How to Be a Diplomatic Powerhouse - Victoria 3 Gigachad Guide - Prussia

How to Be a Diplomatic Powerhouse - Victoria 3 Gigachad Guide - Prussia


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Скелет Привет
Скелет Привет - 03.11.2023 03:06

Bro I'm learning here more about economy, politics and society than I ever did in school💀

CALM_DOWN - 20.08.2023 10:42

I suspect the idea is that if you are running worker coops you're also running max welfare benefits, which should mean that even if a business is doing poorly the pops working it will be doing alright. At least that seemed to work out in the last game I did.

Dmitrisnikioff - 12.08.2023 03:21

Yeah, the peeps behind 3 hate Communism and so they nerf it after it was objectively the best in Vicky 2

Qwerty - 17.05.2023 05:10

how in gods name did you get such a high gdp like by the 40s like you werent even building a lot of industrial buildings you were mostly making ports or baracks or other things like that pls im new and i rly want to improve can someone ecplain

PKOB2 - 13.04.2023 21:53

the colour of Germany makes me crave coffee.

Gabe Robison
Gabe Robison - 09.04.2023 01:56

Sadly Denmark won’t back down anymore because that’s re so small they will meet any naval invasion well

Because: No
Because: No - 04.04.2023 07:25

Hey I got a question when I turned communist as Germany my SOL jumped from 18.1 to 19.9 but the aristocrats have literally ZERO jobs I checked all buildings and ownership methods and nothing so now the upper strata is impoverished is there a way to deal with it or not?

Abd - 01.04.2023 14:40

they changed state run in 1.2 so now government takes it.

Allenor - 13.01.2023 22:10

Why didn't you also liberate all those people in eastern europe from the Russians?

Jacob - 12.01.2023 09:33

Endless legends soundtrack banger

Sorry no speak London
Sorry no speak London - 06.01.2023 16:36

For the idiot socialist that said the message is republican or right wing in general: the strongest methods for a good economy is multiculturalism and no migration controls. Far left methods, that happen to be inaccurate historically since slavery should be the biggest driver of government profits (UK knows it). Also, historically command economies always and with no exception lead to hunger, famine and millions of dead people, I should know as a Romanian whose country endured 50 years of communism.

Comrade Chunky Monkey
Comrade Chunky Monkey - 04.01.2023 06:57

I think command economy is really good if you're able to time its implementation correctly. I was playing as France, and when I enacted command economy, I had at that point been able to set up a pretty good supply line, so the subsidies were negligible. All the subsidies did were prop up my war industries, making conquest easier. I was making so much money I could even afford a low level social security system, which also had fewer costs than I usually do, and keep taxes at the lowest and gov/military wages at the highest. Admittedly, I had been able to secure a vast overseas empire, with the largest African colonies, colonies in the middle east, Argentina, Australia, and control over the Dutch East Indies. But it worked very well until I hit an oil shortage. Even then, My economy was still trucking along, just not as well as before I could secure more oil. All in all, I think command economy is great if you go through a transitionary stage of securing supply lines, and expanding your market.

CC - 03.01.2023 14:53

Red Alert 3 soundtracks 💖

Daedwartin2 - 03.01.2023 11:23

The main reason I believe government-run gives dividends to the bureaucrats is likely a case of the code for ownership was first made in mind aristocrats and capitalists in the very early stages of development. It does help to remember that back in Victoria 2, Capitalists were the ONLY pop type that could receive the profits of factories of which ALL of it went to that state's capitalists. Rural Resources worked the exact same way, but with aristocrats. Since this was the base functionality in 2, they had to make sure first that this worked in 3. So they first made sure the game could give them ownership shares. This was probably done in a way that REQUIRED a pop be the one who had ownership shares. You are not a Pop. This wouldnt be an issue when first done because they hadnt yet added in government-run...but once they did? If the game expects that a pop MUST be the own with ownership shares, you do need to choose SOME pop to be that owner. Since Bureaucrats have ALWAYS been the pop type that represents government office workers and well...bureaucrats? They end up being the only pop that one can reasonable use to represent Government-Owned. To give the money to the player directly likely requires pulling out some code rooted deeply into the game and heavily reworking it to allow the player to be the valid owner.

So if they do ever decide to allow the player to directly get the money, its likely when a working share/stock market is added in, as it be pretty easy to allow the state to directly buy the shares as well.

Sahil hossian
Sahil hossian - 03.01.2023 03:58

Lore of How to Be a Diplomatic Powerhouse momentum 100

Gebus - 02.01.2023 12:35

"I'm going to play socialist".. Immediate nope. Everyone plays socialist in this game. The game forces socialism on a player. Why on earth would I want to see that? I want the opposite, someone to go against the grain and oppose what the game is forcing on you.

Rafael Schwertner
Rafael Schwertner - 31.12.2022 18:28

It's so strange to see a communist Germany, event though in real life Germany was the birthplace of communistic ideas

Andenfighter 007
Andenfighter 007 - 30.12.2022 17:03

My take on the reason government run buildings don't trickle their profits into your treasury is that it would be too overpowered as it'd be the equivalent to 100% dividends taxes. Take into account that as a vanguard party you'd usually go for autocracy and thus benefit from the 25% authority bonus command economy gives, thus earning a ton of money (in my run ~20% of total income) from consumption taxes. Couple this with the income tax bonus and youre not off too bad.
TL;DR: Communism is supposed to give you money from (consumption) tax income, as to earn all industry profits would be too unbalanced.

Still, i really hope they overwork this because the whole "government run" thing is just unnecessarily the worst. They could still just split the dividends between the state and bureaucrats or overhaul command economy as a whole.
