I've never spent any money on the game and I just play the game free. They just need to fix bugs and it's all fine
Ответитьi guess they never learn from the previous CCs Exodus where they basically lost their biggest CCs in a span of a week
ОтветитьI'm from Eastern Europe and honestly, the battle pass was a bit expensive for me even before the price increase and the bundles seemed disgustingly overpriced to me (I've been playing for 4 years and I haven't bought any bundles, or golds, just the battle pass at a discount). In those four years, only the turret bug has been fixed out of the mentioned bugs (thank God!). I ask: why do they want the increased prices when objectively they do very little for the game? It's greed. Elementary, Watson.
ОтветитьHappy New Year Terry from Canada, prices went up exponentially here. I appreciate your views and agree with your decisions. Unfortunately WG doesn’t care what we say they will continue to kill the game until it disappears. I’m of the opinion that their goal is to close blitz and only have legends and pc, that was the reason for the poll around 3 weeks ago.
ОтветитьWell said. WG has slowly drained the spirit out of wanting to play. Too bad; it's a great game otherwise. I guess Victor Kislyi's will to buy a bigger yacht is greater than satisfying his customer's gaming experience.
ОтветитьAppreciate the video and your approach going forward.
I think everyone here wants the same thing. We would like to see the game continue to grow and add new things to the game but not at the expense of the customer’s in game experience. Unfortunately the company’s track record tells us that nothing will change going forward no matter what. I hope in this case I am wrong but I’m not hopeful.
Coming from World of Tanks Blitz, I notice everything is astronomically expensive in Warships Blitz. Battle Pass there is $12 (albeit no high tier tank reward) vs $28 here. I did grab that $2.99 gold bundle twice as a token reward for WG because I have played 500 hours of this game. Ultimately, that's how I look at spending money. If you get plenty of hours and joy from the game, then spending $20 on a camouflage is justified as a thank you to the developer. I've played WOTB for 6000 hours over the years and spent about $150. A movie is $20 for 2 hours entertainment. You do the math! 😂
Of course, I never spend money on gambling unless it involves a guarantee. The only such example was a Lucky 5 box for a tier 5 tank for $8. If I got something already owned, a Lucky 6 box would be the compensation, and so on. I ended up with a tier 7 tank. Every other purchase has been direct for a tank or gold, or a few battle passes when a tier 6 tank was part of the rewards (two were Terminator themed tanks).
Thank you for sticking with us Terry! We appreciate your insights and knowledge as they have helped us to improve our game play without a doubt. Quick game question - GK legendary mod, is it worth it? 🍻
ОтветитьAt this higher price range they should dispense off good t8 premium ships. Blitz pass of this month has been a disaster. Another point is that people who are investing in the game with blirz pass and premium account should be given better priority in crates of getting ships. Sometimes the freebies take up good ships but the premium account holders are neglected. I don't know how bullshit it is ! But wargamins on the verge of doom. Losing ccs losing premium account holders not very soon lose the business.
ОтветитьAlso people are not going to like this. The bot dance is ok since bots don't damage control. If the bot dance is ever fixed then bots should damage control.
ОтветитьGreat video terry. On the tech tree focus. How about a playlist, how to make tech tree tier 9s work, my recommendations to start French Saint-Louis & IJN Takahashi
ОтветитьI'm in GG_EZ in NA. I was a bit shocked how many free gifts i received from fleet mates buying the battle pass. I would guess it was about half our fleet.
ОтветитьI saw the new prices, I’m pissed. 😡
ОтветитьDamn well said and while i will miss the premium reviews, i like to know what I'm fighting, I totally support your decision and am very glad you stayed in the cc program.
ОтветитьDid this only happen to WoW Blitz? Did it effect tanks and other Wargaming games?
ОтветитьFree to play is the way to go for me from now on. Minus two ships I really want. Marlborough and DZP. Those I would consider paying for. Im fortunate that at this point in the game I have a great number of premiums and legendary commanders.
ОтветитьSalute for You 0>
For me, I'd like, the WG add this new login screen music to the port. :)
Vielen Dank und alles gute für das neue Jahr...
ОтветитьGlad to still have you Terry. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and consideration. You have long been consistent on personal responsibility about gambling crates and pricing.
ОтветитьEstimado buen comienzo 2025 para ti, tus cercanos y a todos los capitanes, comparto lo expresado, soy un jugador desconocido o inadvertido😄😃 que solo invierte/pierde tiempo (no dinero) en el juego, mi contribución a las arcas de wows son unos centavos viendo algún que otro anuncio😀
Siendo este tipo de jugador nunca estaré entre los 100 mejores puntajes al final de las temporadas😁😁, me sorprende estar hoy casi un 60% de efectividad en batallas¡¡¡¡🎉🎉
Hoy me quedo con este juego, me gusta, algo le descubro cada tanto en su dinámica, es de acceso gratis y la posibilidad de llegar gratis al final de todas las líneas de desarrollo, por supuesto wows es una empresa "capitalista", su existencia es un negocio por el cual hacer dinero, el día que deje ser rentable cerrara sus puertas, con esta vision no pretendo barcos premium, comandantes legendarios y camuflajes históricos gratis, pero, cada tanto wows nos da la posibilidad gratuita de alguno de ellos, en barcos hasta t7, o un t10 francés como me toco unos días atrás en un cofre¡¡¡
Lo que no me gusta y me es realmente molesto es cuando tu barco con el cual tienes muchas partidas jugadas, y conoces su reacción y desempeño, notas que no se comporta como debe 🤔🤔uhmmm, sera mi sensación o realidad'???, otro tipo de partidas puedo soportarlas, con barcos que predicen tus disparos, barcos tocados por el dedo del Dios programador los cuales no registran daños o daños menores🤔🤔 , barcos que disparan en dos direcciones, acorazados que giran 180° en 3 segundos, andanadas de disparos que vienen de la nada, torpedos que vienen de la nada, barcos mágicos que aparecen de la nada, incendios propios sin recibir impactos, barcos de tu equipo estáticos sin movimientos (si son del equipo adversario👍😁 ) etc,etc,etc...., también acepto que no soy un buen jugador, que mi teléfono no es bueno y mi proveedor de señal no sea el mejor😁😅.
Cuando comienzo a molestarme con las partidas y se pierde lo divertido, me digo: nadie te obligo a descargar el "juego", nadie te obliga a jugarlo y nadie te prohíbe desinstalarlo 😁😁.
Saludos desde Argentina gracias por tu tiempo creando contenidos.🤝🤝
Thank you Terry.
ОтветитьI'm more ambivalent but I stand in solidarity with the players even if it kills this game that I actually still enjoy.
they won't come to their senses, and if the player base just kills the game I think that's justice in the end.
USA here. Not rich. I used to be able to support 3 accounts. I lost one when EG dumped Facebook. Tried to get it switched over. I never heard from WG about switching. I used to buy ships in bundles, outright, but not many of those offered anymore. I'm now down to one account. I buy the blitz pass every month, and maybe a little gold here and there. If I bought a ship on my main account, and I liked it, such as Odin, I would buy that ship on all three accounts. I used spend a good deal of money on thus game, not anymore. The resounding issues with bugs, the updates, log in issues, the loss of accounts, the freaking bots, etc, have caused me to severely limit the amount of money I spend. All of these issues hurt WG in the end. I've seen several spending players get fed up and quit. Thank you Terry, as I've watched your videos for years now. I'm glad you will continue.
ОтветитьTerry, you are hip-deep in the community. Your channel is a household name around here. You are one of us and we love you.
Ответитьhere in NA I haven't seen so many full matches in tier x. people are really trying to make it cost WG by playing more but paying less and focusing on f2p.
ОтветитьTerry thanks you for your contributions. I all way come to you for information on most events wowb
ОтветитьThank you Terry for this balanced and thoughtful content. I highly appreciate your way of explaining things as they are.
And I am more than happy that you stay active for blitz.
As always Terry, I appreciate your reviews, and all the helpful insights you have given over the years. I’ve been your subscriber for over four years, and on this game a little longer than that. I just cancelled my WOWS Blitz premium subscription, and will continue to play as FTP only. After cutting crate odds to ridiculous, and raising prices, I’ve had enough. They’ll miss me, I’ve spent a lot over the years. Thanks again! Binky
Ответитьi have never paid to play WOWZ. It is a fantastic free game.
ОтветитьNo more Shekels to WG! ⚠️
ОтветитьYou can shear a sheep many times, but you can only skin it once…
ОтветитьThank you for the video Terry. Love your channel and respect your opinions.
ОтветитьI agree with you. Let's enjoy the game while we still can. Actually it would be nice if you do more videos on tactics and strategy. There are tons of (outdated) ship reviews/guides but very few map "reviews" and guides about what to do with different ship types on different maps. Showing some common strategies and counter measures. I know you have some and find them much more interesting and useful than ship reviews.
Thanks for your content.
In Germany all costs 5 Euro more and there is no gold bonus on first time buying Gold
ОтветитьPerfect, Terry. Thank you. We’ll be looking forward to your coming content.
ОтветитьWG doesn’t care about the people who essentially beta tested this thing for 5+ years. Its a business, we all get it but this is a shame. If they warned the community and explained that they « needed » to do « some » price increase after fixing every problems (bots, login, MM, ship balancing, selling high tiers ship to new players, etc) maybe it would have been an easier pill to swallow… WG, in my opinion, see that new players are their cash cow, so they will keep producing more content oriented toward them, making this thing irrelevant.
ОтветитьIts very sad to see such a wonderful game been abandoned this way. Personally, since im only 17 i´ve never bought anything with real money and i didn´t noticed any changes in the price (I always considered that it was too expensive) I love your channel and I hope you keep making videos about World of warships blitz. Greetings from Spain!
ОтветитьI understand people are ticked off about the increase in gold, but you can always buy the basic blitz pass at a discount n the first week every month (and lately it comes with 30 days of Premium status). For the price, you get almost 3,000 gold, as well as two extra ships, historical camo, and a ton of silver, supplies, crates, etc.
ОтветитьHey mate,Terry , I really love your character, you’re brilliant man👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏, wishes the best🤞🤞🤞
ОтветитьAnother quick note: with all the other CCs walking away, I was terrified you were doing the same!! Glad you arent!!! I support the others, and they were a fantastic part of the community- shoutout to them all!!! A tragedy that WG has taken things here. But, glad to hear youll still be here Terry!!👍👍
ОтветитьHello Terry.
Happy new years to you and your family.
I hope for you the best.
Great video and explanation like always.
The game is free to play and is enjoyable without spend any money. With the time, it's become more easy to win free gold and unlock free premium ship on a couple of events (OK more T7).
On the game, I have spend a lot of money (around at 200 premium ship... Yes I don't play with a lot😂). But that's my choice, because I can and want, not because I look video or stream.
I have stop since, December 2024, will be my last customer month for a long time.
I haven't forget one point, I really want (if you want want, and have time) to see you again on your personal Graff Zeppelin on 1 or 2 videos. 😇
By the time, the T7 is my favorite tiers to play and I'm not a Cv player but Graff that's really fun to do. 😊
I hope for you the best. 😊
For some reason this post ended up going to a completely different video by someone else - but for what it’s worth my original post said:
Well said Terry - while I’m not happy with these shenanigans, I’m not going to quit the game for it. I’ll think more carefully what I’m willing to spend on (this would come naturally now that I have fair number of premiums - this month’s BP seems a bit redundant since I already have Mainz and Schill for example), but I’ll keep plodding on.
And even when I’m not getting the ships you review, I have always appreciated them as a way to get a better idea of what I’m facing when I do come across them on the red team.
Many streams are ridiculos of promoting new ships like editing videos and now they are in protest .😂😂😂😂They didnt spent money couse they owned press account and why they crying now ,bots moves exatly like the game release. I dont agree with new changes with commander exp.For veterans is not good .
ОтветитьA ship ik can easily deal with destroyers that was open to get I knew I wanted it and I spent money to get it (Austin X American) and I also spend money on the cool alien and monster looking skins that seem to sell only on Halloween…
ОтветитьHas the introduction of legends hurt blitz and changed their focus?
ОтветитьBeen playing for 3 years, spend 100 plus dollars a month. Aedeeming quality, frequency of new ships seems on a good pace. Bad would be prices for the new ships in upper tiers and the drop chances for ships in crates is absolutely absurd. .01 percent drop chance! Also Slai47, Boblyn and pigbay stopped contributing vids, glad your continueing to make videos