wonder if we'll get Wuk Lamat (Savage) in lieu of Raubann EX
hopefully not XD
Dynamis rising!
ОтветитьSeems like they’re trying to implement lessons learned from Endwalker. Good on them! 😊
Thank you for your coverage! 😊
Aren't the healers on strike? This should be non-issue then.
Edit: I forgot my /s. Either ways, the healers won't play on launch or they play other roles, benefits me regardless, as a healer main my queue will be even faster. Win-win for me
Be like me and be on a family vacation launch week 😂
ОтветитьI don't believe this is gonna be as big of an issue as it was during endwalker. Endwalker dropped at a time when world of warcraft players had basically jumped ship and came here and we experienced the biggest boom in popularity ever. Since then, anyone who would've migrated back to wow have, and those who want to stay have. Granted, there's gonna be a ton of returning players who were on break, but I definitely don't expect another que savage experience.
Ответитьjust never logout until you are done with msq
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I'm EU on NA servers. When I'm on everyone else is asleep so I had no problems with getting on. :D
ОтветитьThis won't be a problem.... I doubt we will have more than 20mins ques.
ОтветитьPlus I can't go voaot dynamis as. I have a house so I'm not roajomg not being able to come back.
ОтветитьDamn they went for the throat when they said that for automatic logout lmao
ОтветитьAs somebody who moved their to Dynamis, I fear the queue for duties more than the log in queue as I hope in silence there magically wil be enough people to not make trails a nightmare long wait ^^""
Ответитьi’m gonna be honest guys i’ll be getting on at about 7 am eastern on EA release. just let me get on first to make sure everything is alright then i’ll give you the ok!
ОтветитьRelease the Kraken!!
ОтветитьNot sure what the issue is with the automatic logout, it's the fairest way to do it. Of course you should logout when you're not actively playing. When Endwalker launched, when I was finally able to login I saw people who programmed command loops to run in circles, jump around and do other specific actions so that they wouldn't be logged out, probably while they were sleeping. Meanwhile the rest of us who were working all day and came home couldn't login at all. For me the most radical suggestion I would give is not only an automatic logout but a playtime cap per day for the first few days. The community would riot, of course, but it would ensure there weren't any people staying logged in 24/7. It would be a poor business decision, though, so it most certainly won't happen.
ОтветитьRaubahn EX “bull of all amigos”is gonna be a tough one.
ОтветитьI play in the morning on crystal I’ll be laughing as I have no issues
ОтветитьAll that reading just for them to say (( you may not be able to log in and play on the day of release so don’t take off from work just to play))
ОтветитьWorking late nights means being up late nights. So I rarely experience the congestion issues.
ОтветитьIts not crazy for the "logout when you arent playing" message bc theres some players who never log out. Mint Dew is a very high end raider but theyre never logged off even when they arent doing anything
ОтветитьAttach string to joystick to rotating fan. Problem solved
ОтветитьNo one yet has been able to answer a question I keep asking on the score Phoenix Facebook pages. Let's say if right after the game launches and I log in and I go and get that free Fantasia and I go to Fantasia my character, I now have to leave the game edit my character and go back into the login queue again, thus adding further congestion? Or is the whole like our grace period now we're just does it all in game and you no longer have to lock out of the game?
ОтветитьFree trial users shouldn’t even bother during early access weekend
ОтветитьFor new expansion congestion, I'll never forget having to get past Raubahn (Savage) in Stormblood. Here's hoping Dawntrail has a smooth launch.
ОтветитьDuring EW I logged in right as early access began and never logged out. When I went to sleep I would go to my private estate and clamp the analog sticks on my controller so there was always input, preventing the game from logging me out. I would then pray to RNGesus for no power outages or disconnections and managed to stay logged in for 3 days straight.
Ответить"Stagger player traffic" = MSQ quests in seperate areas to prevent funneling everyone in one spot early on ala Raubhan Savage/Pipin Ex
ОтветитьI think those NA times are a littttle off. 1pm-11pm PDT is 4pm-2am EDT... have you ever tried to que for something after midnight EDT on Aether? wait times are HUGE.
I'd say its more like... 11am-9pm PDT.
I think 'devised methods to stagger player traffic during msq progression' just means the same thing it does every expansion, that at the start you have 2 options where to go first. In ShB you could go find Ali, or Alphy first. In EW you could go with Thancred, Uri, and Estinien to Thav first, or you could stay and go to Labby with Y'shtola etc.
ОтветитьOh right! I forgot about that possibility. 😅
ОтветитьFor the first time in a while, I'm going back to Seraph
ОтветитьAs a Dynamis player, I could care less if people don't come over to us. I like my limited toxicity and great community. Most of us are pretty friendly towards one another.
I'm an 11 year vet that has lived on multiple DC's and Servers over my time and Dynamis is FINALLY home.
I think staggering means prioritizing roulettes for the first msq instance, then then the second, etc as time goes on.
ОтветитьThe wait time for instanced content is for anyone that remembers the horrors of Stormblood. There was a personal instance quest early on in the story and because of high traffic you'd constantly get kicked out of the instance just as it was starting. And because everyone was spamming him to start said quest it created a nightmare scenario trying to get it completed.
ОтветитьI don't think this will be a issue because of how many healers not going to login to strike.
ОтветитьI'm so hypeeeed
ОтветитьWhen is the early access?
ОтветитьThe login ques are whatever and expected, but the whole 30 min. aftering being afk gets you kicked is going to be annoying again....I don't know remember if they banned people for using macros but what's to stop people from just putting something on their keyboard and have them be constantly running into a wall (in a private area)?
Ответитьa question for all the AFK'ers: why?
ОтветитьThe death of afk players.
ОтветитьDawntrail Queues (Ultimate)
ОтветитьAlso note, if you intend to DC travel to a less occupied world make sure to pop in to your retainers and pull out what you'll need. it'll likely be a few days before you can reliably return to your home world so you may as well consider any items locked in your retainers as inaccessable after DT's release.
ОтветитьHey Cole 👋 any chance you could do a video on leveling speed 80–90 for pic and viper? Or are your videos from a couple years ago still relevant? I don’t know when exactly dungeon exp was buffed relative to those videos. I’m leaning towards bozjan southern front or maybe eureka orthos? Because queue times might be bad and I expect trusts are too slow
ОтветитьIf we got small 20 player qeues now, then servers are not ready sigh
ОтветитьSE will just add, if you AFK for 2 mins you get kicked out and have to wait 2 hrs to log back in.
ОтветитьLong time player advice, don't try to log in for the first 18 hours, you will spend more time waiting in queue than playing. There will be multiple instances so don't forget how you move from one instance to another when separated from the others in your party. There are going to be LOTS of party wipes for the first few days because everytime there is an expansion the difficulty of the mechanics also bumps up a bit. And be patient with the players that hit level 90 in the last 4 months, there is alot about thier jobs that are still a mystery to them.
ОтветитьThere wasn’t even a queue on Balmung. There is no hype for this expansion and it seems like everyone beside to most toxically positive defenders hate it