Weapon Stats and Mechanics

Weapon Stats and Mechanics


3 года назад

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decino - 28.02.2021 15:57

Did a tiny whoopsie: forgot to include some RNG calls used for pain chance and blood splatters when calculating max damages.

SSG max damage is 245 (not 225).
BFG9000 max damage is 3559 (not 3503).

Thanks for the heads up @Kirill Gorobets.

Tutchando - 15.11.2023 22:14

A bunch of information I'll never use in my life, but don't regret learning.

Michael Westmoreland
Michael Westmoreland - 26.10.2023 10:00

It is NUTS there are still things I'm learning 30 years later.

Hrothgar Devaitos
Hrothgar Devaitos - 29.09.2023 15:00

Funny thing, the original strategy guide for Doom did not state that weapons had random damage. In fact, it was pretty clear in that that the damage was set for each weapon.

That being said, I knew from a very early age that that strategy guide must be crap, because it stated that the berserk pack only lasted for thirty seconds (how long your screen is red) and that the punch only dealt 1 damage. Yeah, I was pedantic enough to count punch hits, and easily noticed that it seemed like I would kill enemies after a random number of hits, so I knew that the 'strategy guide' must be full of crap.

The MSN Lover
The MSN Lover - 28.09.2023 17:24

I think I'm the only one who edited the DOOM2.WAD file just to remove that damn pink pixel on the super shotgun.

Kirby - 13.09.2023 05:59

so I've noticed with the rockets they have those red rings at the tip
yet the item version doesn't have those
Do the rings tell you that it's armed? Like when loaded in the rocket launcher the rocket is armed but when it's in your "backpack/inventory" it's unarmed to prevent you from blowing up at random

Orochi Jr97
Orochi Jr97 - 08.09.2023 22:48

Does range falloff have any effect on the damage in Doom games?

Austin - 26.08.2023 01:20

Hey I think you will switch to the bfg if you had enough ammo you only picked up 20 and it requires 40 to fire the BFG so I think thats why it did not switch.

rick R. Morlet
rick R. Morlet - 23.08.2023 02:02

F Stands for something else

Cassidy Liston
Cassidy Liston - 08.08.2023 20:21

Chaingun needs a buff. It's a terrible weapon.

Not Gir
Not Gir - 28.07.2023 05:40

Such an idiot video, good use of time bro

Ed Wells
Ed Wells - 06.07.2023 15:21

When does the RNG table get called for pellets? The moment they are shot or when they hit a target? Is that the same for every projectile?

Edgar Rivas
Edgar Rivas - 03.07.2023 00:12

"I ain't ever seen a shotgun you could snipe with"

whyare_youugly4 - 29.06.2023 18:49

If they make like a doom 6 they should add possessed uac soldiers who have plasma rifles and are like the doom eternal soldiers but in uac soldier armor

S Brown2196
S Brown2196 - 22.06.2023 19:06

I feel like if you run into a swing with your fists it boost the damage too.

SaltyRamen - 19.06.2023 20:31

I wish chainguns use shotgun sound instead

PileOfScrap - 16.06.2023 13:01

The only real thing i learned from this is that the bfg is more like a really strong shotgun than it is a really strong rocket launcher

borabey - 15.06.2023 21:54

BFG isnt doom guys favorite weapon?

im embarrassed

Federico Diaz
Federico Diaz - 01.06.2023 22:43

wow i didnt knlw you can use berserk with other thing than your fist.. ¿so berserk damage can be applied to BFG ? like killing a cyber in 1 shot ?

Will Lauzon
Will Lauzon - 31.05.2023 08:49

Wait. I always thought the super shotgun was also slot 2. You just pushed 2 again to switch between them.... Whaaaaaaat?

Will Lauzon
Will Lauzon - 31.05.2023 08:40

Super shotgun always bugged me because it looks like you are muzzle loading it instead of it being a break action.

Александр - 30.05.2023 19:29

If the BFG max damage 3559, so in what case we can kill cyberdemon in 2 shots? I've never seen that!

Michael Andrei Palon
Michael Andrei Palon - 28.05.2023 13:25

Complexities and paragraphs can be key to survival, but sometimes, even simple sentences can be a lifesaver, correct, decino?

Titty - 26.05.2023 07:47

This dude called the sneako clips and mags thing a whole 2 years before it was popular XD

big lazy cat bruhhh
big lazy cat bruhhh - 24.05.2023 23:57

immiedietly went and checked newest section of the comments when i heard the bit about it not being clips

Razredge - 23.05.2023 17:57

Have i ever played original doom?


Do i know a tonne about its mechanics from this channel?

Hell yes

Drake Blackley
Drake Blackley - 23.05.2023 01:21

I know you dont typically like GZDoom or mods, but I'd be interested to see you break down some of the mechanics of Brutal Doom.

DarkClow 1983
DarkClow 1983 - 21.05.2023 11:53

what about chainsaw?

William Smith
William Smith - 16.05.2023 22:47

Also...ever notice how the super shotgun's alignment seems a bit off when compared to the other weapons? Like it's a few pixels to the right...
Maybe it's just me.

SpaceSkeletonDragon - 23.04.2023 03:24

I KNEW there was something fucky about that SSG animation! All these years!

DukeOnkled - 13.04.2023 07:40

Source ports adding a "don't fucking autoswitch my weapon" option is a godsend.

Gun Violence Gaming
Gun Violence Gaming - 01.04.2023 09:41

I always wonder why doomguy holds the pistol with his left hand in og doom games

johnlewisbrooks - 21.03.2023 13:32

Also picking up a supershotgun automatically gives you the single barrel.

A fun thing I've noticed if the chaingun has 1 bullet it fires 2 rounds lol.

johnlewisbrooks - 21.03.2023 13:29

The chainsaw has a hidden sfx! Exit the level while firing it and it sounds like doomguy is pissed off a some trees lol!

johnlewisbrooks - 21.03.2023 13:27

The programming that went into DooM is nothing short of astonishing although it does have its flaws.

A particular glitch I experienced was where the entire game became a barely functional mess. Enemies wouldn't accept damage, they walked through walls, switches failed. It was pretty crazy lol.

Spectrik - 18.03.2023 20:29

It kinda makes sense that the chainsaw has plus 1 distance given that it does extend further than your fist

TheGreen246 - 17.03.2023 03:57

do blood weapons next

Domi811 - 15.03.2023 18:43

"Become one with the gun."

If there was any sagely advice on how to be a boss at DOOM...

Andy F.
Andy F. - 14.03.2023 00:01

it's a bit weird that you can carry so many rockets and cells considering how much damage the rocket launcher and plasma rifle plus the BFG do.

EDIT: On a related topic, you forgot to mention that the super shotgun fires 20 pellets while the shotgun fires 7, even though using two shells means it should fire only 14 pellets.

T0mbst0ne_YT - 09.03.2023 14:02

The don't die lmao and git gud advice helped me beat a guy at chess on ultra-violence

Jerem E
Jerem E - 02.03.2023 04:14

I can't believe no one talks about the tits on top of the BFG.

Marc Williams
Marc Williams - 17.02.2023 20:42

Great detail! Thank you so much!

DeltaV - 13.02.2023 08:22

Soooo I'm working on a spreadsheet aimed at balancing ammo placement vs what monsters are in a given fight, and part of this is writing out the various possible values for the weapons. These videos continue to be amazing!

I did have one question... for the SSG, it iterates through 20 pellets and uses 5 random numbers for each (as you said). In order it pulls random numbers for damage, then horizontal spread (2 numbers), then vertical spread (2 numbers). So every 5th random number (starting with the first one) is used to calculate damage, correct?

Assuming I'm calculating this correctly I found one spot in the RNG table that yields 255 damage. This is starting at the number 80 at index 18 in the RNG table. Calculating damage starting there and adding up all damage resulting from every 5th value in the table results in 255. If anyone can corroborate this or point out where I'm wrong I'd appreciate the help!

mittens the cat furry
mittens the cat furry - 06.02.2023 17:56

"loud ass blue diamond weapon" 💀
oh my god he's still hearting comments, the madlad!
