Grande vídeo, gracias! Tengo una Sovol SV04 IDEX. En Prusa slicer hay todos los modos disponibles (Dual, Copy, Mirror y exrusores separados), pero en Orca Slicer no hay este modelo preconfigurado, todos los demás sí! :(
Conseguí hacer funcionar en modo Dual en Orca Slicer, va bien de verdad, pero me gustaría tener las opciones de Mirror y Copy funcionando. Es imposible, por lo menos para mi, configurar la impresora para que tenga todas sus posibilidades disponibles.
Un día podrías hacer un video sobre impresoras IDEX y sus Gcodes necesarios para que puedan funcionar!
Un saludo desde Barcelona!
Please do a more Indepth in adaptive pressure advance
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьIs there a setting to turn of automatic massive infill (nearly) always generated for nothing?
ОтветитьDoing my PA tests for the new beta setting, but how do you suggest testing it for bridges and overhangs?
ОтветитьYou completely missed the part where you tell us how to use the new YOLO flow test. Do I just add or subtract that number from the flow?
ОтветитьOfficially out today
ОтветитьMulti material interlocking should have a option to avoid creating islands, it would avoid retractions and some problems to a lot of people.
ОтветитьI'm still waiting for a build of FreeCAD that works on Raspberry Pi 4B (I have an 8GB board).
(There's a FreeCAD 0.19, it installs, runs, but doesn't work).
-But I'm also waiting for a build of Orca Slicer that works on the Pi 4B.
So currently I can't do any 3D-printing on my Raspi.
really like this changelog video, so many cool features, loving that interlocking multi material feature, such a great idea, very happy I switched over to orca this year!
ОтветитьAnycubic recently switched to Orca Slicer and abandoned their old one.
ОтветитьThe interlocking feature is really interesting! I think I should download OrcaSlicer 2.2.
Thanks for featuring my channel, Daniel 🙌
Jerad Pass
ОтветитьNice videos, man! I would love to see a video to create a new printing profile from ground, how setup layer heights and widths, recommended seam gap, tune Speed profile based on your max accel and speed, or how to know a good inner/outer wall layer speed and all those different parameters that most of us use with the default configs
ОтветитьGreat video - question regarding the Prusa XL toolchanger support - in Prusaslicer for both my XL and Mk4, there is an Input Shaper profile and a non input shaper profile for both printers. Is the Orca Prusa XL 5 toolhead profile Input Shaper or Non Input Shaper?
ОтветитьI mostly love the print profile updates, it's like I get better prints without even having to do any tests :p
ОтветитьI wish we could get 'ignore the color and brand when refiling' for AMS. Its been requested and seems simple enough to do. I know you can trick AMS but this would be pretty cool
ОтветитьGreat content as always!!
ОтветитьOrca 2.2 beta has been really nice to use so far!
ОтветитьI hope in iterlocking wall feauture to be included soon.
Ответитьcant wait to get mi sovol SV04 on Orca slicer
ОтветитьMy sensor that I developed can automate PA calibration so it’d make it a lot better
Thank you.
Does orca fully support IDEX?
I wish more creators would suggest donating to projects like orcaslicer if they feel the software is worth a donation. It helps the devs out. They work really hard to bring us updates. I donate for orcaslicer so I did put my $ where my mouth is before writing this. lol I know I use it a lot, and without these awesome people. I wouldn’t have the software to use. 😊
Love the video, and the new features mentioned! That pressure calibration possibly becoming more automated is definitely something to watch. 🎉
I really appreciate these types of videos. I'm too lazy to read the patch notes and the added context is awesome. Appreciate the time you put into this.
ОтветитьEDIT solved: pullrequest 6780
add a folder called "data_dir" inside the portable app does what i want.
Would like to learn more about managing orca slicer in regards to.
Running multiple version of orca slicer. Stable and DevBuilds, Do they all save to the same location?
How does it handle conflicting settings from updated features as your roll forward and backward between different orca builds.
How to run different orca versions to handle multiple printers. Example if you have multiple different printers that you use. to cleanly separate out the settings.
How to sync these setting between multiple computers in the house, Desktop/Laptop.
I come from superslicer background and you can create a folder called "configurations" inside the app folder, and it wont use the windows default "appdata" folder to store settings.
This enables you to separate out different "printers" and "configuration settings".
Run multiple versions simultaneously (stable/dev/past builds) and not have conflicting config files that don't understand older features/settings and you can even store the app on a network NAS / dropbox / one drive / Google Drive to sync between multiple computers.
i am very keen to get into Orca.
Should have called the flow test YOFO (You Only Flow Once).
Ответить*Buggy, not bugged.
ОтветитьI wish they would upgrade the UI of Orca Slicer to a normal Windows application type :/ The high contrast, big font, tiny scrollbar style is just terrible.
ОтветитьI have not tried orca slicer, but i will be downloading to experiment with because of your video, thank you!
ОтветитьI've been saying it since a few weeks ago:
ОтветитьI‘m desperately waiting for slow printing over a bridge. When you have a real fast printer, the layer above a bridge is printed super fast and that will do a lot of harm to the bridge layer. It almost feels like a bug.
ОтветитьThanks again my friend. For years we were both Cura fans and although I still like Cura, ever since I got a Bambu, I've converted. I just retired Orca and love it.
ОтветитьThanks for another great video Daniel!
ОтветитьWhy the YOLO samples are so thick?!
ОтветитьGreat video on all the upcoming features. I need to check this out and setup a profile for the Black Box CE Tool Changer.
ОтветитьHave Orca releases got further inbetween in 2024? / I need to get into this calibration stuff from scratch. Cura was much more foolproof! Right now with Orca I've got a my printer pass a 30+ Max Flow Rate test and the prints fail even below MFR set to as low as 15. Printer head often "cuts cornerrs" leaving THICK tracks of extruded filament.
ОтветитьGreat video.
ОтветитьStill hobbyists only. no surface mode and bridges are still printed midair. Not even close to Cura 4. Pressure advance sounds nice but it's an easy fix to make the printer accelerate the same in every situation. Would've been smarter to separate pressure advance vs pressure decline to make it possible to print LW PLA or other foamed filaments
ОтветитьDoes the YOLO test use the same formula as the original flow test to figure out the flow setting?
Ответитьthe Orcaslicer beta where a mixed bag for me, where curious to use it with a idex.
but the Release is a bit bugged for Idex printer.
also the preheat feature for the next Hotend is broken for RRF
The adaptive PA is a game changer for high speed. Been playing with it for a few weeks now waiting for my idex to show up and it works well