Owen Jones meets Peter Hitchens | 'The UK is finished'

Owen Jones meets Peter Hitchens | 'The UK is finished'

The Guardian

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- 30.09.2023 21:06

Owen is someone who's delusion is so greatly visible in their face , you almost want to give him a hug.

Hotel Cartel
Hotel Cartel - 07.09.2023 09:22

This aged well.
Like concrete.

Bollywood Over Hollywood
Bollywood Over Hollywood - 01.09.2023 22:11

“Oh you poor thing” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Mark Eightfourone
Mark Eightfourone - 28.08.2023 23:49

What a sweet interview. We need more of this chat between people of different viewpoints

john christmas
john christmas - 03.05.2023 11:40

This country needed PR decades ago. Canada has multi parties and thereforce the electorate has choice. The UK is undemocratic, run by the rich ,Tories and the Media.

siobhan Strauss
siobhan Strauss - 08.03.2023 06:53

I’d rather be in bed with Peters book 📚 than any of my former dates.

Mark Adams
Mark Adams - 22.02.2023 16:10

If you look at this OJ output compared to what he does now it's miles apart. This is much more balanced and nuanced. What happened ??

Wolf - 04.02.2023 21:36

Back in my slightly lefty days I quite liked Corbyn. Thankfully I learned better.

Protomaker Black Sprint Original 3D Printer
Protomaker Black Sprint Original 3D Printer - 20.12.2022 15:57

Push into by the rich

Knappa22 - 19.09.2022 12:36

He is absolutely spot-on about no-fault divorce. If you work with troubled young people you soon realise that the common factor is most often not abuse, not poverty etc, but a broken home.
It's terribly old fashioned to say this but once you get married, and more importantly once you have children with a spouse, that's it. You're not a unit anymore, you are part of an union for life and you have dependents who are emotionally, personally, wholly reliant on that union remaining.
That union should not be easy to dissolve except in grave circumstances (e.g violence). Marriage is a contract.

Mr Spare
Mr Spare - 04.09.2022 12:30

Always love listening to Peter, even though I don't always agree with him.
It's a shame Owen went tooth and nail against Corbyn until it was too late, he used his voice to keep the country Conservative as much as anyone else.

Robert Mason
Robert Mason - 31.08.2022 23:17

Still optimstic Owen?

alan mccaffrey
alan mccaffrey - 17.08.2022 21:39

Sell out he took the poison

Wizz Kid
Wizz Kid - 05.08.2022 13:59

All the news I need summarised to English... no BS

H. Zazoo
H. Zazoo - 04.08.2022 06:06

Interesting that this was six years ago. The UK was 'finished' apparently, they just didn't say when. I wonder if Owen can provide a clarification?

Tebogo Kolobe
Tebogo Kolobe - 25.07.2022 10:43

Learn to play the fiddle before Rome burns

NJD - 16.07.2022 02:47

Intriguing to see the Times on the table and not the Grauniad.

Intro Spect
Intro Spect - 02.07.2022 11:36

If Owen Jones conducted himself like this in all his interviews, maybe the world wouldn't see him as such a helmet.

Joe Combs
Joe Combs - 22.06.2022 17:46

The wiser of the Hitchens brothers.

The John Cooper Show
The John Cooper Show - 11.06.2022 21:02

Most people start off as Owen Jones and mature into Peter Hitchens.

Phil Cooper
Phil Cooper - 01.06.2022 03:40

Sorry, my last post went wrong malfunction, Anyway, the British Empire had it's day, the UK has had it's day, the EU has already had it's day, king Coal a

Phil Cooper
Phil Cooper - 01.06.2022 03:26

Owen Jones, Welsh , I presume, we know, we want we will get, a independent England, so go back home to your sheep, they must be missing you, we won't.

Hegemon Strategos
Hegemon Strategos - 16.12.2021 23:49

I agree with him saying Britain is destroyed but he doesn't say why it did and also he doesn't understand or better he knows he is part of the problem.

Robert Allen60
Robert Allen60 - 04.12.2021 19:05

a nation 3 trillion in debt with massive public debt as well,, run by people of below average iq and a socialy polarised society , whos ecconomy is dependant on a corupt financial system laundering foreighn cash, and a nation unlike the states or russia that cannot feed its population without trade ,, probably the worse place to be if it goes wrong ande it almost certainly will

Jay Jason
Jay Jason - 12.10.2021 21:16

How can Mr Hitchens stomach Mr Jones?

Rod Ives
Rod Ives - 23.07.2021 00:31

But, but the UK is now returning to the 1700s and Empire. The royal navy is returning to Asia and trying to reenjunivate its Asian colonies. Now what could go wrong.

Juan Sánchez-Villalobos Ramírez
Juan Sánchez-Villalobos Ramírez - 27.06.2021 00:23

the uk will be a 3rd world country within 30 years

mark macthree
mark macthree - 22.04.2021 12:16

Pair of shills

sparkyy0007 - 23.03.2021 06:56

What did the communists use before they had candlesticks ?

Electric Lighting : ( : ( : (

The Shoot.
The Shoot. - 17.03.2021 01:35

Great interview, next time you should ask him is opinion on Canzuk.

Jason Devon
Jason Devon - 02.03.2021 18:33

Absolute trash.

Twenty-First Century Fudge
Twenty-First Century Fudge - 15.02.2021 14:12

Owen looks like a baby

Peter looks like Roman emperor

Kitt Spiken
Kitt Spiken - 03.12.2020 10:10

A waste of Hitchens time.

Jack: the film fanatic
Jack: the film fanatic - 26.11.2020 22:55

Sadly he’s write we will al be provinces of the European Union no true independence.

James Cowdell
James Cowdell - 16.10.2020 18:54

“The Tories are trots”- what a buffoon

Julian Blake
Julian Blake - 26.08.2020 07:25

"The next proper history of this country will be written in Chinese." Five years later and those words are more true than ever before!

bassman_2_1 - 14.08.2020 05:04

This guy obviously had his school dinner money robbed off him every day and he wants payback --- socialism!

Where there's life there's hope
Where there's life there's hope - 02.08.2020 11:38

"The UK is finished"...well if it wasn't true in 2015, then it most certainly is in 2020.

simon barter
simon barter - 20.07.2020 03:00

I love that - totally opposing views = as long as they're socialist

NO CASH - 11.07.2020 03:31

No comments for a while. I think you're cool Owen. Hope you're keeping busy.

splashbunny - 05.07.2020 15:18

I love listening to Owen in general because he reinforces everything that is delusional in the left.

Nevets - 03.07.2020 18:19

I thought I'd never say this Owen, but I think I warming to Peter. Well there, we can all change our views when we are better informed.

Randy Barnes
Randy Barnes - 30.06.2020 23:42

Hitchens maligns Owen for rooting his beliefs in hope and optimism, but goes on to say that all beliefs must have a foundation in religious belief, which is exactly the same thing. A flawed character in this respect, but one whom otherwise I admire for his dogged advocacy of the truth.

Roger Allan
Roger Allan - 23.05.2020 10:56

What a leftie tosser this bloke is, a complete Woke. Very Salty too

Richard M
Richard M - 09.05.2020 21:59

I would like to see interviews with Tommy Robinson, Paul Golding and Mark Collett please. They will be very popular I can assure you.

Richard M
Richard M - 09.05.2020 21:55

Hopefully Owen will learn somethings from these interviews and realise the error of his ways and stop supporting and promoting policies that lead to the destruction of the UK and the great replacement of the indigenous population.

sean Burke
sean Burke - 07.05.2020 00:39

narcissist leader = total destruction. you don't survive thatcher and blair, period. damn shame but everthing ends

John Willis
John Willis - 28.04.2020 21:02

I used to believe in socialism, then I left school.

Nigget-tv-videos - 25.04.2020 21:16

2020 Labour were smashed Owen Jones bottom was smashed

It hasnt worked for Labour since 2008 really has it
