how to WIN against VAYNE TOP every time

how to WIN against VAYNE TOP every time


6 месяцев назад

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@cat4luny4 - 25.12.2023 03:53

you could manage the wave early because vayne wasn't there on time but most vaynes won't do that

@NightridingDoom - 24.12.2023 17:48

no it's because you're smurfing

@akumazillatwo2522 - 12.12.2023 09:12

Dave the diver music goes hard

@hawk-nightcore5577 - 09.12.2023 22:58

But imagine you play safe like that, stay even and then the 15/0 Kaisa pops up in your face. How do you win it then?

@RijaMo - 09.12.2023 12:02

Wow that Vayne sucks. Did not even try to zone your or anything.

@Ivanovic5580 - 05.12.2023 15:21

Against a low Emerald Vayne btw LOL.

@izio1111 - 03.12.2023 15:49

Thank you so so so so much. I never knew how to play ranged matchups until this vid. Time to get out of Emeraldo ❤

@muffinboi3703 - 03.12.2023 02:15

bro, I was watching this video in queue, and there's a jayne top rn

@music4meh - 02.12.2023 02:27

fun tha mentals
as in, it's fun, and you fuck with their mental. Idk

@Alatreon22 - 01.12.2023 13:02

Hey Alois, you said this is the way how to win against Vayne Top "every time".

I highly doubt you would do that well if you face a Vayne Top that knows the matchup and actually plays rather than brain afks like this Vayne did.
You did show how to use fundamentals in this game but a lot of it worked due to the fact Vayne is entirely clueless and has no idea how to play Vayne nor the matchup at all.

I would say against an actual Vayne Toplane player you would struggle a lot more.
Besides that, you didn't even win the lane nor went even, you fell behind in Gold and ultimately won due to your team being ahead on every single position.

So what we can learn is how to do well in lane with fundamentals against a brainless player but we don't learn how to use these fundamentals in a game against a player with their monitor turned on...

On average, a Vayne Toplane is about 400 gold ahead of a Garen minute 15 if we look at elos below Master.
This Vayne is roughly this exact amount of gold ahead at minute 15 against you despite not playing the game and she didn't even went Cull despite only afk farming in which you have no reason to go Dorans over Cull.

So idk, name the video "How to apply fundamentals against brainless Vayne Top players" but the current titel is just absolute bs...

@zestyorange1367 - 01.12.2023 06:56

show us how to beat quinn on garen

@nanobotspace - 01.12.2023 03:08

Dady Alois
Now do a guide to win a range match up in top lane

@vanwarbux4354 - 01.12.2023 01:29

What if she runs you down instead of farming at lvl1 and if your jungler does not show up to punish summoners use

@sreva1177 - 30.11.2023 16:30

Could you do the same with GP?
I really struggle against those who play well

@hades2097 - 30.11.2023 15:07

Just buy kapturek and ur free to go

@honzahelas1463 - 29.11.2023 21:51

pick garen only farm and get better team than they have😂😂😂😂😂

@QuangNguyen-vf3nz - 29.11.2023 20:44

If you see someone picks Vayne top, find a champ who can utilize Edge of Night well and can chase her down. After you get to that item, it's game over for her because her E will no longer push you away, she has no way to retaliate if you are Garen/Sett/Darius/Xin Zhao/ Tryndamere. etc. It may seems troll at first but the item works well as long as you close the game early after that spike.

@iTzzTronco - 29.11.2023 19:10

I feel the guy in the beginning. I was swapping away from botlane and experienced extreme improvement. For winrate AND fun!

@G14D0S - 29.11.2023 16:49

alois could you try garen with first strike? could be pretty op

@unrealgames9288 - 29.11.2023 16:07

Pick ap malphite

@charukarasinduekanayaka8730 - 29.11.2023 15:54

For all you adcs out there, adc is a strong role if you dont play adcs in the bot lane, kind of ironic but its true. Mages are just better currently.

@tenshi.1968 - 29.11.2023 15:36

adc players are degens, even moreso are the vayne top players, i once got filled top and cheesed one with pta ignite belveth in a bush level 1 and she instantly afks, they can't play like normal players.

@killamasta74 - 29.11.2023 14:58

I didn't need to learn how to beat vayne top, I just love seeing vayne tops get destroyed.

@haozhao2687 - 29.11.2023 14:36

begging for irelia educational gameplay

@aa-xx6zi - 29.11.2023 13:27

Is edge of night rush good? As a darius or garen

@ambrosbrenner5266 - 29.11.2023 13:07

win by using fundamentals ofc

@yuyauchida2629 - 29.11.2023 08:57

Vayne top? Edge of night rush.

@user-hx3wy4qn3d - 29.11.2023 08:12

Ты так стараешься говорить , несмотря на боль в горле. Побереги себя !

@mrfumetsu - 29.11.2023 07:55

This works if the enemy Vayne is a retard

@azurehecate4882 - 29.11.2023 06:01

whenever i meet a vayne it's always 1M master one

@user-ru4jp2ym6b - 29.11.2023 05:39

I was hardstudk silver for 10 seasons. Played vayne top and now I’m grand master in three days

@wiljagerhardt1219 - 29.11.2023 05:33

only works if u lane against the biggest npc vayne

@miamiheat109 - 29.11.2023 05:16

Can you do a series on Vlad top pls

@mercenaryrex4578 - 29.11.2023 05:15

Glad to know avoiding your laner when you know you can't match him is a legit strat :D

@ernestopulido8837 - 29.11.2023 05:00

My enemy Vayne would just rush straight to Bush and zone me lvl 1

@LukeA471 - 29.11.2023 04:27

I just commented on a video asking how to beat vayne top. I feel like this is for me thank you

@mrhakk4538 - 29.11.2023 04:06

Alois today i picked garen blind and enemy top laner picked vayne. I was thinking "what if vayne doesn't leash" while watching your video and my enemy vayne didn't leash and did second wave crush. He was just pushing, pushing and pushing. Poking me under my turret. So because of that my lane was over. What should have i done?

@YamiNoSasuke - 29.11.2023 04:04

Fun fact : In Korean when Garen is using Q it sound like he say : PIGGYYYYYY !!!

@Mochi-yv1us - 29.11.2023 02:38

plaay wukoong toop lliillbboy

@KingOfMalevolence - 29.11.2023 02:32

Not to be that guy, but this is a high challenger player laning vs a 30% winrate on Vayne Emerald 3 player. This doesn't show anyone how to win vs Vayne top, it just shows how to smurf and be much better than someone 10 divisions below you.

@coryhenshaw2462 - 29.11.2023 02:22

I love your vids and content. My only suggestion is to drop the constant fundamentals noise / picture popup, its annoying in my opinion.

Maybe i'm a minority and u should keep doing what ur doing. But thats my honest feedback, it kinda irks me when it pops up and interrupts the gameplay. Cheers mate

@KenaPKK - 29.11.2023 02:12

Vayne misplayed this early lane so hard

@skarrik_spinemanglr - 29.11.2023 02:11

dave the diver music going crazy

@sedarium5307 - 29.11.2023 02:10

Deserved for ranged Top

@SerVuS23 - 29.11.2023 02:09

if this vayne could only ppm you..... at least 100 times when you were attacking creeps xD

@WrellMM - 29.11.2023 02:03

Vayne is fine how do I beat Varus TOP he builts tank and melts me in a single ult
