Transitioning to Rails in Pyanodon's Alternative Energy

Transitioning to Rails in Pyanodon's Alternative Energy

Simon Plays

8 месяцев назад

2,763 Просмотров

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burr - 30.10.2023 02:45

what do you theorize the best Py speedrun time could be under? 750? 500? Lower?

adrianocs4 - 29.10.2023 18:48

Thanks to your videos i'm now 250h into a py run and recently got to science packs 2. I found more fun to only transition production to trains when i get the stage 2 of the starting recipes (like antimony 2). Also my base is a mess, i didin't know how city blocks works and started conecting everything to trains whitout thinking much about it, them i instaled LTN and it got a lot better, i'm having a blast right now.

Vulkandrache - 29.10.2023 16:58

At this point i would love to have a conversation with you about the differences between you base and mine.

I do like this mod too much to just stop so i decided to instead butcher the few recipes that ruin the whole experience,
and i made a bunch of smaller changes to smooth out some things that i percieve as a waste of time.
My base produces the first 3 packs right now and just before watching this video i finished settings up activated coal
(tho the coaldust input is woefully insufficient) for refined syngas.
I am literaly one drillhead away from the first niobium ore which is the last thing i need for logistic bots.
I did howevery remove pretty much all uses of the AE intermediate-alloys and toolbox nonsense.

My base is already way larger than my 250 spm vanilla.
Basic stats:
41k belts, 4,5k undergrounds, 285 splitters, 5,1k groundpipes, 2,5k pipes.

One thing i do not understand with your gameplay is how you need more coke.
No matter what i do im swimming in that stuff.
Even switching to hotair2 only alleviated the worst deluge.

How much power do thiese powerplant actualy produce?
I only build one for the hotair to get rid of some of my ooddles of wood.
Even going full research my base only needs ~250 MW right now.

Djones - 29.10.2023 14:56

Good video. Looking forward to part 3

NegatorUK - 29.10.2023 12:43

Nice video. I recently did about 40% of a Py run and want to restart and make more use of pack animals. I am curious why you do not use them in this play-through - are they secretly inefficient ? or is there some other reason ?

Mathg_fit - 29.10.2023 09:14

Great video! What's your cityblock size?
