10 Ways Women EMOTIONALLY ABUSE Their Husbands

10 Ways Women EMOTIONALLY ABUSE Their Husbands

The Happy Wife School

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@kitcassim4156 - 21.01.2024 16:48

I’m still trying to process how it’s possible that you as a woman are taking accountability and speaking truthfully with self-awareness. I did not think it was possible

@ChristinaVictoriaP - 19.01.2024 04:27

I am so happy to see a video that says out loud, "MEN ARE ABUSED" too. HUSBANDS ARE ABUSED too. Men, you are worthy of love and affection. You are worthy of being treated with respect.

@bassman6692 - 17.01.2024 08:18

This is exactly what my life is!!!

@solice8844 - 09.01.2024 22:34

My ex wife could do 200 ways daily.

@truqualitypaintingtv7814 - 09.01.2024 20:47

The reaction by women where they get angry at being confronted with the truth is in legal terms “irreconcilable differences”. Women HATE being told the truth that’s why when women who decide to be trans and become men are surprised to find out how much different it is in the man world where the truth gets told in very cold blunt ways like 1000 times a day.

@ytthecommunistplatform.2675 - 04.01.2024 16:34

Its sad that women invented the mgtow group . Now they arnt going to find a man to boss around . Hookup culture is all they get then when they want to settle down all the good men are taken and have kids .

@shrimpman8422 - 04.01.2024 00:32

Brilliant video

@secret-garden - 02.01.2024 22:17

I’m a lady subscriber and I love your content. I can't get enough for your hardline and truth telling style. I’m striving to be a good wife to my good man. Please keep up the excellent and necessary work!

@michaelcostello3460 - 31.12.2023 03:34

I just call it witchcraft

@tonybain8526 - 30.12.2023 19:09

And these are the women who claim they love their husbands, that’s not my idea of love.

@smokeydust1918 - 29.12.2023 17:29

Where does “if you don’t get a vasectomy and I get pregnant I’ll delete myself “ fall on the emotional abuse scale?


No one’s gonna read this and if they do no one cares. I’m just gonna keep providing and protecting as best as I can for the kiddos

@taylorevans261 - 29.12.2023 03:21

It’s depressing how you describe my wife to a T! …

@dw4956 - 28.12.2023 10:47

A good additive to underline this topic is devorce statistics from lesbian marriages and the reasons for devorce. The divorce rate is 80% and the main reasons are diverse forms of domestic abuse and violence.

@allanpatterson7653 - 28.12.2023 01:54

I almost got married once then ,she started the tests.
I would fail them on purpose after a while .
Did she ever beg me and say "I know it was bad before" she fiund anither victim to make miserable.

@carolynwebb8726 - 27.12.2023 21:26

No way this woman is a happy wife lol

@carolynwebb8726 - 27.12.2023 21:24

Sounds like she wants us to enable these guys and let them neglect us and continue with their addictions.

@untoldhistory2800 - 27.12.2023 02:37

Today my wife pushed me and hit me (drunk) when I tried to give her a hug to reassure her that I’m not putting her against her parents because they sided with me today on a stupid issue. Things got worse when I poured out the glass of wine she just got for herself. ‘I’m a f**ing idiot, f*** ing midget, loser’ etc…

Should I leave ? We have a 5 year old girl, we are Christians. Just asking as the Bible says ‘in the multitude of councillors there is wisdom’

I’m no saint. Once 4 years ago when she spoke to me like that when our daughter woke up sick and all I tried to do was help I lost it and punched her shoulder.

Last year when I opened up about how I felt about her sexual rejection she used the same vile language to describe me.

My mind says ‘leave’ but I don’t want to break my daughters heart 😢

@jamiemacdonald3635 - 26.12.2023 13:18

You deserve the Nobel peace prize! Dialogue like this coming out of the mouth of a grown woman is like discovering fire for me! Where have you been all my life….Thank you 🙏

@jamesyoung187 - 24.12.2023 18:31

I think many good men enter into marriage thinking that 'she' is going to be happy that THEY are committed to her and treats her like a queen. Many good men would do anything to have a happy marriage. We are baffled when, after all our attention, affection, helping with all the chores, and supporting her dreams (college, etc...), the wife begins with holding sex, affection and even meaningful communication.

I think it begins with the dis-respect we allow, thinking that all couples need to transition into sharing a living space and environment with someone else intimately, having never that before. Good men need to nip any dis-respect in the bud and not tolerate it at all. I believe that was my mistake, and when I began setting boundaries after a couple years, she just became hostile and demeaning, claiming I was being controlling and mean (??).

@petter5721 - 22.12.2023 11:37

If you as a person are not happy you cannot make others happy.

@JB-yq9bn - 22.12.2023 08:54

Maybe ill wait till after christmas to send my wife this video so it dosent ruin the kids christmas. My wife was on a tantrum about cleaning the house while i was cleaning and she wasn't. She said a clean house was the most important thing. When i brought up that the kids and her husband are more important than cleaning the house for company.

@hellobello2249 - 19.12.2023 13:16

It’s all backwards. Women destruct men insted construct, then they whine and act all suprised

@Ikaros23 - 19.12.2023 09:14

If she is not a investment she is a liability.

The investment vill go up an down in value, but over time it should grow. If it’s not. Then take a « stopp loss». That is terminate the relationship

A grown female is not a child. If they can’t regulate their emotions or take accountability, then terminate the relationship.

The narcissist is not your friend. They are your enemy.

Don’t take the bait. Simply go no contact.

@Skydejavu - 19.12.2023 01:25

From the constants criticism, from the deliberate withholding of affection, sex, to the gaslighting... the demoralization, the lack of even asking the questions "how are you?" "How do you feel?" it's breaks you inside...With this said, I truly thank you for this cause seeing a women realize these things gives me hope

@87crlucas - 18.12.2023 14:18

This one of the best/realistic videos on emotional abuse that I've watched. You definitely validated a lot of my experiences/feelings. Thank you!

@mikeheckman4995 - 16.12.2023 07:13

These videos are bringing back all of those wonderful memories that I thought I’d forgotten - like when she took my phone (again!) and called everyone on the contact list after I left her.

@user-tc4zr4mp3n - 16.12.2023 04:39

Going out with my co workers cousin. Friends cousin husband ! How could I nit be so lost !!

@teachertimm - 16.12.2023 02:31

Most American Women want to be treated like queens, have the authority of kings, and the accountability of a child. Change my mind.

@joggerjeff - 15.12.2023 23:20

You're very attractive, bonny eyes

@keithleenlaboy1421 - 15.12.2023 04:43

"How we show up in a marriage with our husband is a reflection of ourselves "
I felt that

@mountainman53 - 11.12.2023 18:37


@rubensoria7457 - 11.12.2023 07:41


@ronnie1638 - 07.12.2023 17:34

Men, simply do NOT get married!! Completely avoid it. Family laws is completely against you anyway.

@mark221087 - 06.12.2023 10:29

It is very important to vet potential partners properly.

The behaviour described here is simply horrific and immoral.

Do not get involved with or stay with someone who does the things discussed in the video.

@jcqrdw - 04.12.2023 13:26

Great videos, a subject less discussed but exist.

@user-gv1yg8ym7m - 03.12.2023 15:48

Most Women are very social creatures and they get most of their advice and suggestions from other similar women and not men which is clearly a one sure way of distancing their partner.

@americandissident9062 - 02.12.2023 21:14

Huh. Interesting. So from what I can tell, my mom is abusive to my dad, both of my sisters are abusive to their husbands, my first four girlfriends were abusive to me, and my current wife was abusive toward me until I put a stop to it years ago (she doesn’t do it now). Five out of my six female coworkers are all abusive toward their own husbands…

Wow. So women are abusive toward men far more often than it is the other way around.

@smokingcrab2290 - 02.12.2023 06:34

My wife thinks it's cool to disrespect me. And when I tell her it makes me mad she justifies it. So I shut down, then she avoids me thinking she did nothing wrong.

@user-up8jx3mt6j - 02.12.2023 04:33

I think, for some reason, men in our society must tolerate more. Equality for one sex cannot mean depreciation of the other. Any abusive relationship is extremely unhealthy, most especially for children. Nobody should stay with, or in, - any relationship that is abusive. The time to terminate any relationship is when it is no longer nurturing.

@mikemccomis7146 - 30.11.2023 17:45

I gave you a reply and I lost the way to get a hold of you. Try again please.

@alexanderbemar2637 - 29.11.2023 22:08

Lived 29 years of all that you've said. Thank you for this message. ❤❤❤

@madisonlee9859 - 29.11.2023 16:03

This seems like it would be better addressed to both men and women.

@BlueFish-kq9fh - 28.11.2023 23:56

Most women (Western women, anyway) don't care about men's feelings, they think that being harsh and abusive to their husbands is not a problem but the right and proper way to be. They are proud of themselves for doing this. And they have arranged for the courts/justice system to aid and abet them in this abuse.

No correction of a problem is possible if you don't recognize that there's a problem in the first place. The only way for men to avoid the bear trap is to stay out of the woods -- avoid marriage, or any relationship that a dishonest court/judge could construe as marriage (cohabitation, steady dating, etc.).

@pyrtlemd1 - 28.11.2023 22:51

Ours was/has been a happy ending. Started VERY rocky with her mad most of the time and very disrespectful to me. She came from a home where her dad was loaded every night. Anyway, the good thing was she was dedicated to the marriage but felt like it was her job to make me perfect. After 3-4 months, we were at a basketball game one night and she said something very disrespectful to me in front of some friends. I got up and left. Drove home and about 45 minutes later she called in a panic because she went looking for me out in the concession area and everywhere she could think of. Said she was worried sick. I told her she was already sick and I was fine. I hung up the phone. The next 5 years were tough on both of us. Alcoholism scars the kids for life. But with work and a devout faith, many issues can be dealt with and have a happy marriage. It has been 43 years now. I wouldn't trade her for the world.

@MrStardust50 - 27.11.2023 20:59

I couldn't take the emotional (verbal and mental) abuse any longer, and had to get her to leave. It got so bad that I had to call the police to get her to calm down. While the police were there (asking me for help), she made an accusation against me and I was arrested. (The police dropped it after two months).

I love her, we could have been so happy, but I couldn't take it any more.

@riggamawesome1 - 27.11.2023 06:41

Ty for talking me off the edge (not literally)
You are so relationship smart.
You have helped me understand my relationship and put things into perspective.
I wish I could share you with her but that wouldn’t go well for me.
Someday I’ll find a way.
Her name also happens to be Karen.
I know better but I still let the negativity affect me deeply.
No matter how hard I try there’s always new creative ways to emotionally destroy me , effectively take away my self esteem and self worth.
Before I met her I was extremely self confident and she’s effectively and systematically convinced me I’m worth less than nothing.
She has no desire to change.
She’s always right and won’t hear otherwise.
The first thought that pops in her head is her truth and won’t take in anyone else’s perspective.
She doesn’t care what the truth is she just needs to be right.
It’s deeply frustrating and has amongst many other things caused deep wounds in our relationship.
When she’s dark angry she’s so effectively emotionally damaging it’s almost impressive.
There’s much more.
Thank you for being you
You’ve helped me so profoundly.

@HighOnScience - 26.11.2023 21:18

Thank you...

@paulhyde1834 - 26.11.2023 12:26

A couple of quotes from my first marriage. #1:- "You're repulsive, don't touch me...!" #2:- "I hope you crash and die and never come home..."!

My wife (of 33 years):- me: "You won't run away from me, will you?" her: " No I'll only ever run to you!"
