How to convert images to ASCII in #Python using #Pygame

How to convert images to ASCII in #Python using #Pygame

Code King

2 года назад

1,590 Просмотров

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@philtoa334 - 01.03.2023 10:05

Great video.

@undeadpresident - 29.08.2022 18:51

This is cool I got to try this. I had to watch it 2x cause the music captivated me and I kinda zoned out listening to it, it's good.

@maqabayker - 24.03.2022 21:11

Awesome work👍👍. Looking forward for more of these cool projects.

@spivey618 - 23.03.2022 04:50

Hi, noob question for you. I couldn't get Scale_by to work and Pycharm forced me to use IMAGE = pygame.transform.scale(IMAGE, [80,110]) for example. Any thoughts?
